After playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons for a while, players will likely have collected more gyroids than they know what to do with. Gyroids are cute little characters with unique designs that players can find buried in the ground, or grow by watering a planted gyroid fragment. While collecting them can be a lot of fun at first, players will soon find themselves with more of the little figures than they know what to do with.

Luckily, Animal Crossing: New Horizons players are no strangers to finding new creative ways to spice up their islands. Many have found fun uses for gyroids besides simply hoarding them or selling them. Now, an overabundance of gyroids feels like less of an annoyance and more like an opportunity to create some fun scenarios around the island.


Who’s the worst villager in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

There are over 400 villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and while beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are definitely some villager designs and personalities that are way more popular than others. Characters like Raymond, Rosie, Sherb, and Ione have been fan-favorite villagers from the moment their ACNH models were revealed, while less-cute characters like Barold, Rodney, and Hippeaux’s unique and glum designs usually put them on the bottom rungs of any tier ranking. With that said, it’s been four years since the game launched, and what’s “best” and what’s “worst” has definitely changed as people get sick of seeing the same popular faces again and again. Who’s the worst villager in your opinion and why?


Gyroids Can Spice Up Any Nightclub Builds As Dancers

This Use Of Gyroids Was Suggested By Reddit User einkrokodil

One aspect of gyroids that players love to incorporate into their designs is their ability to sync up with music. So long as there is a source of music nearby, all gyroids in the room or area will move in rhythm with it. This means there are a lot of great uses for gyroids involving music, including the popular suggestion by Reddit user einkrokodil to use them as dancers in a nightclub.

Players can create a fun dance floor to place the gyroids on and even sit one of their gyroids behind a turntable to act as a DJ. Since they will all move to the music, it will look like all the gyroids in the club are dancing along. If players designed a night-club-inspired space, it may feel a little empty without having patrons populating it. Gyroids can liven up these builds a lot, and really create a fun club atmosphere.


Liven Up The Beach With Gyroids

This Use Of Gyroids Was Suggested By Reddit User MoreCoffee9418

Because Animal Crossing: New Horizons takes place on an island, it’s a natural setting for creating fun beach scenes. While there are plenty of items that can help spice up an island’s beach area, these scenes can sometimes feel a little empty. Villagers wander around the island and rarely congregate in a single place. That can make even the best-designed beaches feel empty since there are no actual characters enjoying it.

Luckily, players like Reddit user MoreCoffee9418 have found a way to add a little life to the beach by using gyroids. Instead of just empty chairs, abandoned umbrellas, and lonely beach balls, gyroids can help make an island’s beach look like a popular destination. Many gyroids also have designs that fit nicely into a beach aesthetic, and wouldn’t look too out of place at a typical tiki bar. Players with an extensive gyroid collection can therefore give their beaches a strong tiki theme.


Hiding Gyroids In A Dense Forest Gives Islands An Enchanted Feel

This Use Of Gyroids Was Suggested By Reddit User iilikecereal

It’s unclear in the Animal Crossing series if gyroids are living beings or not. While the existence of Lloid would suggest that they are alive, it’s never really made clear. Whether they are or aren’t actually alive in the canon of the game, it’s undeniable that gyroids at least look like living creatures. Their shape and design are reminiscent of the Koroks from Legend of Zelda, meaning gyroids can make for good forest spirit stand-ins.

One Reddit user, iilikecereal, said they like to hide their gyroids around their island like tiny forest spirits hidden in the trees. Players who want to give their island a more fantastical feel can easily use their gyroids in similar ways to create that sense of otherworldliness. Strong theming like his is always a great way to make Animal Crossing: New Horizons islands stand out, and the gyroids can serve as a fun Easter egg hunt for any visitors to the island.


Gyroids Make The Perfect Customers For Restaurant Builds

This Use Of Gyroids Was Demonstrated By Reddit User jaaxpod

One thing Animal Crossing: New Horizons players love to create are public places and establishments that aren’t typically part of the town buildings. This can be things like local markets or amusement parks. One common thing that players like to build is restaurants since a lot of furniture items lend themselves to that theme. While the in-game villagers won’t actually patronize the restaurant, that’s okay, because players can rely on the most loyal customers of all: gyroids.

Restaurant builds will feel a lot less empty if they are full of gyroid customers sitting at tables and enjoying different food items. A take on this can be seen in Reddit user jaaxpod’s outdoor cafe, which is populated by several different gyroids. One is even seen working the counter, making the restaurant feel like it has both staff and customers. This allows visitors to the island to enjoy a lively restaurant experience, even if the owner isn’t around to work as the store’s employee.


Make A Tiny Model Village With Gyroid Villagers

This Use Of Gyroids Was Demonstrated By Reddit User AlianovaR

Though gyroids vary in size, they are typically a lot smaller than most of the villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This means that, aside from being used for full-size scenes, gyroids are also the perfect items for creating miniature scenes in Animal Crossing. Creating a smaller model of something in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a good way to preserve space on one’s island while still having a unique bit of scenery.

One great example of using gyroids for a miniature scene is Reddit user AlianovaR’s miniature gyroid village. This is essentially a scaled-down version of a typical animal crossing village, using the gyroids as the villagers. The little paths also add a lot to the scene. This could be a fun project for any Animal Crossing island. If players wanted to get really detailed with it, they could even use gyroids and tiny houses to create a scale model of their own island to serve as a 3D map.


Gift Gyroids To Villagers

Gifting Items To Villagers Can Earn Players Rewards

Players in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can develop relationships with the villagers on their island. This can earn them in-game items and ensure that the villagers they want on their island stick around. One good way to maintain positive relationships with villagers is by giving them gifts, especially ones that they like. If a player already has an excess of gyroids and isn’t sure what to do with them, one good solution for this is to give them away as gifts to their favorite villagers.

This is an especially good option for players who don’t see themselves doing any creative projects with gyroids, or just have an overabundance of them and want to offload some. Some players online have even suggested that gifting gyroids can be a good way to get coveted villager photos from residents of their island. While this doesn’t seem like a guarantee, several players have said they see higher-than-average results receiving photos in return for gyroids than other gifts.


Create A Dedicated Gyroid Collection Space

Gyroids Can Be Placed On Shelves For Display

While making scenes with gyroids is one fun way to use them, some players might just want to show off their gyroid collections. These little creatures come in all different shapes and sizes and even have some distinct themes. Players who want to simply show off their favorites may want to make a special place just for them so visitors to the island can appreciate their gyroids.

There are a few different ways gyroids can be put on display. Some players will dedicate a room in their house to their gyroid collection, lining the walls with shelves and putting their favorites on display. If players find that their collection is a bit too big for their house alone, they can also make dedicated outdoor spaces into gyroid galleries. Players can arrange them by color, theme, or whatever they find to be the most aesthetically pleasing arrangement. At some point, players may need to make cuts, as gyroid collections can get pretty extensive.


Make Gyroids Members Of A Band

This Use Of Gyroids Was Demonstrated By Reddit User PineappleAndCoconut

Since users can sync up gyroids to music, they don’t just make good dancers, but also great bandmates. There are a variety of instruments that are either furniture pieces or even functional in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, meaning players can set up a pretty elaborate stage full of musical equipment. As long as players have a source of music going, all the gyroids they put on stage with them will sink up and move to the same rhythm, allowing players to give the illusion that they are playing instruments as part of a band.

One great example of this comes from the Reddit user PineappleAndCoconut. This player created an awesome stage with a quartet of singing gyroids and a band backing them up. Using a tambourine to play along, PineappleAndCoconut creates a fun musical experience with their gyroids. Their use of Wallopoid as a drummer is particularly perfect, as its arms actually look like it is hitting the drums.


Gyroids Can Create A Spooky Tone In A Village

Gyroid Noises Can Be Used To Set A Dark Tone

At first, the idea of using gyroids for something creepy might seem strange. After all, the little creatures are pretty cute. Of course, anyone familiar with the horror genre knows that the line between cute and creepy can be easily blurred. If anything, haunting scenes can be made even more frightening by including something that should otherwise be seen as cute or innocent. The entire haunted doll subgenre has thrived on this for years, so there’s no reason horror fans can’t use gyroids in a similar way.

Concealing gyroids behind other objects can allow players to make strange ambient noises that are seemingly coming from nowhere. Alternatively, gyroids can be used to set up macabre scenes that can leave visiting players wondering what went down. Reddit user Affectionate-Set2103 said in a post that they set up a creepy gyroid altar where some sort of horrific ritual seems to have taken place. Scenes like this can be a great way for players to create some creepy world-building for their island.


Gyroids Make The Perfect Island Welcome Party

This Idea Was Demonstrated By An Unknown Reddit User

In a post by a now-deleted Reddit user, a player showed off their gyroid welcoming party that they set up outside of their island’s museum. The gyroids serve as the perfect, given they won’t be going anywhere, and their intermittent movements can easily be interpreted as displays of excitement. While this player set up their welcome outside of their island’s museum, an even better use for this type of display could be at the entrance to the island.

A huge part of the fun in Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes from visiting other islands and seeing the creative ideas other players have. Gyroids can make a great way for players to welcome newcomers to their island with enthusiastic fanfare. Players could also use specific styles of gyroids to give visitors an idea of the type of island they are about to explore. This type of warm welcome is also a great way for Animal Crossing: New Horizons players to continue having a positive and creative community.

Source: einkrokodil/Reddit, MoreCoffee9418/Reddit, iilikecereal/Reddit, jaaxpod/Reddit, AlianovaR/Reddit, Affectionate-Set2103/Reddit, PineappleAndCoconut/Reddit

animal crossing new horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Animal Crossing




March 20, 2020


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