Contains spoilers for G.O.D.S. #8!Marvel’s latest cosmic journey has ended on a huge cliffhanger, one that threatens to rewrite not only the series, but the whole history of Marvel as readers know it. If the world loses one of its major heroes, what does it look like? Does it even survive? The choice at the heart of this question remains, for now, up in the air, but whatever the outcome, it’s sure to have massive consequences.

In G.O.D.S. #8 by Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti, main character Wyn is offered the chance to have his history changed. While readers don’t get to see his choice, it’s strongly hinted that Wyn accepts, thus altering the Marvel Universe.

Wyn is the avatar of The-Powers-That-Be, the entity representing all magic in the Marvel Universe. After Wyn time travels back to his own wedding, his patron appears to him, offering him a choice to change his past. Wyn’s role separates him from his wife Aiko, who works for The-Powers-That-Be’s opposite, The-Natural-Order-Of-Things. If he takes The-Powers-That-Be’s offer, he can live out his potential life with Aiko, but everything readers have seen in this series won’t have happened.

the cropped G.O.D.S. variant cover to X-Men Hellfire Gala #1


Marvel’s Cosmos-Shaking G.O.D.S. Is Finally Complete… But Is the Ambitious Sci-Fi Epic Worth Checking Out? (Series Review)

Hickman and Schiti’s epic G.O.D.S. is gorgeous, endlessly creative, melancholy, and occasionally inscrutable as it ends with unanswered questions.

Wyn’s Choice Could Doom the World

Wyn is pessimistic about good vs evil in G.O.D.S #1

Wyn’s choice could have dire consequences for the Marvel Universe as readers know it. G.O.D.S. has shown Wyn saving the world several times, so if he chooses his personal happiness, then are those heroic acts reversed? Or does The-Powers-That-Be find another avatar, someone else whose life will be forever broken? Wyn’s whole reason for traveling back in time is his realization of just how much regular people pay for service to the gods. So, he’s almost certainly going to make the choice to change things and give himself the life he was denied.

However, there’s also a strong hint in the issue that Wyn might not make the choice to change things. While on his time-traveling jaunt, he runs into an ever further future version of himself, who claims that when the time came, he didn’t have the guts to change anything. Does this future version of Wyn lock the present version’s choice in place, or will this future also be erased with the changing of the past? Even the “main” Wyn is, with G.O.D.S. #8, from 100 years in the future, and if Marvel readers know anything about possible futures, it’s that they’re always being changed.

G.O.D.S. Sets Up More Marvel Mysteries

Marvel GODS Review

Importantly, Wyn’s decision also might be part of a larger plan. The ending of G.O.D.S. #6 implies that Wyn is done working for anyone, but in issue #8, his patron claims that he’s still been loyal over the 100 years between issues. Is his loyal service to his patron only feigned? Readers know he’s traveled back in time to his wedding to change things, but he also implies that he didn’t expect his patron to appear there. Is he lying, and if so, what’s his plan? Wyn’s a trickster, and he’s almost certainly got something up his sleeve.

What this relies on is a follow-up to the series. G.O.D.S. #8 is the final issue, but there have been multiple hints that the series isn’t done just yet. The letters page for issue #8 straight-up says that readers will see these characters again, which is likely why the series is so bold in leaving unanswered questions. As it currently stands, the Marvel Universe hangs in the balance as Wyn is forced to choose between a life with the woman he loves and the dutiful existence to which he’s always been bound until now.

G.O.D.S. #8 (2024)

Mateus Manhanini's cover to G.O.D.S. #8

  • Writer: Jonathan Hickman
  • Artist: Valerio Schiti
  • Colorists: Fer Sifuentes-Sujo with Marte Gracia
  • Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
  • Cover Artist: Mateus Manhanini