Warning: Spoilers for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21!

Marvel has made it clear that it has the perfect mentor for Spider-Man Miles Morales in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – but it is not the original Webslinger, Peter Parker. Instead, Miles could learn from another new addition to the MCU: Blade. A connection between the two on-screen would bring a unique dynamic to both characters’ roles in the MCU, something Marvel has briefly explored in the comics.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21 – written by Cody Ziglar, with art by Brent Peeples – featured an intense confrontation between Blade and Miles. More than just showing how dangerous they could be as adversaries, however, it made clear how much Blade has to teach the younger hero.

The fight was brief, yet one of the best, most intricate, and well-layered Marvel fights of the year so far. As thrilling as the sequence was, Blade made time for this to be a teachable moment for Miles Morales, even in the midst of his new villainous turn.

Miles Morales and Clone Brother Shift


Miles Morales Lore Change Makes His Superhero Brother an Official Family Member

Spider-Man’s super-powered clone brother Shift has officially joined the Morales family in a heartwarming preview for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #20.

Blade And Miles Moralas Quickly Established Themselves As A Formative Duo

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21 – Written By Cody Ziglar; Art By Brent Peeples, Daniel Picciotto, Bryan Valenza, & VC’s Cory Petit

Blade has been one of many mentor figures in Miles Morales’ life since becoming Spider-Man. Their partnership blossomed quickly when Brooklyn was overrun by vampires, demanding a team-up between Miles, Blade, and his daughter Bloodline. As is the case with his daughter as well, playing authority figure for Miles Morales has revealed a surprisingly warmer side to Blade, even going as far as to gift Spider-Man with an anti-vampire suit to help him fend off R’ym’r the Immortal, all while showing Miles the ropes of the supernatural.

Now, though, Blade has unexpectedly taken a villainous turn, secretly building a vampire army to take over the world, which he has shrouded in literal darkness by blotting out the sun. As seen in a flashback in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21, one of his first victims he turned into a vampire was Miles Morales. Miles tried to fight off Blade after being bitten, but there were many layers to this fight. Physically, they characters jousted, with Miles fighting for his life and struggling both to fight off his vampirism and Blade. Yet through it all, Blade remained calm.

Blade Still Has Lessons To Teach Miles, Even As A Villain

Miles Could Be Pivotal To Ending The “Blood Hunt

As much as Miles Morales is trying his hardest to fight off Blade, Blade would rather turn this into a learning lesson when he knows Miles can’t beat him. Miles is fighting hard knowing his friend has turned into an enemy, but Blade – knowing Spider-Man is outmatched – is teaching him about vampirism. While being a fight that’s as cerebral as it is exciting, it shows that Blade still sees enough potential in Miles Morales to want the best for him and teach him with the best intentions in mind, even if those intentions are nefarious.

Blade sees enough potential to turn Spider-Man into a minion, much like he did previously to Black Panther. However, as the stakes of this “Blood Hunt” event heighten, one has to wonder if Blade could be setting up his downfall by teaching a minion lessons like this, as this moment could prove to be foreshadowing. As the new Lord of the Vampires, Blade is certain that he’s unstoppable, but if Miles Morales does manage to break free from his control by arc’s end, then Spider-Man has learned everything he needs to know about how to finally beat Blade for good.


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.