Venerated Punisher writer Garth Ennis is more than okay with Marvel moving away from Frank Castle’s well-known skull symbol. The vigilante’s iconic insignia has been the center of debate in recent years. Now one of Castle’s most beloved writer airs his thoughts on why it’s fine for Marvel Comics’ gunslinger to leave the symbol behind.

Garth Ennis sat down for an interview with Comic Book Herald and addressed the idea of working with the Punisher again given Marvel’s reluctance to use the Punisher. Speaking on the subject, Ennis said he “wouldn’t mind jettisoning” the skull symbol if Marvel was nervous about using it.

Ennis notes that there are storytelling elements to the symbol, calling it a “distraction” and “psychological warfare” for Frank Castle’s enemies. But he stands firm that it’s not a deal breaker for him, saying “it’s not important” in regards to actually writing the Punisher.

Garth Ennis Confirms That the Punisher Doesn’t Need His Skull Symbol

The Punisher’s skull is one of the most identifiable logos in the Marvel Universe. However, recent years have seen the publisher pull back on having Frank Castle use his popular symbol after it began getting appropriated by real-world groups such as the Three Percenters. Variations of the symbol have also been used by police officers as part of the Blue Lives Matter movement. In 2022, Marvel Comics retired the symbol and replaced Frank’s iconic emblem with the image of a oni. Marvel’s new Punisher, Joe Garrison, wore a skull symbol, albeit quite different from the one Castle wore.

Ennis’ main point is that a character like the Punisher is more than his symbol. There are some narrative uses for the skull, sure, but it’s not something integral to the character. While it’s a striking visual image and one intrinsically linked with Frank, Ennis doesn’t see it as absolutely necessary, after all, he’s written several stories where the Punisher wasn’t wearing the skull. What’s more important is writing the Punisher in a way that’s congruent with his characterization. If someone who intimately knows the Punisher as much as Garth Ennis doesn’t mind ditching the skull, then fans shouldn’t either.

Punisher Has Always Been More Than Just His Skull

The Punisher shooting guns in his original costume.

It’s not the fault of a fictional character that bad actors in real life appropriate their iconography for their own means. But as Ennis points out, the skull is just one small part of who Frank Castle is. Is it a cool look for the Punisher? Absolutely. But it’s not like his mission or personality would change just because it’s removed. As long as writers stay true to who Castle is and keep him as a soldier dedicated to fighting a never-ending battle, that’s what’s important. If Ennis is okay with ditching the Punisher skull, everyone else should be too.

Source: Youtube