Like Star-Lord in the MCU, Deadpool used pop culture to inspire the name of his team’s spaceship. Prelude to Deadpool Corps #5 features the titular mercenary squad’s very own vehicle for space travel, which allows them to take on a mission to defeat the Awareness. Instead of naming it after musicians or a childhood crush, however, Wade and his variant companions named it after a beloved actress that the antihero is known to be a big fan of.

Prelude to Deadpool Corps #5 has the creative team of Victor Gischler, Kyle Baker, Johnson & Renzi, and Clayton Cowles. It sets up the titular group’s battle against the Awareness who they fight within the series Deadpool Corps (2010). This issue featured the debut of their spaceship, which was not christened with a name until Deadpool Corps #1.

In the MCU, Star-Lord is known for naming his ships after assorted celebrities. These include the Milano, Benatar, and Bowie. Alyssa Milano is the namesake of his first ship, inspired by his childhood crush on the actress. The others are named after Pat Benatar and David Bowie.

Deadpool with himself as a skeleton behind him.


Deadpool Debuts Marvel’s Ultimate Anti-Healing Factor Power (Warning: It’s Incredibly Dark)

Deadpool is in for the fight of his life, as his newest Marvel Comics villain just upgraded himself with the ultimate anti-healing factor power.

Deadpool Shares Star-Lord’s Fervor for Pop Culture Names

Deadpool is Always in His Golden Girls Era

The Deadpool Corps flies in the Bea Arthur in space as an overlay of Deadpool with his index finger pressed against the mouth of his mask is positioned to the side of it.

In Deadpool Corps #1, the ship is said to be bad luck by some of its crew due to its lack of a name. Kidpool is eventually seen painting it, dubbing it the Bea Arthur, after the iconic Golden Girls actress. It isn’t often that Deadpool gets to have his own spaceship, but given his fondness for older ladies and love of Bea Arthur, it’s the best possible name for him and his team. Like Star-Lord, Deadpool’s tendency to lean into pop culture is part of his appeal and signature humor.

Like Alyssa Milano, Pat Benatar, and David Bowie, Bea Arthur was very talented, as well as very beloved by her fans. Deadpool’s obsession with her has been no secret and even Ryan Reynolds leaned into the fact, finding a way to incorporate her into the film, Deadpool (2016), via a t-shirt. The Merc with a Mouth is loud and proud about his appreciation for the Golden Girls actress and his ship being named after her is perfect for his character. Should he ever have a ship in the MCU, it would be incredible to see it dubbed the same.

Star-Lord’s Fanboy Levels Could Pale Compared to Deadpool’s

Kidpool paints

Star-Lord’s MCU iteration is known for his love of music with his personality partially revolving around the pop culture he enjoyed as a child before the Ravagers took him from Earth. From his possessiveness about his walkman to his obsession with Kevin Bacon and Footloose, the hero is an afficionado of the pop culture of his youth. However, Deadpool is far more chaotic and is known for crossing boundaries, allowing him to reach an insane level of fandom when he dives into it wholeheartedly. While Deadpool only has a single celebrity-inspired spaceship, his love for Bea Arthur is unquestionable and could outshine Star-Lord in the MCU.

Prelude to Deadpool Corps, Deadpool Corps, and Deadpool Kills Deadpool are available now from Marvel Comics.

Deadpool in Comic Cover Art
