Last year’s wedding of Iron Man and Emma Frost was a huge Marvel event. What surprised fans was their amazing chemistry, which made their relationship feel more real than anything that readers had anticipated from their pairing. However, now that the war is over, preview pages for an upcoming issue reveal their relationship is going in a direction fans have been dreading all along.

AIPT’s exclusive preview for Invincible Iron Man #20 offers a glimpse of a sad, seemingly inevitable reality: Emma is moving on from Tony. There is no dialogue in the pages, but the art appears to tell the story well enough, though the issue could still certainly serve up a swerve, and subvert fans’ expectations.

Going into the characters’ marriage, Marvel fans had few expectations that it would be long-lived. That said, in the span of just a few issues, many readers became true believers – making it that much sadder that their initial assessment has been proven right.


Tony Stark’s New Armor Makes Him More Superhuman Than Ever (With a Dark Price)

In The Ultimates #1, Tony Stark debuts a new suit, and powerful, suit of armor, but it comes with a dark twist that could spell trouble for him.

Was Tony and Emma’s Relationship Just Marvel Offering “The Illusion of Change”?

Invincible Iron Man #15 – Written By Gerry Duggan; Art By Creees Lee, Walden Wong, Bryan Valenza, & Joe Caramagna

Invincible Iron Man #15, Tony Stark tells Emma Frost she's given him support & he doesn't know where he'd be without her.

In the preview, the pair meet at a restaurant, but Emma doesn’t sit down; she turns away even as Tony reaches for her. Fans have been dreading that this might happen, that the second their relationship didn’t further their goals against Orchis, the pair would split. Now, getting proof on the page drives the disappointment home. There’s a famous quote often attributed to Stan Lee: “Readers don’t want actual change. Readers want the illusion of change.” Breaking up one of the best new couples Marvel has had feels like readers were set up for that illusion of change.

Tony and Emma were a great pair who took on an unwinnable battle and won. The future is theirs to lose if they stay together, but the illusion of change dictates that they have to split and go back to their individual books. Tony’s an Avenger, Emma’s with the X-Men, and they’ll only see each other during crossover events. If this preview image really sets up that the pair is getting a divorce, readers and the Marvel Comics Universe will be worse off for it.

Deadpool’s Adds Insult To Injury For A Vulnerable Iron Man

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Variant Cover By Dave Wachter

Deadpool sits on top of the corpse of Iron Man, gun in hand, waiting for a bus.

Tony Stark and Emma Frost were dynamic together, two narcissists who had great quips and could fight side by side. They’re ambitious capitalists who like both enjoying the finer things in life, and throwing themselves into their work. They even had great physical chemistry, setting off fireworks together one night after Tony woke up from a nightmare. At their wedding, Tony seemed to already know that Emma was going to break his heart – but what is surprising is how many fans’ hearts are breaking too.

Further, it appears Invincible Iron Man #20 will be the final issue of the series; his solo title ending, along with his marriage, has prompted fans to ask if anything worse can happen to Tony Stark – and apparently, the answer is yes. This issue is also getting a Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe variant cover. While many of these are gory and/or creative, as Deadpool finds ways to take out Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Iron Man cover is sad, adding insult to injury by just showing Deadpool after taking out the sad, divorced Iron Man.

Source: AIPT


Two clasped hands on a blank white background. One is Tony Stark in an Iron Man suit, the other Emma Frost in diamond form.

  • Writer: Gerry Duggan
  • Artist: Andrea Di Vito
  • Colorist: Brian Valenza
  • Cover Artist: Kael Ngu

Iron Man in Marvel Comic Book Cover Art

Iron Man

Anthony “Tony” Edward Stark, AKA Iron Man, is a Marvel Comics superhero who has enjoyed several years of the spotlight and has become a mainstay in several Marvel media franchises. After suffering a critical injury, Tony creates a specialized armored suit powered by an arc reactor, which keeps him alive. Egotistical but good-hearted, Tony utilizes his super intellect and inventions to fight to protect humanity from various threats, eventually becoming a founding member of the Avengers. In 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was kicked off with the film Iron Man, which starred Robert Downey Jr. as the superhero.