Warning! Preview pages ahead for Green Lantern: War Journal #10!The newest Power Ring in Green Lantern mythology has a new power never seen before in the hero’s history. For months now, John Stewart has faced the might of the Radiant Dead and its leader, the Revenant Queen. A look into the past reveals the powerful secret behind Queen Ajna’s Power Ring.

In a preview for Green Lantern: War Journal #10 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Montos, the Green Lantern Caolán Shepherd is attempting to break out of the quarantined Sector 2814 to find John Stewart. Shepherd’s pleas with the Green Lantern Corps fall on deaf ears as he flies straight into a battle.

Elsewhere, John Stewart is experiencing a vision of the First World. Seeing himself as the mighty Olgrun, Green Lantern receives a ring from Olgrun’s daughter, Ajna. Ajna tells her father that by speaking her name into the ring, she will appear wherever Olgrun is.

The New Power Ring in Green Lantern Mythology Has Instant Transportation Powers

Eons ago, ancient Maltusians desecrated a monument dedicated to the Old God Olgrun and his daughter Ajna. The Maltusians stripped the site and forged powerful weapons to form a team to protect the universe. Olgrun’s ancient spirit punished the Maltusians by converting their bodies into corrupted light, making them the first members of his undead army, the Radiant Dead. Before the team’s captain fell, she sought out the vessel of Olgrun’s willpower, Queen Ajna’s ring. However, instead of saving her, it turned the captain into the first host of the monster known as the Revenant Queen.

John Stewart has learned a lot about the Revenant Dead recently. He’s learned that the Dark Star of the Fenn, the mystical realm where Olgrun is hiding, is connected to Queen Ajna’s ring. Now Green Lantern is discovering this ring has a secondary power, the ability to transport Ajna directly to Olgrun. John was vehemently warned against entering the Dark Star, yet he proceeded knowing it could be the only way to stop Olgrun. Now that John knows about the secret of Ajna’s ring, the Green Lantern might have a way of taking his fight directly to the Old God.

This New Ring is Taking Green Lantern to His Greatest Fight Yet

John Plans to Steal Revenant Queen's Ring DC

Many in the DCU may not know it, but Olgrun and his mad quest to return to life pose a considerable threat to the entire multiverse. John is one of the few people who has a chance at stopping Olgrun, but he has no way of finding him in the madness of the Dark Star. However, he might have a shot if he uses the connection between Olgrun, Ajna, and her ring to his advantage. It’s a long shot, but it might be the only way Green Lantern can confront the threat and end things before the DC Universe suffers.

Green Lantern: War Journal #10 is available from DC Comics on June 17th.

Green Lantern: War Journal #10 (2024)

Green Lantern War Journal 10 Cover John Searching

  • Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
  • Artist: Montos
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Montos


Green Lantern

Green Lantern is the name given to several characters in the D.C. Comics canon, centering on individuals who dispense intergalactic justice. Green Lanterns can harness the power of willpower and can create unique spectral objects to face off against their enemies. Though some Green Lanterns have assisted with the Justice League, they primarily belong to the Green Lantern Corps.