Ever since Darth Vader’s iconic “I am your father” reveal in The Empire Strikes Back, the relationship between parent and child has been integral to Star Wars, so what better way to celebrate Father’s Day than by looking back on the galaxy’s best dads? Vader himself may have been a less-than-ideal father until his redemption at the end of Return of the Jedi, but the Star Wars franchise is full of other unforgettable dads. These parents stand out as great characters in their own right while still serving as protectors, guides, and inspirations to their children throughout the saga.

Many characters are fathers in the current Disney canon, but a few only started a family in the original Star Wars Expanded Universe, now known as “Legends.” Other characters were fathers in both timelines, bearing different offspring but demonstrating the same traits that define a good dad. Even villains and morally gray characters can still show love and dedication to their kids, even if they’re raising them to take over the family business. From the Star Wars movies and TV shows to the books and comics, 15 dads have proved themselves as the best dads the galaxy has to offer.


The 12 Star Wars Characters Who Had The Worst Father Issues

Darth Vader wasn’t the only bad dad in Star Wars; these 12 characters each had their own unique issues with their fathers throughout the franchise.


Jabba The Hutt

A ruthless gangster and a loving father

Jabba the Hutt is a despicable sleemo who rules the criminal underworld, but the Clone Wars movie revealed that he was a dad, and a surprisingly good one. When Rotta was seemingly kidnapped by pirates, Jabba was willing to do anything to save his son, whether hiring bounty hunters or agreeing to let the Republic move through Hutt space. Later Clone Wars episodes even showed him teaching Rotta not to play with his food, which is interesting considering Jabba’s own eating habits. Even if he was raising Rotta to become a gangster, no one can deny Jabba’s dedication.


Jango Fett

A simple man trying to make his way and raise his son

Another outlaw with a soft spot for his son is Jango Fett, who raised Boba Fett as a single dad despite being a working bounty hunter. Jango may be ruthless in combat, but he is portrayed as a “…simple man trying to make my way in the universe….” rather than evil. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones showed how protective Jango was of his son, making sure he was safe before engaging Obi-Wan Kenobi. He may have set up his son to continue his dangerous line of work, but this doesn’t change his skill at being a dad.


The Father

It’s in the name

Not many characters in the Star Wars universe can be immediately identified as a dad, but the Father is the exception. His two children, the Daughter and the Son, embody the light and dark side respectively, and all three wield the Force in ways no mortal can. The Father exiled himself and his children to Mortis, both to protect them from exploitation and to protect the galaxy from being influenced by their power. All three were killed in The Clone Wars season 3, but few dads could have kept a family together for as many centuries as the Father did.



He and his wife protected Rey from Palpatine

As a clone of Emperor Palpatine who couldn’t touch the Force, Dathan was treated as an abomination by the Sith Eternal. After escaping Exegol and marrying Miramir, Dathan showed his daughter Rey all the love that his own father never did, though their time together was short. Dathan and Miramir made the hardest decision parents can make and left Rey on Jakku to protect her, and they both died after refusing to tell Palpatine’s minions where she was. The fact that Dathan was capable of such love despite his dark childhood speaks to his character and commitment as a father.


Clem Andor

He took in Cassian as his own

Clem Andor only appeared through brief flashbacks in Andor season 1 but managed to demonstrate why he was a great dad. Despite not wanting his wife to save Cassian when they found him on Kenari, he quickly came to embrace the boy as his own, teaching him everything he knew about technology. Clem was killed by stormtroopers after trying to convince protestors not to get themselves killed, instilling Cassian with a hatred for the Empire. When Cassian was asked to come up with a name, Clem was the first he thought of, showing how much he loved his adoptive father.


Revan (Legends)

He endured centuries of anguish for his family

Revan is best known as a Sith turned Jedi, but he and Bastila Shan had a son after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Unfortunately, Revan never got to meet Vaner Shan, only seeing him as a hologram after his capture by the Sith. Revan spent 300 years imprisoned in a stasis field, using the Force to influence the Sith Emperor so that he wouldn’t attack until the Republic was strong enough to defend itself. Ensuring that his family could live a full life was more important to Revan as a father than his own freedom.


Han Solo

Fiercely loyal to his family in both timelines

Han Solo proved himself as a father in canon and Legends, though he had different children in each timeline. Han and Leia had Ben Solo in canon, and while he fell to the dark side, Han was willing to sacrifice himself to save his son, and his memory eventually helped Ben return to the light. In Legends, Han and Leia had Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, who all met different fates but were loved without question by their parents. Han may not have had the Force, but it never stopped him from being a great father when it counted most.


Galen Erso

A man who sacrificed everything for his family

Galen Erso’s time with his daughter was cut short when the Empire murdered his wife and forced him to continue working on the Death Star project. Rather than give in to despair, Galen dedicated himself to saving the Rebel Alliance by sabotaging the Death Star, even if it meant Jyn might hate him for it. Like Revan, keeping Jyn safe and creating a galaxy where she could live free was more important to Galen than his own happiness. However, he did see Jyn one last time, and he inspired her to rally the rebels and steal the Death Star plans.


Kol Skywalker (Legends)

He sacrificed himself to save his son

A direct descendant of Luke Skywalker, Kol Skywalker lived over 100 years after Return of the Jedi. He had a son, Cade Skywalker, with Imperial Agent Morrigan Corde, and Kol was left to raise the boy alone after she abandoned them to return to the Empire. Kol and Cade didn’t always see eye to eye, but their bond as father and son was unmistakable, and Kol sacrificed himself to save Cade and the other Padawans from a Sith attack. Even after his death, Kol’s Force Ghost continued to guide his son, and he even forgave Morrigan for leaving them.


Owen Lars

The father figure who protected Luke

Owen Lars was the original Star Wars dad despite being Luke Skywalker’s uncle and not his biological father. He may have been overprotective and hidden the truth about Anakin Skywalker, but it was clear how much he and Beru loved Luke like their own son. The Obi-Wan Kenobi series further highlighted how Owen did everything he could to make sure Luke wouldn’t suffer his father’s fate, showing no fear when threatened by an Imperial Inquisitor. Owen and Beru were both killed by Imperial stormtroopers searching for the Death Star plans, protecting the boy they raised until the very end.


Ephraim Bridger

An inspiration to his son Ezra

Ephraim Bridger’s portrayal is one of the most positive in the franchise despite limited screen time. Ezra Bridger’s parents are always shown to be kind, moral, and loving, instilling their son with the values that he would eventually exemplify. Ephraim and his wife died while helping their fellow prisoners escape from an Imperial prison, inspired after hearing their son’s message to the people of Lothol. Ezra was forced to let his parents go despite having a chance to go back in time and save them, yet they showed nothing but love as they saw the man their son would become.


Luke Skywalker (Legends)

Balancing fatherhood with Jedi leadership is no easy feat

Luke Skywalker never started a family in canon, but he did marry and have a son in Legends. Being the Jedi Grand Master and defending the New Republic would leave little time for romance or parenting, yet Luke managed to do both. Luke and Mara Jade had Ben Skywalker during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a moment of hope during a time of unprecedented darkness. While both Skywalkers were heartbroken when Mara was killed by Darth Caedus, the experience brought them closer, and they continued to go on adventures across the galaxy as father and son for many years.


Bail Organa

A good man and an even better father

Another exceptional adoptive father, Bail Organa raised Leia as his own daughter and protected her from the Sith. Although Leia’s mother often clashed with her brash and stubborn daughter, Bail could always get through to Leia and guide her through challenging times. Although Bail and Breha became distant from Leia during the early days of the Rebellion, the Organa family became much closer when Leia learned the truth and began to help her parents. Leia may have been curious about her birth parents, but Bail ended up being the only father Leia truly accepted.



He protected Omega like she was his daughter

One of the most recent Star Wars dads is Hunter, leader of the Bad Batch and a father figure to Omega. Clones typically view each other as brothers, and this is how Omega initially viewed Clone Force 99 when they saved her from the Empire. However, they each formed a unique relationship with Omega over time, with Hunter becoming like a father to her by the end. Omega always looked up to Hunter, often tried to emulate him, and he was always protective of her, even when they said a heartfelt goodbye as she left to join the Rebellion.

Hunter from Star Wars the Bad Batch Holding a Helmet in front of a clone army-1

Hunter (Clone Force 99)

Leader of Clone Force 99, Hunter is a mutant clone created with enhanced senses – gifts he uses to help him strategize in combat operations. Hunter led his squad on countless successful missions during the Clone Wars, and they deserted shortly after Order 66. Hunter has become a father-figure to fellow mutant clone Omega, who he loves dearly and is sworn to protect.

Created By

George Lucas


Dee Bradley Baker



TV Shows

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
, Star Wars: The Bad Batch


Din Djarin

From lone bounty hunter to adoptive father

No one could have predicted that Din Djarin would become the most iconic father in modern Star Wars when The Mandalorian premiered in 2019, especially when the creators kept the very existence of “Baby Yoda” a secret. As unexpected as Din Djarin and Grogu’s relationship was, their dynamic became the heart of the show for all three seasons, causing the Mandalorian to grow from a simple bounty hunter to a noble protector. The Mandalorian and Grogu is sure to add to their story and continue proving why Din Djarin is the best dad in the Star Wars galaxy.