Rogues are the sneakiest Dungeons & Dragons class by default, but building the most effective rogue possible starts with the right subclass. Rogues are ideal for keeping a low profile on the battlefield and striking when least expected, with certain subclasses offering different skill sets that range from powerful melee to defense, spellcasting, strategy, and defensive qualities. In short, there are many different ways to play a rogue, and it all depends on which subclass the player picks.

The DnD sourcebooks, which are released regularly, each introduce new subclasses that allow players to flavor their rogues in myriad ways. For those in search of the most formidable rogue subclasses, certain options balance offensive and defensive prowess in more effective ways than others. The following are all the rogue subclasses available in DnD‘s fifth edition to date, ranked from the least to the most powerful in combat.


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D&D’s Mastermind Rogues Are Master Manipulators, Not Fighters

From Xanathar’s Guide To Everything

A rogue mastermind examines a map in Dungeons and Dragons

For dungeon-crawling campaigns, Masterminds are the least effective rogues due to their woeful lack of combat skills. However, during campaigns where social interaction is vital, Masterminds can use their ability to gather and analyze information relating to enemies, using Insightful Manipulator in order to learn of their ability scores and backstories. Masterminds can then wield their extensive knowledge to manipulate and misdirect foes, and help their party gain advantages. They do have some tactical features, being able to use Help as a bonus action with a greater range, and to redirect attacks to hit their enemies.

The Mastermind’s capstone ability, Soul of Deceit, is only useful in very specific situations, preventing the rogue’s thoughts from being read by telepathy. Still, ideal for players who prefer deception, intrigue, and manipulation to gain a leg up on their enemies, Masterminds are great for interacting with NPCs as the face of a party. Alas, their one-dimensionality and vulnerabilities on the battlefield leave a lot to be desired, and often deprioritize the Mastermind’s role as an effective rogue.


D&D’s Inquisitive Rogues Are Only Slightly Better Than Masterminds

From Xanathar’s Guide To Everything

An Inquisitive Rogue uses a spyglass in Dungeons and Dragons

A seer of the highest kind, Inquisitive rogues are able to notice mundane details that the other subclasses fail to, making them ideal detectives for investigating enemies and territories. Between their Insight, Perception, and Investigation skills, they can suss out manipulative magic and ambushes aimed at them, and mount a quick defense. As such, the subclass is ideal for sniffing out sneak attacks, and can go a long way toward ensuring the overall health of a party.

D&D 5e Paladin and a Rogue.


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In addition to their helpful extrasensory perception, Inquisitive rogues also boast slightly more combat power than Masterminds, giving them more value and versatility when assembling a team. The Insightful Fighting skill, in particular, allows a rogue to see through their opponent’s tactics and develop a quick plan of attack, giving them access to the Sneak Attack action even if they wouldn’t normally have advantage. However, the Wisdom-based skills aren’t the most compatible with such typical rogue qualities as Charisma, Intelligence, and Dexterity, so keep that in mind when building a team.


Thief Rogues Specialize More In Stealing Than In Combat

From The Player’s Handbook

A rogue thief scales a castle wall in Dungeons and Dragons

A classic rogue archetype, Thieves are the absolute best at looting, lockpicking, hijacking, backstabbing, and every type of action relating to secrecy and stolen property. Most players who choose to play as rogues do so for these exact qualities, but the Thief’s lackluster combat skills leave a lot to be desired when fighting enemies on the battlefield. The most impressive powers attained by rogue Thieves include climbing, skulking, disabling traps, and using magic items stolen from various characters, regardless of who they’re taken from.

The Thief also boasts Fast Hands, an effective skill that allows them to disarm traps, pick locks, of use objects with only a bonus action. Second-Story Work increases their climbing speed, which is rarely useful. Their final skill, Thief’s Reflexes, does give them two turns during the first round of combat, which is nice, but takes too long to get to. The thief’s skills are all well and good, but note that almost none of them affect what Thief rogues can do in combat.

Artwork from Lost Mine of Phandelver showing a diverse range of possible player characters and a dragon.


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Scout Rogues Fall Short In Close-Quarters Combat

From Xanathar’s Guide To Everything

A Scout Rogue aims an arrow in Dungeons and Dragons

When it comes to creating a balanced ranged combatant and survivalist in one, rogue Scouts are a solid subclass to play with in a folkloric tabletop RPG setting. Rogue Scouts function best as sneak attackers, bounty hunters, and undetected spies who use the natural environment to their own advantage, although they are less powerful in close combat than in ranged combat. Scout rogues can use Skirmish to move as a reaction whenever enemies get uncomfortable close, or Ambush Master to ensure they get the first strike – and hit hard.

The Scout’s final ability, Sudden Strike, gives them a second Sneak Attack in a single turn, as long as it’s against a different target. But what they have in Nature and Survival proficiency and ranged combat ability, Scouts lack in options when fighting up close. Specializing in one type of combat isn’t terrible, but makes Scouts slightly more limited than other subclasses. While some find Scout rogues a bit too straightforward, they can perform well in campaigns that involve a lot of trekking through the wilderness.


D&D’s Swashbuckler Rogues Are Masters Of The Sword, But Not The Bow

From Xanathar’s Guide To Everything

A rogue swashbuckler hangs from a ledge in Dungeons and Dragons

While some prefer Scouts to Swashbucklers because they tend to be hit less often in combat, the latter subclass is an absolute beast when it comes to a lethal fighting force. Most rogues are poor fighters in close quarters combat, but Swashbucklers are master sword fighters, powerfully adept at close combat, using immense speed and skillful swordplay to toy with their enemies. They can strike enemies quickly, then run away without provoking opportunity attacks with Fancy Footwork. With their Panache taunting ability and Rakish Audacity skill that allows them to bolster sneak attacks on adjacent enemies, Swashbucklers combine melee acumen with Precision and Charisma skills to create an impressive balance of power.

With subclass Features that bolster the Swashbuckler’s sneak attacks, the subclass also has a slew of mobility options when they aren’t attacking that helps them duck, dodge, and sidestep enemy attacks. Their final ability, Master Duelist, lets them reroll missed attacks with advantage. Unfortunately, just as Scout rogues lag behind in close-quarters combat, Swashbucklers fall short in ranged attacks.


Phantom Is The Coolest Subclass For A D&D Rogue

From Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything

A rogue phantom kneels on a rooftop in Dungeons and Dragons

Most D&D players agree that Phantoms have the most original flavor of any rogue subclass. They’re essentially living ghosts, more like necromancers than thieves. Much of their power derives from Tokens of the Departed, the ability to take Soul Trinkets from the deceased. These items can be used in various ways: to deal extra damage, have advantage on saving throws, or ask the dead a key question about their quest. They can also use Wails from the Grave to deal damage to enemies standing close to their Sneak Attack targets.

Thanks to their Whispers from the Dead feature, rogue Phantoms can turn into ghosts, allowing them to roam unseen as they spy and sneak up on enemies. Their final feature, Death’s Friend, further empowers their Sneak Attacks with necrotic damage, and gives them an extra Soul Trinket at the end of every long rest. They may not be the most powerful subclass by damage output alone, but Phantoms possess ultra-powerful and multifaceted qualities that are unique among rogue subclasses.

A group of rogues from D&D 5e.


How The Rogue’s Sneak Attack Works In D&D 5e

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D&D’s Assassin Rogues Are Powerful. But One-Dimensional

From The Player’s Handbook

A rogue assassin holds a knife in Dungeons and Dragons

By trade, Assassins must be as stealthy as possible to do their job efficiently. As such, the deadly rogue subclass is as lethal as it sounds, trained only to deal as much damage to enemies as possible without regard for the consequences. At one with the shadows at all times, Assassins are highly adept at infiltration, killing classic low-level Dungeons & Dragons monsters and high-ranking baddies in a single shot, and getting away scot-free.

While their role is fairly straightforward and often one-dimensional, the sheer power Assassins obtain through their almighty features is as punishing as they come. The Assassinate feature allows the subclass to coyly strike creatures who haven’t moved yet with Critical force. Perhaps most advantageous outside combat, the Infiltration Expertise and Imposter features enable Assassins to take on false identities and mimic other characters. This makes infiltrating enemy territory much easier and safer. Their final feature, Death Strike, can double the amount of damage their Sneak Attacks do on surprised characters, making them deadly in the first turn.


D&D’s Arcane Trickster Rogues Cast Powerful Spells

From The Player’s Handbook

An Arcane Trickster cast a spell in Dungeons and Dragons

Those looking to add unique magical sorcery to their rogue characters ought to explore the Arcane Trickster subclass, a crafty, cunning, and deeply deceptive mastery of trickery that has very few weaknesses. As the only rogue subclass with a spell list, the Arcane Trickster showcses magical acumen and sleight of hand that gives them a massive leg up on other subclasses as a wicked half-caster. They have access to the entire wizard spellbook, the most expansive in the game, and can use spells like mage hand, charm person and thaumaturgy to manipulate their targets.

While newcomers to the classic fantasy RPG may find Arcane Tricksters a bit too hard to control, expert players will take their party to the next level by using the subclasses’ impressive bag of tricks to the fullest extent. For example, they can steal spells from others with Spell Thief, give enemies disadvantage on saving throws with Magical Ambush, and use the awesome Mage Hand Legerdemain to magically pilfer items from across the room and use them against enemies.


Soulknife Is The Most Powerful Rogue Subclass In D&D

From Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything

A rogue soulknife reads a letter in Dungeons and Dragons

The Soulknife is the strongest rogue subclass in the game. Using ultra-powerful Psionic abilities in concert with their immense mechanical qualities and bountiful flavor, the supremely balanced rogue subclass excels in any campaign. The Soulknife rogue uses Psionic Energy dice rolls to determine precisely how effectively they wield their powers. Furthermore, with the almighty Psionic Powers and Psionic Blades features, Soulknives use immense mind power to fight mentally and physically, overpowering most enemies who can only do one or other. They can use their Psionic training to add an extra modifier to their skill checks, or to establish telepathic links with other characters.

Soulknives are equally adept at ranged and melee distances, and thanks to their Rend Mind feature, they can control the minds of the enemies and manipulate them as seen fit. If that wasn’t enough, Soulknives can become totally invisible for one hour using their Psychic Veil feature, ensuring the lack of detection when infiltrating enemy territory. Altogether, these features make Soulknife the best rogue subclass in Dungeons & Dragons.

Dungeons and Dragons Game Poster

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is a popular tabletop game originally invented in 1974 by Ernest Gary Gygax and David Arneson. The fantasy role-playing game brings together players for a campaign with various components, including abilities, races, character classes, monsters, and treasures. The game has drastically expanded since the ’70s, with numerous updated box sets and expansions.


Dungeons & Dragons

Original Release Date



TSR Inc.
, Wizards of the Coast


E. Gary Gygax
, Dave Arneson

Player Count

2-7 Players