WARNING: Potential Spoilers for The Boy Wonder #1!DC writer Tom Taylor has frequently placed the relationship between Batgirl and Nightwing in the spotlight through numerous comics in his Nightwing run, earning him acclaim as the ultimate shipper for the duo within the fandom. However, a new writer/artist is now stepping up to the plate, reshaping this iconic romance with a subtle yet dark twist.

Juni Ba’s new Black Label series, The Boy Wonder, offers a fantastical rendition of Damian Wayne’s Robin origin tale, uniquely narrated by Damian himself in a fairytale-like style. The narrative delves deep into the emotional psyche of the fifth Robin and presents insightful interactions with various Bat-Family members.

The first issue places special emphasis on Damian’s relationship with his older brother, Dick Grayson, and the observations the younger sibling makes about the elder. Notably, Damian draws a dark parallel between Nightwing’s past as a Flying Grayson and his current relationship with Batgirl, Barbara Gordon.

Nightwing's Ex Just Made His Starfire/Batgirl Love Triangle Way Darker


Sorry Starfire – Nightwing & Batgirl’s New Baby Settles Their Love Triangle

Batgirl and Nightwing sitting on a roof K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes crime-fighting, then comes love, then comes baby in a baby carriage!

Nightwing and Batgirl’s Relationship Mirrors Dick’s Relationship With His Parents, Possibly Foreshadowing a Tragic End

damian wayne jealous of nightwing and batgirl

As Damian observes Nightwing and Batgirl battling Calyface together, he notices the seamless coordination between the couple. However, amidst Robin’s observations, the visuals and storytelling draw parallels to Dick’s days as a Flying Grayson at Haley’s Circus, just before his parents were killed. One striking parallel portrays a young Dick Grayson hanging upside down, reaching out to catch his mother. Alongside this, a panel from the present time depicts Nightwing in a similar pose with his arm extended to catch Batgirl. Considering the tragic fate of Dick’s parents, this parallel could be hinting at a dark future for Barbara and Dick.

With the heavy emphasis Ba places on mirroring various scenes from Dick’s past, particularly his time at Haley’s, the scene involving him and Batgirl could potentially serve as foreshadowing for Batgirl’s demise in this series. This possibility gains weight, considering the Black Label imprint is known for catering to mature audiences. As of issue one, it’s unclear why this run is classified under Black Label, suggesting that it may delve into darker themes as the story progresses. Should Batgirl meet a fate mirroring that of Dick’s parents, it would undoubtedly qualify as a storyline fitting for DC’s Black Label.

Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon Share an Unbreakable Bond in The Boy Wonder That Could Be Leading to Heartbreak

Despite the darker undertones of this scene, it also serves as a poignant depiction of why Nightwing and Batgirl are perfect for each other. Throughout this sequence, Barbara and Dick are shown to be in flawless harmony, further emphasized by scenes of the Flying Graysons exhibiting seamless coordination. This suggests that Batgirl or Nightwing share a bond akin to the one Dick had with his parents. Consequently, this portrayal of Barbara and Dick’s closeness, coupled with the fact that they share a child in this universe, would result in absolute heartbreak among fans if Ba kills off Batgirl or Nightwing.

The Boy Wonder #1 is available now from DC Comics!

THE BOY WONDER #1 (2024)

The Boy Wonder #1 1

  • Writer: Juni Ba
  • Artist: Juni Ba
  • Colorist: Chris O’Halloran
  • Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
  • Cover Artist: Juni Ba



    Nightwing is the superhero moniker taken up by Dick Grayson, upon his aging out of the Robin role and becoming a superhero of his own. Inspired by the original Kryptonian hero of the same name, Grayson has risen to comic book immortality with the identity, earning respect as one of the greatest leaders in the DC Universe.