WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Scarlett #1The ranks of G.I. Joe have been growing steadily in the Energon Universe, and the recently-released Scarlett #1 features the return of one classic Joe in particular, as Snow Job makes his debut in the issue. The classic character is introduced in the role of assisting Scarlett as she sets out on a dangerous mission in unfamiliar territory behind enemy lines.

Scarlett #1 – written by Kelly Thompson, with art by Marco Ferrari – features the eponymous lead character being sent on a mission to infiltrate Clan Arashikage in the snowy region of Japan. Assisting Scarlett on her mission is Harlan Moore, AKA Snow Job, G.I. Joe’s resident arctic trooper.

In the Energon Universe, Scarlett already knows Snow Job before she’s recruited by Stalker for the Arashikage mission. Snow Job actually helped Scarlett and her former partner Jinx on a previous mission. “Good guy in the field,” Scarlett reminisces. “And out of the field, too. That’s more rare.

Scarlett from the Energon Universe version of G.I. Joe comics


Scarlett #1 Is an Imperfect Victory in the Ongoing Reinvention of G.I. Joe Lore (Review)

The first issue of the Scarlett miniseries isn’t perfect, but it is another solid entry as G.I. Joe establishes its new lore in the Energon Universe.

Snow Job Debuts, Growing the Ranks Of The Energon Universe G.I. Joe

Scarlett #1 – Written By Kelly Thompson; Art By Marco Ferrari, Lee Loughridge & Rus Wooton

Scarlett #1, Snow Job and Scarlett returning fire from cover behind a snow bank, which is being riddled with bullets.

Aside from his expertise in surviving and traversing arctic climates, the Snow Job readers are familiar with is also an expert marksman, often cited as perhaps the best marksman on the team. The Energon Universe version of the character seems to carry over these skills into the new continuity, although it’s hard to tell from his brief initial appearance. Scarlett speaking so highly of him in Scarlett #1 certainly gives credence to his skills, as her characterization thus far shows that the G.I. Joe heroine doesn’t suffer fools lightly.

Scarlett having prior history with Snow Job is interesting, and further ties together the disparate pre-Joe histories of the Energon Universe versions of the franchise’s characters. Many of these characters have already worked together, so having them unite for the newly-formed G.I. Joe team is pretty exciting for long-time fans. Duke was shown to have a previous relationship with Clutch over in his own miniseries, and Stalker hints at a past with Storm Shadow and the Arashikage here in Scarlett, making the world established here feel more lived-in and real.

The Energon Universe Establishes Another Pillar Of The G.I. Joe Franchise

Snow Job Is Integral To The Team

Scarlett #1, Snow Job skiing down a mountain, making  jump.

He doesn’t do much in Scarlett #1, other than fly Scarlett in via helicopter, but hopefully, future issues will allow Snow Job to get in on the action with Scarlett and the others. Considering the first issue ends with Scarlett being taken prisoner by the Arashikage, readers can assume that Snow Job will be the one to help her out as she’s stuck in the Arashikage compound, hidden away in the snow-capped mountains of Japan. The G.I. Joe team is slowly coming together in the Energon Universe, so it will be exciting to see who shows up next in the pages of Scarlett.

Scarlett #1

Scarlett #1 cover, Scarlett striding confidently forward, wielding a crossbow and a handful of arrows.

  • Writer: Kelly Thompson
  • Artist: Marco Ferrari
  • Colorist: Lee Loughridge
  • Letterer: Rus Wooton
  • Cover Artists: Marco Ferrari & Lee Loughridge