In the anime and manga world of Dragon Ball Super, the mysterious and overpowered villain known as Goku Black was a major thorn in the real Goku’s side who nearly destroyed everything the Z-Warriors held dear in one fell swoop. Now, in new fanart featuring this dangerous doppelgänger, Goku Black’s evil is put on full display, showing just how sinister the character can be when left to his own devices.

An image recently shared on X (formerly Twitter) by Kakeru (@DBSKAKERU1), this artist has been on fire as of late, uploading incredible fanart that pays homage to the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole but also creating various “What If?” scenarios that can only be seen on Kakeru’s page.

Producing art featuring Broly going Super Saiyan Blue, Future Gohan and Trunks taking a much-needed breather, Ultra Instinct Goku, Ultra Ego Vegeta, and Beast Gohan teaming up, and much much more, Kakeru knows what makes a good piece of Dragon Ball art, with this Goku Black piece being no exception.


Legendary DC Artist Jim Lee Pays Respect to Dragon Ball’s Akira Toriyama With Stunning New Goku Art

Toriyama’s influence as a mangaka can’t be overstated, with his recent passing leading to numerous tributes in his honor, including one from Jim Lee.

Goku Black Shows Off His Unique Energy Attack In New Dragon Ball Fanart

Fanart Design by Kakeru (@DBSKAKERU1)

Goku Black Sickle of Sorrow in Dragon Ball Super

Introduced in Dragon Ball Super’s fourth main story arc, dubbed the Fused Zamasu Saga, Goku Black was a mysterious and incredibly dangerous foe who possessed all of Goku’s strongest abilities along with a few specialized to himself — specifically Goku Black’s Energy Hand Blade attack and his now iconic Super Saiyan Rose transformation. Eventually fusing with the other villain of this arc — the Supreme Kai in-training named Zamasu — Goku Black became one of the most formidable opponents ever seen in Dragon Ball, especially after he becomes Infinite Zamasu, a universe-assimilating Big Bad even Goku couldn’t defeat.

Presenting Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black in an art style that’s practically indistinguishable from Akira Toriyama and Toyotarou’s official designs, Kakeru draws Goku Black floating mid-air with a devilish smirk on his face, perfectly showing off the character’s cocky and smug attitude. Illustrating Goku Black unfurling an energy blade from his palm, Kakeru sketches in the smoke pouring from the blade’s sizzling power, adding to the attack’s already visually impressive nature. Ever so slightly muting the piece’s colors to give it a darkly textured look, Kakeru honors Goku Black’s visual design while making this fanart entirely their own.

Goku Black’s Super Saiyan Rose Looks Great When Given The Fanart Treatment

Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rose from Dragon Ball Super

Also effectively using the bright light emitting from Goku Black’s energy blade to give the villain an even more sinister bent, Kakeru succeeds in bringing out the character’s sadistic side with some simple shading and shadowing that go a long way. Luckily, Goku Black was eventually defeated thanks to Zeno’s omnipotent might, but with Kakeru (@DBSKAKERU1) always finding new ways to tweak existing Dragon Ball Super lore to create new and unique fanart images, it might not be long before this evil doppelgänger is back in action making the Z-Warriors’ lives miserable.


Dragon Ball Super Poster

Dragon Ball Super


Dragon Ball Super is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball series as well as the fan-favorite Dragon Ball Z anime. Dragon Ball Super takes place ten years after Majin Buu is defeated and follows Goku and his friends on all-new adventures. Much like its predecessors, Dragon Ball Super was praised throughout its 131 episodes.


Sean Schemmel
, Jason Douglas
, Christopher Sabat

Release Date

July 5, 2015



Streaming Service(s)



Dragon Ball


Tatsuya Nagamine


Tatsuya Nagamine


Tatsuya Nagamine