Warning: The following contains spoilers for Stuck in a Time Loop: When All Else Fails, Be a Villainess volume #1!

A new reincarnation manga called Stuck in a Time Loop: When All Else Fails, Be a Villainess is so different from other series in its genre because its protagonist, Selene Vixent, actually embraces being evil when other villainesses in her situation generally try everything they can to be a hero. Selene might not be like her peers, since she doesn’t start as a normal girl who transforms into a fictional character after getting sucked into her favorite romance novel or anime, but she still experiences many of the same staples of the genre- and yet chooses a completely different path.

That’s because Stuck in a Time Loop is an example of a lesser-known type of villainess series where the protagonist actually lives in the world where she’s initially demonized before eventually undergoing the ubiquitous rite of passage that sees her being subjected to the embarrassing spectacle of a public annulment.

In fact, Selene’s situation most closely resembles that of Rishe from Crunchyroll’s 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy for that reason. Rishe continuously dies and reincarnates right when her fiancée breaks up with her, just like Selene, except Selene finally gives into evil, unlike Rishe and essentially every other villainess.

Stuck in a Time Loop Is Fueled By Revenge

Original series created by Sora Hinokage & Tsukasa Kiryu

The events before Stuck in a Time Loop followed this trend, since Selene Vixent had tried being good the first nine time loops. Each of those failed attempts ended in death, and since she was betrayed every time, there’s nothing holding Selene back now from getting revenge as she avoids death by being evil. Part of what makes Stuck in a Time Loop a success lies in the fact that it is as a revenge story, and it’s effective since the first person she seeks vengeance on is not her fiancée, but her father, and, indirectly, her younger sister.

There’s almost nothing worse than being betrayed by a parent, but given that Selene’s is cruel, her revenge is all the sweeter and immediate. It’s even more effective since the manner in which she deals with him complements his initial betrayal. Selene’s vengeance on her father doesn’t just affect one family member either as her sister becomes an unfortunate accessory. This adds a different dynamic to the outcome of Selene’s revenge since her sister was never cruel. Rather than this becoming a two-for-one, it yields a different experience for the better.

Selene’s Polar Opposite Is Further Proof How Different Stuck in a Time Loop Is

Selene forcibly takes over her house in Stuck in a Time Loop_ When All Else Fails, Be a Villainess

While Stuck in a Time Loop is a compelling revenge story, the delivery is greater because it deviates from the genre. On one level, the manga differentiates itself from its most obvious counterpart, 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!

Although never officially stated, 7th Time Loop‘s Rishe makes the world a better place through her actions, especially at the end when she must contend with her former master, Michel, who is willing to sacrifice the world for his own selfish means. Meanwhile, the vast majority of villainess series where the protagonist gets sucked into a romance novel or game sees the heroine make a conscious effort to reject their evil ways.

Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom Snow White Fairytale Manhwa


New Snow White Villainess Manhwa is a Must-Read for Any Fan of Fairytales

Villainess isekai stories are commonplace in manhwa, but using Snow White as a basis is in demand among readers.

However, many of these “transformed” villainesses pursue this strategy to avoid their character’s fated death. Undoubtedly, the most extreme version of this is HIDIVE’s Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior since the heroine named Pride is more concerned about succumbing to the evil tendencies of the character whose body she now inhabits because they are wrong, rather than because these actions led to the character’s demise in the original fictional story. The reincarnated Pride’s actions therefore give a heartwarming and sometimes even saddening spin to the usual selfish, albeit understandable perspectives of most unwitting villainesses.

Stuck in a Time Loop is nowhere close to this. However, Selene’s embrace of evil is equally refreshing in Stuck in a Time Loop: When All Else Fails, Be a Villainess, if not more so, just because it’s so rare to see such a corrupted character in the lead role, especially since she wants and seeks vengeance so wonderfully.