The Marvel Universe is filled with all kinds of terrible creatures, from Galactus to Thanos, and the parasitic Brood, inspired by the Xenomorph from Alien. The upcoming Avengers vs. Aliens limited series asks the question, “How would Marvel heroes handle real Xenomorphs?” which is answered in a series of gorgeous and terrifying new Marvel/Alien crossover covers.

All the way back in 2021 Marvel unveiled a series of monstrous variant covers featuring Marvel heroes battling the vile Xenomorph aliens, and three years later five more Marvel vs. Aliens covers have debuted, to get fans excited for the upcoming Avengers vs. Aliens series.

The covers released by Marvel feature Spider-Man, Phoenix, Deadpool, She-Hulk, and Moon Knight in brutal battles against the acid-spitting aliens, with the Marvel vs. Xenomorphs art illustrated by the talented Tony Daniel, Erica D’Urso, Greg Land, Joshua Cassara, and Stephen Segovia

Xenomorphs Are Coming For The Marvel Universe In Avengers Vs Aliens

It is no surprise that Marvel is debuting this new Avengers vs. Aliens limited series after the success of their solo Aliens comics and the recent positive acclaim for the Predator vs. Wolverine crossover. The four-issue limited series will follow “a new Marvel timeline” that “pits older, grittier versions” of the Avengers against an invading force of Xenomorphs. In the vast lore of the Alien franchise, the terrible Xenomorphs have never managed to reach Earth, so it will be fascinating to see if the Avengers battle the monsters in space, or on their home planet.

Seeing as Avengers vs. Aliens takes place in a different timeline, it is a blast to see the Xenomorphs up against some of our Earth-616 heroes in the epic covers released as part of Marvel vs. Aliens. The Xenomorphs are incredibly strong and intelligent, with superhuman strength, adaptability, razor-sharp claws and teeth, and acid spit that melts through almost any material. While Spider-Man and Moon Knight could definitely take a Xenomorph on in a one-on-one battle, it might be hard for the heroes to battle a swarm, particularly Moon Knight. She-Hulk, with her nearly invulnerable form, could easily go head-to-head with a squad of Xenomorphs, while Deadpool’s ridiculous healing factor would be perfect for an alien showdown.

Phoenix & Captain Marvel Have Fought Xenomorphs Before

Brood vs Captain Marvel and Hazmat

The Marvel Universe already has a species of Xenomorph aliens, in the form of parasitic insectoid creatures called the Brood. Debuting in X-Men comics in 1982, only three years after Alien came out in theaters, the Brood are clearly inspired by the iconic movie monsters and have been used as staple Marvel villains since. In particular, Captain Marvel and the X-Men have a lot of terrible, intimate experiences with the creatures, meaning Carol may be of great help to the Avengers in Avengers vs. Aliens. With Jean Grey recently reclaiming her cosmic Phoenix powers, it also seems reasonable that the beloved hero could wipe the floor with an army of Xenomorphs.

The Xenomorphs are coming for the Marvel Universe; if the Alien monsters aren’t stopped, they could decimate Earth. If Avengers vs. Aliens proves popular, there will hopefully be more crossover series where the heroes featured in these epic covers get to battle the Xenomorphs on the page.

Alien (1979)

Alien is a sci-fi horror-thriller by director Ridley Scott that follows the crew of a spaceship known as the Nostromo. After the staff of the merchant’s vessel perceives an unknown transmission as a distress call, its landing on the source moon finds one of the crew members attacked by a mysterious lifeform, and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.

Source: Marvel Entertainment