Wilson Fisk aka the Kingpin has built a formidable reputation for himself as one of Marvel’s greatest villains, but he wouldn’t have accomplished that without the help of his best friend: Miles Morales. Miles has a large support system of family and good friends, including Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy and Kamala Khan. But Marvel’s multiverse is large and varied, and the Miles Morales of Marvel’s main Earth-616 is very different from the young Spider-Man of Brooklyn.

The Miles Morales that fans know and love originally came from Marvel’s Ultimate Universe, where he took up the mantle of Spider-Man after the death of his universe’s Peter Parker. Miles was later relocated to the main Earth-616 Marvel Universe after the destruction of the Ultimate Universe. But little did he know that this universe already had a Miles Morales of its own. And this Miles is most definitely not a hero.

After meeting a young Wilson Fisk in prison and eventually saving his life, Miles struck up a close friendship with the future Kingpin. This friendship would lead them both to rise in the ranks of the criminal underworld to positions of great power.

Left: Peter Parker watches from the night. Right: Miles Morales triumphantly swings through the day.


“Spider-Samurai”: Miles Morales Is Carving His Own Identity Away from Peter Parker

Now that Miles Morales finally has a handle on who he is, the young hero is getting ready to show that he’s more than just another Spider-Man.

Kingpin And Earth-616’s Miles Morales Have A Long History

While Miles Morales and Peter Parker (usually) have a pretty good friendship, that hasn’t always been the case. In 2012’s Spider-Men by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli, the two are still living in separate universes when they finally meet. Peter is transported to the Ultimate Universe and teams up with Miles to get back home. Peter sees firsthand how the Ultimate Universe’s Peter Parker inspired others after sacrificing his life. Upon returning home, Peter begins to wonder if his universe also has a Miles Morales. But when he looks online, he can’t find anything.

As it turns out, Kingpin erased all evidence of Miles’ existence. After coming up in the Rigoletto Crime Family together, Fisk and Morales grow very close, even opening up a restaurant together. When Miles meets the love of his life, Barbara, he decides he wants to retire to live quietly with her. Kingpin helps make this happen for his old friend. He’s there for Miles again after Barbara dies, informing Miles of the existence of the multiverse. This leads to Miles searching for a world where Barbara is still alive, a mission that brings him face to face with the younger Miles Morales.

Miles Morales And His Earth-616 Counterpart Do NOT Get Along

Miles Morales shoots Miles Morales

The older Morales’ quest to reunite with the love of his life catches the attention of Peter Parker and Miles Morales (now living in the 616 universe) in 2017’s Spider-Men II by Bendis and Pichelli. The young Spider-Man eventually confronts his namesake and tries to stop him from entering a portal to the Ultimate Universe. The young Miles takes his mask off and reveals his identity, but the older Miles doesn’t care. He shoots his younger counterpart in the shoulder and departs to be with Barbara.

The two Miles Moraleses meet again a couple of years later when the older Miles returns home to Earth-616. In 2020’s Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10 by Saladin Ahmed and Javier Garrón, Miles adopts the supervillain persona Ultimatum and approaches his old buddy Wilson about taking over the streets of Brooklyn. Now the Mayor of New York City, Fisk agrees to help his friend. Using resources from Fisk, as well as an army of Miles clones and the Green Goblin of the Ultimate Universe, Ultimatum tries to take over Brooklyn and also send the young Miles back to the Ultimate Universe.

Eventually, Ultimatum is defeated and sent back to the Ultimate Universe, and hasn’t been seen since 2021’s Miles Morales: Spider-Man #21 by Saladin Ahmed and Marcelo Ferreira. After being ousted as mayor and going on the run, Wilson Fisk has returned to respectable society and is even in a new position of power as the White King of the Hellfire Club. That means, should the original Earth-616 version of Miles Morales ever return to his home universe, his good friend Kingpin will be in a position to help him get back on his feet.


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.