A new Regular Show series is confirmed to be in development. Originally debuting in 2010, this animated sitcom, was created by animator and producer J.G Qunitel for Cartoon Network. Follows two friends, Mordecai and Rigby, as they try to navigate the demands of their groundskeeper job as well as different strange occurrences in their world. The show was led by Williams Salyers and Quintel, who voiced Rigby and Mordecai respectively, and they were frequently joined by other talented names like Mark Hamill, Steven Blum, David Kaye, and Courtenay Taylor.

Now, according to Variety, a new Regular Show series is in development with Qunitel on Cartoon Network. The forthcoming series joins Craig McCracken’s Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, which is also set to receive a spinoff, along with other upcoming shows like a Scooby-Doo reboot and a new Adventure Time series.

The Original Regular Show Had A Fantastic Run

Why It Makes Sense Regular Show Is Returning

The original Regular Show series ran 8 seasons and 244 episodes. From the onset, Regular Show was an instant hit, receiving glowing reviews from critics and gaining impressive viewership numbers. The following year after the show debuted, it received a Primetime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Short-format Animated Program along with other notable awards. By the time the show ended, it had received 5 other Primetime Emmy nominations, winning one for a season 3 episode.

The show continues to gain new audiences on streaming. While the show was on Netflix, it soared to the top 10 of the streamer’s global chart, peaking at no. 8, and proving that Mordecai and Rigby’s chaotic adventures still make for good viewing. With the success the series continues to have on streaming platforms, it makes sense for Cartoon Network to bring the hit show back.


Regular Show: Ranking The Main Characters By Likability

Regular Show was one of Cartoon Network’s biggest recent hits, in large part because its characters were so funny and charming.

The immense success of the original Regular Show led to a film in 2015 titled Regular Show: The Movie and its relevance further adds reason why a new show is currently in development. As of right now, there’s not much information about the forthcoming show, however, Qunitel returning to head the show bodes well for this follow-up, and viewers will be hoping that he returns with fresh and innovative ideas, like those that once made the original show so great.

Regular Show is available to stream on Hulu and Max.

Source: Variety

Regular Show


J. G. Quintel
, William Salyers
, Sam Marin
, Mark Hamill
, Jeff Bennett

Release Date

September 6, 2010




J. G. Quintel