X-Men’s Illyana Rasputin is brought to life in an incredible Magik cosplay that features one of the most legendary weapons in X-Men lore—the Soulsword. This cosplay combines expert costume creation with the magic of digital editing to create a portrayal so stunning that it rivals Hollywood talent, especially regarding weapon creation.

Cosplayer Sess has taken to Instagram to share her outstanding Magik cosplay, featuring Illyana’s iconic Soulsword, one of the most powerful weapons in X-Men lore. What is particularly commendable about Sess’ cosplay is that she is solely responsible for the creation of her costume, weapon, and the editing of her cosplay—an accomplishment that not many cosplayers can claim.

The Instagram post above showcases Sess’ applaud-worthy skill, with a Soulsword that looks fit for the movies. Fans wanting to see more of Sess’ Magik cosplay will find additional images below, including one edited by the talented Oscar Ponce.

X-Men: Magik Cosplay Brings to Life Illyana Rasputin’s Iconic Soulsword in STUNNING Detail

Sess brilliantly brings Illyana Rasputin to life through her cosplay, meticulously recreating the core elements of the character’s costume and physical appearance. Like Magik, Sess sports blonde hair adorned with a black, spiked headpiece. She also wears Magik’s signature skintight, black outfit featuring a crop top, shorts, and thigh-high boots. The detail and accuracy are impressive, but what truly makes this cosplay stand out as Magik is the inclusion of Illyana’s MASSIVE Soulsword, a weapon synonymous with the character. Sess’s dedication to capturing every aspect of Magik’s look showcases her exceptional talent and passion for the character.

Magik’s Soulsword is a magical weapon constructed from Illyana Rasputin’s life force, forged in Limbo as a physical manifestation of her powers. This sword is one of the most powerful weapons in the Marvel Universe and can only be wielded by the ruler of Limbo. Conversely, only the wielder of the sword can rule Limbo. The Soulsword has various mystical properties, including the ability to strike the supernatural, maim the ethereal, and counter or break spells. Seeing such an iconic and powerful weapon brought to life in stunning detail is truly a treat for all Marvel fans.


Colossus & Magik Cosplay Reunites X-Men’s Ultimate Brother/Sister Team

Cosplayers Robert Paul Day (@heroes_4_hire_costumes) and Grace Marie (@sulkysiren) had a Rasputin family reunion on the floor of Cosplay World.

Cosplayer’s Instagram Reel Showcases the Awe-Inspiring Size of Her Self-Crafted Soulsword (It’s Nearly as Tall as She Is!)

Sess’ personal edit of her sword depicts it as primarily black with luminous electric blue veins, giving it a distinctive glow. It’s a truly awe-inspiring image, though it doesn’t capture the sheer size of the weapon. This is best seen in Sess’ Instagram Reel, which shows her handling the massive sword. When she stands the Soulsword next to her, fans get a true sense of its impressive size, as it is nearly taller than Sess herself. This showcases remarkable craftsmanship, especially considering how sturdy Magik’s sword appears to be in the hands of this talented cosplayer.

Source: Sparrowsesss (1), (2), (3)
