Shortly after the end of season 1 of the superhero anime SHY, it was announced that the series would be receiving a second season set to air in July 2024. Despite not receiving a lot of attention in its initial run, SHY still stood out thanks to its great writing and direction, and with any luck, season 2 will help it gain more attention from fans and critics alike.

SHY season 2 is less than a month away, and new details have finally been released. In addition to announcing some new cast members and releasing a new trailer, it’s also been announced that SHY season 2 will premiere on Thursday, July 1 in Japan, the English release likely airing sometime that same day on Crunchyroll.

The trailer even suggests an improvement in one of the major shortcomings of SHY season 1, and if that’s maintained for the show proper, then it will end up an even better watch than season 1.

SHY Season 2’s Story Explained

Anime series by 8bit; Based on the manga by Miki Bukimi

SHY season 2 continues the story of the heroes of the world fighting against the mysterious Amarariruku, with the Japanese hero Shy at the center of the conflict due to her various encounters with the group. Specifically, SHY season 2 will see Shy lead an operation against Amarariruku as they attempt to destroy all of Tokyo, and much of what happens there will also tie into the history of Shy’s new friend Ai Tennoji, a ninja with a connection to the Amarariruku member Utsuro.

SHY’s Anime Looks The Best It Ever Has In Season 2’s New Trailer

The Series’ Visuals Seem to Have Improved Significantly

The story for SHY season 2 looks to be a natural continuation of where season 1 left off, but what’s even better is what the new trailer shows about the visuals. One of the biggest problems with SHY season 1 was that while it had a lot of inventive direction, the actual visuals tended to be somewhat lackluster, but SHY season 2 appears to have far better and more consistent visuals than season 1 did. That means that season 2 will hopefully have the visuals to match its story, and that will make it an even better anime to watch.

SHY season 2 seeing that sort of improvement on the technical side of things could also do much for its popularity. The visuals for season 1 were one of the biggest reasons why 8bit’s SHY didn’t gain popularity, but if the visuals are as good as the trailer promises they’ll be, then SHY season 2 could be good enough to help the anime become truly popular, something a show like it more than deserves. It’s unknown just how well that will play out, but hopefully, SHY season 2 will more than meet its expectations following its premiere on July 1.

Source: EMOTION Label Channel (YouTube); @SHY_off (X)