Warning: Spoilers for Spider-Boy #8!The newest Marvel Universe supergenius is already putting the publisher’s greatest intellects to shame, as he is revealed to possess the combined intellect of the Avengers three greatest minds. The ranks of Earth’s mightiest heroes feature some of the smartest characters in all of Marvel Comics – meaning the character Toy Soldier has staggering intellectual capability.

In the preview released by Marvel for Spider Boy #8 – written by Dan Slott, with art by Jason Loo – the Adaptoid known as “Toy Solider” is introduced by Spider-Boy, who explains: “He’s got the abilities of every Avenger…including the scientific genius of Ant-Man, Iron Man, and the Beast!

Beyond this impressive introduction, Toy Solider’s appearance in the preview is brief, but he spends just enough time on-panel to vault himself to the top of the rankings, in terms of Marvel’s smartest characters.


Spider-Boy Finally Earns the Right to Be Spider-Man’s Sidekick

Spider-Boy claims that he already earned the right to be Spider-Man’s sidekick before everyone forgot about him, but now he actually shows why.

Toy Soldier Combines The Intellects Of Marvel’s Most Brilliant Characters

Spider-Boy #8 – Written By Dan Slott; Art By Jason Loo, Erick Arciniega, & VC’s Joe Caramagna

Toy Soldier debuts in Spider-Boy #3,attacks Spider-Boy on orders from Killionaire.

Toy Soldier made his Marvel debut in SpiderBoy #3, dubbing himself as “The Ultimate Action Figure with the power of every single Avenger!” Toy Soldier can transform into any Marvel hero or villain at will and perfectly replicate their skills, abilities, and powers. He even can create his own Mjolnir, which works like Thor’s actual hammer, to the point that Spider-Boy struggled to lift the toy-sized hammer, having been deemed unworthy. Initially, Toy Soldier was manipulated into working for the villainous Killionaire, until Spider-Boy convinced him that he was worthy enough to be a hero.

In Spider-Boy #8, Toy Soldier resurfaces as the calvary recruited by Spider-Man and the Avengers to help rescue Spider-Boy from Madame Monstrosity, the mastermind behind Spidey’s rogues gallery. Once that is settled, it becomes time to brainstorm ways to reverse Madame Monstrosity’s human-animal experiments and turn them back to normal. Though this seems to be a formidable task, Spider-Boy evokes Toy Soldier’s incredible mind, given that he combines the scientific genius of Ant-Man, Iron Man, and Beast in one. As comedic as the character might seem, this is an incredible distinction for Marvel to make.

Toy Soldier Has Already Made His Case For Avengers Membership

He Already Has Their Powers

Despite being so new to the Marvel Universe, and to the hero life in general, Toy Soldier has immediately asserted himself as one of the most powerful characters in Marvel just by his nature alone. By proxy, he’s one of the smartest characters in Marvel’s Universe, simply if he wants to be. The fact that he can transform into any Marvel character he wants, and use the full extent of their powers just by thinking about it is wholly impressive. He’s the ally of Spider-Man’s forgotten sidekick, but his gifts make Toy Soldier worthy of a real Avengers membership.