Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern: War Journal #9!There’s a new Power Ring in Green Lantern mythology and it may be one of the most powerful relics ever forged. For months now, John Stewart has been hunted by the Radiant Dead, led by their vengeful leader, the Revenant Queen.

Green Lantern has discovered quite a bit about the Radiant Dead since they came into his life. Now that he’s on the front line of a war, John is learning more than ever, including how he might able to stop the Radiant Dead. But everything hinges on a Power Ring that could eclipse the might of the strongest Green Lantern ever.

Green Lantern’s New Nemesis Has a Ring Made From a God’s Essence

In Green Lantern: War Journal #9 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Montos, Adriano Lucas, and Dave Sharpe, Green Lantern Caolán Shepherd consults with the Book of Oa to figure out what happened to John Stewart. The book has no mention of the Radiant Dead nor the Revenant Queen, but it does have the history of the Corps’ greatest rivals, the Darkstars. Shepherd discovers that ancient Maltusians once discovered a power source rooted in a monument to the fallen Old God Olgrun and his daughter, Queen Ajna.

The Maltusians were able to use the power source to become a band of protectors, the Knights of the Dark Star, named after an ethereal light that grew from the monument they’d desecrated. Though long dead, Olgrun used his might from beyond and punished the knights by corrupting their bodies. The knights who would become the Revenant Queen tried to control Olgrun’s power by claiming Ajna’s ring, a vessel made of Olgrun’s will that created a cosmic anomaly known as the Dark Star of the Fenn.

Elsewhere in the universe near the Dark Star of the Fenn, John Stewart consults with the mysterious Byla on how to stop Olgrun’s forces from coming through the star. Byla tells Green Lantern that the Dark Star and all its horrors come from the Revenant Queen’s ring, John theorizes that if he travels through the Dark Star and claims the Revenant Queen’s ring, he can end Olgrun’s threat. Against Byla’s advice, Green Lantern flies into the Dark Star to track the Revenant Queen and get her ring.

The Threat Olgrun and the Radiant Dead Present to Green Lantern

The tale of Olgrun was first heard by Superman when he went to liberate Warworld from the galactic despot Mongul’s tyranny. Olgrun was one of the most powerful Old Gods who created beautiful and awe-inspiring worlds. However, the mighty being fell to madness and unleashed hell on anything in his path, including his daughter who he killed in his rage. Olgrun was eventually brought down and his might was split into seven aspects and hidden throughout the multiverse, one of which was recovered by Superman.

Unbeknownst to Superman and the rest of the DC Universe, Olgrun was still around, plotting an eventual return. Using the Radiant Dead and the Revenant Queen, Olgrun had his forces venture out into the DC Universe to find him a suitable host to possess so that Olgrun could reign once more. The Radiant Dead began stalking and pursuing John Stewart, who had recently become one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe after the Green Lantern absorbed a powerful cosmic phenomenon known as a Godstorm.

Thankfully, John was able to fight back against the Radiant Dead with Green Lantern Shepherd’s help. Together, they took the fight directly to the Revenant Queen. Unfortunately, it was then that the Queen revealed that she was merely a window for Olgrun’s power and that she had come to claim Green Lantern’s body. She spirited John away to the Dark Star of the Fenn where he was eventually rescued by Byla. Unfortunately, Green Lantern had no way of leaving the Dark Star’s orbit and Olgrun’s forces were slowly escaping.

How Ajna’s Power Ring Compares to Green Lantern’s and Others

The Radiant Dead Spread DC

Ajna’s ring wouldn’t be the first malevolent Power Ring in the DC Universe. The Red Lantern rings turn its users into feral, acid-spewing monsters (while also replacing their hearts). Those under the Orange Lantern ring’s sway are abnormally greedy and can’t focus on anything other than their own desires. The Black Lantern rings created an entire army of zombies that nearly destroyed all life in the DCU and the Phantom Lantern ring made its users incredibly unstable and put them at serious risk to themselves and others.

But Ajna’s ring is more than just an ‘evil Power Ring’. It’s a vessel that contains the essence of Olgrun himself. While fans have yet to see Olgrun in action directly, one need only look at the devastation wrought by the Radiant Dead to showcase how destructive his power truly is. Not to mention, Olgrun was considered so strong that even other Old Gods couldn’t kill him (they had to settle for splitting his power). Unlike other Power Rings, which rely on the Emotional Spectrum, Ajna’s ring is connected to a darker, more terrifying force.

There’s no doubt that John is more powerful than ever after his latest upgrade. But while John has a deep connection to the Source now, Olgrun was considered the strongest of the old gods. Despite his power being fractured, his might lives on in things like the Dark Star, the Radiant Dead, and the Revenant Queen. And at the root of all of this is the ring on the Revenant Queen’s finger. The only chance Green Lantern has at defeating his enemies is retrieving that ring, but is that even possible?

Green Lantern Has to Recover Queen Ajna’s Ring Or Else

John Stewart Fighting Radiant Dead Animals DC

Olgrun has made it clear through his armies and endless attacks that he’s not going to stop until he lives again. John’s only hope of defeating Olgrun is by taking the vessel connected to his power and destroying it for good. But the Revenant Queen is overflowing with Olgrun’s might and even John, for all his increased strength, has struggled in battle against her. John knows that going after this new Power Ring could very well end in his death, but it’s the only option that Green Lantern has.

Green Lantern: War Journal #9 is available now from DC Comics.

Green Lantern: War Journal #9 (2024)

Green Lantern 9 Cover Horror

  • Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
  • Artist: Montos
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Montos


Green Lantern

Green Lantern is the name given to several characters in the D.C. Comics canon, centering on individuals who dispense intergalactic justice. Green Lanterns can harness the power of willpower and can create unique spectral objects to face off against their enemies. Though some Green Lanterns have assisted with the Justice League, they primarily belong to the Green Lantern Corps.