The Phoenix is reborn… and the cosmos tremble. As Jean Grey of the X-Men reclaims her identity as the Phoenix Force empowered hero she was always meant to be, the beloved mutant travels to space to save the universe. As Jean’s journey unfolds, Phoenix will come face to face with the children of Thanos – the Black Order – in Phoenix #3.

After Mother Righteous murdered Jean and the Phoenix in the White Hot Room Hope Summers sacrificed her life to rebirth the two, who went on to defeat the monstrous Enigma Dominion with the might of a million mutants.

Phoenix #3, from writer Stephanie Phillips and artist Alessandro Miracolo, will follow Jean as she attempts to track down the kidnapped denizens of Gameworld, before realizing that the kidnappers are none other than the Black Order, who she battles in a gorgeous cover from Yasmine Putri revealed by CBR.

DEATH FROM ABOVE…AND BELOW?! Saving a planet full of kidnapping victims who’ve disappeared from the gaudy whirlwind of Gameworld — seems like just another day in space for Jean Grey! Though…she did get the tip-off from her less-than-forthright father-in-law, legendary pirate Corsair of the Starjammers crew… and the kidnappers are none other than the children of Thanos themselves, the dreaded Black Order. And yet…somehow…it’s all about to get a whole lot worse!

Jean Grey Faces The Black Order As The Phoenix Heads To Space

Children of Thanos Black Order

Children of Thanos Black Order

Jean Grey’s newest era as Phoenix will be explosive and dramatic to witness, and it has already begun in the X-Men: From the Ashes Infinity comic, where Jean tells Scott that she and the Phoenix need to go into space to “figure some stuff out.” While Phoenix has saved the universe from Enigma and come to terms with her sins as the Dark Phoenix, she still has a lot to prove to herself, and she wants to be a cosmic hero until she acclimates to her new symbiotic relationship with the Phoenix. After partnering with Corsair – Scott’s space pirate father – in Phoenix #2, Jean will head to Gameworld to protect its citizens from the children of Thanos.

Phoenix already has a fascinating relationship with Gameworld, having saved many of its inhabitants once before by taking down Cordyceps Jones, a dangerous and manipulative criminal overlord. Now, the enemy she faces is much stronger. The Black Order has served as Thanos’ personal task force for years, and each member is more deadly than the last, having fought and defeated many Marvel heroes in the past. Jean will be forced to battle against Corvus Glaine, Black Dwarf, Supergiant, Proxima Midnight, and Ebony Maw in an epic cosmic showdown. Interestingly, Supergiant has been deceased since 2018, so only time will tell if her path back to life will factor into Jean’s adventure with the Order.

Phoenix Must Protect A Vast Universe From Endless Threats

Phoenix #1, Rose Besch variant coverl Jean Grey in an updated costume with flowing red hair

Jean Grey’s new Phoenix series will see the resurrected mutant hero teaming up with an array of cosmic protectors, like the iconic Nova and the beloved Captain Marvel. From saving entire planets from wormholes to interacting with unknowable deities like Eternity, Jean’s newest era will see her more powerful than ever before. While the Black Order will clearly give Phoenix a tough battle, there is no doubt that Jean will be able to handle whatever they can throw at her, and come out on top.

The children of Thanos, his terrifying Black Order, are a threat to anyone they battle, and Jean Grey is no different. Yasmine Putri’s stunning cover shows Jean and the Phoenix Force going one-on-one against the Cull Obsidian, as she fights to protect the cosmos and do her X-Men proud.

Phoenix #3 from Marvel Comics debuts on September 4th, 2024.

Source: CBR