Iron Flame is a devastating sequel for many reasons, and Sawyer is left without a leg when the second Empyrean Series book closes — but Rebecca Yarros already set up the perfect way for him to remain in the Rider’s Quadrant. Sawyer is probably the least utilized member of Fourth Wing‘s Iron Squad, and many are hoping that Onyx Storm will expand his role. The third Empyrean Series book has the means to keep him in the midst of the action despite Iron Flame‘s ending.

Sawyer will need to learn how to ride and fight with a missing limb, but he has an advantage most characters in his circumstances wouldn’t. Since Fourth Wing explained Violet’s condition, the Empyrean Series has proven that dragon riders with disabilities can survive and thrive at Basgiath War College. This is especially true if they’re willing to utilize the accommodations at their disposal. And one detail about Sawyer’s character makes him uniquely equipped to do so, ensuring he’ll be able to continue fighting the war against the venin in future Empyrean Series books.


10 Fourth Wing Characters We Want To See More Of In Onyx Storm

Despite the many newcomers, there are a few established Fourth Wing side characters audiences want to see more of in the next book, Onyx Storm.

Sawyer’s Signet Can Help Him Stay In The Rider’s Quadrant Despite Iron Flame’s Ending

Metallurgy Could Help Him If He’s Given A Metal Prosthetic

A cropped image of the Iron Flame book cover

Custom image by Yeider Chacon

While dragons help the members of the Rider’s Quadrant fight Navarre’s enemies, signets also play a significant role in their battle strategy. And as many readers have noted on Reddit, Sawyer’s signet could do more than that; it could help him remain in the Iron Squad, even after losing his leg at the Battle of Basgiath. After Sawyer bonds to Sliseag, he manifests a metallurgy signet. This means Sawyer is able to manipulate metal, a power that’s not utilized nearly as much as it should be throughout Iron Flame.

Sawyer’s metallurgy could be more prominent in Onyx Storm, however, and it may even help him navigate his disability. It’s likely that Sawyer will receive a prosthetic leg after Iron Flame‘s ending. Depending on the resources available in Fourth Wing‘s world, it could be made of metal. While any other member of the Rider’s Quadrant would be facing a long road learning to use a prosthetic, Sawyer’s signet may ease the process for him in Onyx Storm.

How Sawyer Can Use Metallurgy To Continue Training At Basgiath

His Accommodations Can Be Designed With His Signet In Mind

A collage of a black dragon over the official artwork for Onyx Flame

Custom image by Alisha Grauso

Walking and putting weight on a prosthetic can be done, but it often takes a long time to get there — and using the device to climb on a dragon or fight in battle would be significantly harder. If Sawyer is able to manipulate his prosthetic limb in Onyx Storm, he may be able to speed up the process of getting used to it. Of course, he’d need to master using his signet all the time. That would still take some time to manage, meaning he’d be unable to step back on the battlefield for a time.

Still, if Sawyer can control the movements of his artificial limb using his signet, it could make his recovery from Iron Flame quicker and easier for him. Assuming he needs a saddle or other accommodations, those items can also be created with Sawyer’s metallurgy in mind. While Violet must spend time getting into and out of her saddle throughout the Empyrean Series, Sawyer could manipulate the straps with his power. His metallurgy could also come in handy in other ways, allowing him to fight the war against the venin at a distance if necessary.

Sawyer Can Add Even More Positive Disability Representation To The Empyrean Series

Violet Won’t Be The Only Member Of The Iron Squad

Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros against a red, fiery background

Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

The Empyrean Series already has positive disability representation through its heroine. However, if Sawyer remains in the Iron Squad after Iron Flame‘s ending, Violet will no longer be the only prominent character with a disability. Violet has proven that dragon riders can use accommodations and out-of-the-box thinking to overcome the challenges that Basgiath War College throws at them. Seeing Sawyer do the same in Onyx Storm will prove a satisfying direction for his character after Iron Flame.

It will also reinforce the fact that characters with disabilities can thrive in fantasy stories. This is one of the things that makes the Empyrean Series great, and now Violet won’t be the only character sending that message. Hopefully, Yarros allows Sawyer to follow in her footsteps. It’d also be good to explore him further as a character regardless of his Iron Flame fate. Thus far, Sawyer has been underutilized in the Empyrean Series. By digging into his healing journey and showing his return to the Iron Squad, Onyx Storm can finally change that.