WARNING: Contains Potential Spoiler for Detective Comics #1085!Catwoman has officially joined me in the ranks of believing that the Joker is romantically in love with Batman. Even more shocking, though, is that the Dark Knight’s life may depend on the Clown Prince of Crime acting on these feelings. Before you start booing me, though, hear me out, as Selina Kyle’s new opera-inspired nickname for the Joker proves my stance.

I’ve recently started getting into Ram V.’s Detective Comics run, and his latest issue (#1085) has solidified my commitment to the series. This installment revolves around Batman preparing to confront the Orgham family again after their successful and deadly expulsion of the Dark Knight from Gotham.

Catwoman, Batman’s staunchest ally, doubts his chances in this fight and seeks out the Joker in the hope of tipping the scales in Bruce’s favor. It’s during this intriguing encounter that Selina dubs the Clown Prince of Crime “Pagliacci,” hinting at her belief that the Joker harbors romantic feelings for Batman.

Pagliacci: Catwoman’s Operatic Nickname For Joker Proves She Thinks The Clown Is in Love With Batman

Pagliacci” is an Italian opera that tells the story of Canio, an actor and leader of a commedia dell’arte troupe, who, consumed by jealousy, murders his wife and her lover onstage during a performance. The central plot revolving around a comedic actor whose toxic love manifests as destructiveness is a clear parallel to Joker’s obsessive behavior towards Batman, and considering this opera is a romantic tragedy, I can only interpret Selina referring to Joker “Pagliacci” as her calling the clown out on his romantic feelings for Batman.

The context of Catwoman referring to the Joker as “Pagliacci” only reinforces my belief that she is making a deliberate statement about the clown’s feelings for Batman. Selina openly acknowledges to the Joker that she sought him out because she believes Batman will fail without his intervention. Even though she doesn’t outright ask for his help, I am convinced she was trying to appeal to his feelings for Batman. However, Joker’s reaction is even more telling to me, as he gets extremely defensive at what Catwoman may or may not be suggesting—a clear confirmation of his love for Batman.

Catwoman Is Banking on Joker’s Love For Batman, Hoping It Saves Bruce Wayne From a Fight He Can’t Win

Comic book art: Joker and Catwoman from DC Comics.

I was genuinely surprised when Catwoman chose the Joker as her first option for seeking help for Batman. Initially confused and even skeptical of Ram V.’s writing, I pondered why Selina, who professes her love for Batman, would turn to his greatest enemy for help. Then it struck me: her love for Bruce Wayne is precisely why she sought out the Joker. She wouldn’t entrust Batman’s life to just anyone; rather, she would seek out someone she genuinely believes loves him as deeply as she does, if not more. In turning to the Joker, Catwoman demonstrates her conviction that he harbors genuine feelings of love for Batman.

Joker is grinning as he holds two playing cards, one labeled joker, the other Batman.


Joker Confirmed His Biggest Fan Theory With 1 Sentence

The intricate and intense dynamic between Batman and the Joker has captivated fans, inspiring a multitude of theories, and one was just confirmed.

Detective Comics #1085 is available now from DC Comics!


Detective Comics 1085 Main Cover: the shadow of Batman hangs from the rafter of a gothic building.

  • Writer: Ram V.
  • Artist: Stefano Raffaele
  • Colorist: Lee Loughridge
  • Letterer: Ariana Maher
  • Cover Artist: Evan Cagle


The Joker

Batman Stands in Detective Comic Art by Jason Fabok


One of DC’s most iconic heroes, Batman is the vigilante superhero persona of billionaire Bruce Wayne. Forged by tragedy with the death of his parents, Bruce dedicated his life to becoming the world’s leading martial artist, detective, and tactician. Recruiting an entire family of allies and sidekicks, Bruce wages war on evil as the dark knight of his hometown, Gotham City.