Star Wars has included some incredible actors over its long history, and all six I’ve met so far have been exactly who they seem to be. Star Wars movies and TV shows are well-known for a number of things, but the franchise’s beloved cast and characters are certainly high on the list. Indeed, Star Wars is a franchise built upon nostalgia, and many of the actors, especially from Star Wars’ best movies, are treasured among Star Wars audiences and have been for decades.

Along with that notoriety comes perceptions of who those actors are outside their roles and opinions on how suitable they are for the characters they play. Thrillingly, many actors attend events like fan expos and comic cons, which makes it possible to get a better sense of that in person. Of the actors I’ve met at such events so far, I’ve been shocked that all six perfectly fit Star Wars audiences’ expectations of their personalities and their similarities to their characters.


10 Star Wars Actors Who’d Be Perfectly Recast In Other Iconic Roles

Although Star Wars characters are often perfectly cast, 10 actor swaps show just how well some characters could have been played by someone else.


Hayden Christensen Is As Kind As Everyone Says

First Appeared In: Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Created By

George Lucas


Bob Anderson
, Hayden Christensen
, James Earl Jones
, Matt Lanter
, Matt Lucas
, Jake Lloyd
, David Prowse
, Sebastian Shaw

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope


Jedi, Sith

While Hayden Christensen may play one of Star Wars’ most powerful Sith, he couldn’t be less like Darth Vader in real life. In fact, Christensen is well-known in the franchise for being an incredibly kind and even soft-spoken person who really takes his time with fans and wants everyone to feel included. He’s also seen as a true lover of Star Wars, and both things rang true when I met him.

This is especially wonderful to see because Christensen didn’t have the easiest entry into Star Wars. Although the prequel trilogy has become very beloved over time, at first, it received significant backlash, and, unfortunately, much of that was unfairly targeted at Christensen. However, over time, Christensen has started to get the love he always deserved. Christensen has certainly reciprocated in equal measure, reprising his role as Anakin Skywalker multiple times now and always making time for fans. In fact, Christensen frequently attends conventions and offers photo ops, autographs, and panels at most of them.

Christensen truly proved how kind he is and how much love he has for Star Wars fans during FAN EXPO Philadelphia this year when a person in the audience had a medical emergency. Without hesitation, Christensen (with Rosario Dawson close behind) hopped off the stage and got down on the floor with the person, waiting with her until the situation had been resolved. This is just one example of many of how much compassion and care Christensen exhibits, not only for Star Wars audiences but also for people in general.


Rosario Dawson Has Ahsoka’s Humor And Spunk

First Appeared In: The Mandalorian

Rosario Dawson might have been an Ahsoka Tano newcomer in The Mandalorian, but she has picked up the role beautifully and fully embodies the character. In fact, while Ahsley Eckstein is the perfect match for young Ahsoka Tano, it’s clear why Dawson was made for the older Ahsoka role. Dawson is funny, witty, and exudes a confidence that is incredibly befitting of Ahsoka in The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, and Ahsoka.

In fact, especially now that Ahsoka is a full-fledged Jedi, coined ‘Ahsoka the White,’ following her time in the World Between Worlds, Dawson is an even better fit. Essentially, Dawson brings a naturally cool air to the character and, really, to any room she’s in. This was on full display when she gave her panel at FAN EXPO Philadelphia, where she had audiences enthralled with her humor and charm.

Moreover, like Christensen, Dawson knows Star Wars and her character inside and out. Dawson even answered questions about Ahsoka by saying “I” and referred to Christensen’s Anakin in the same way. It’s clear that Dawson has completely embraced her role as the character, which is a beautiful thing to see.

Meeting her face-to-face was obviously intimidating because she is such a star (and plays one of the most beloved characters in Star Wars), but she couldn’t have been more down-to-earth and relaxed. In fact, for everyone who came into the room, Dawson acted like they were acquaintances taking a photo together. There was nothing distant or superior in her interaction with fans; she really couldn’t have been more genuine.


Eman Esfandi Is The Real-Life Ezra Bridger

First Appeared In: Ahsoka

Ezra Bridger

Created By

Dave Filoni


Taylor Gray
, Eman Esfandi

First Appearance

Star Wars Rebels


Morgan, Lando Calrissian, Jabba the Hutt


Rebel Alliance, Jedi

It is astounding how much Eman Esfandi truly is the real-life Ezra Bridger. Although he may have adopted the live-action role following the animated performance by Taylor Gray in Star Wars Rebels, which is the case for many Ahsoka actors, he somehow perfectly replicated Ezra’s sense of humor, playfulness, and at times even goofy personality. Interestingly, this doesn’t seem to be a performance; rather, Esfandi very naturally matches who Ezra Bridger is.

This was best on display during FAN EXPO Philadelphia this year. When Esfandi was explaining his feelings about Ezra’s Jedi Master Kanan Jarrus possibly returning in some form in the upcoming Ahsoka season 2, he became distracted by a massive Jabba the Hutt across the room, interrupting himself and encouraging everyone in the audience to turn and look at it. This moment of silliness was a perfect representation of who Ezra Bridger is as a character.

It’s truly so funny to see Esfandi embody Ezra so perfectly, especially given he is taking up the mantle from the voice actor. Interestingly, Ezra’s time in Ahsoka has been brief, so it remains to be seen how he will develop in season 2. For now, though, Esfandi is a dead ringer for the animated Ezra.

Moreover, it’s very clear Esfandi knows his character inside and out. Although he didn’t watch every single Rebels episode—it seems, in fact, Dave Filoni didn’t want him to—he did watch the essential Ezra Bridger episodes that Filoni ‘assigned’ to him. It’s always a joy to learn that a Star Wars actor didn’t simply accept the role and read the lines. Rather, Esfandi, like many Star Wars actors before him, truly did the work to understand the character and his story, and that work clearly paid off.


Ashley Eckstein Perfectly Captures Young Ahsoka’s Sweetness

First Appeared In: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Rosario Dawson has definitely captured the older Ahsoka Tano, but Ashley Eckstein is the original Ahsoka, and it’s quite possible no one knows the character the way she does. Eckstein has remained extremely involved in the franchise, participating in events such as the fan-made Ahsoka Tano Day and maintaining a presence on Instagram that is deeply connected to the Star Wars franchise. Eckstein also attends an astonishing number of Star Wars meet-and-greets, from special Disney World and Disneyland days to various conventions.

Eckstein is also an incredible representation of who Ahsoka was during the Clone Wars Era. In addition to being stunned by Eckstein’s voice (because it really made me feel like I was meeting Ahsoka), I was pleasantly surprised by how much her sweet, warm disposition is similar to Ahsoka’s, especially when she was younger. Eckstein took her time with each fan who entered the photo op space, and she made sure everyone felt they had time with her. She also came up with myriad creative poses that embodied Ahsoka, and she hugged everyone as soon as they entered the space.

Truly, Eckstein is exactly how she comes across on social media and during interviews. Her love of Star Wars and connection to Ahsoka is abundantly clear, and she wants each and every fan to feel as though they’ve had a special experience. It’s also wonderful to see that, even with Ahsoka moving primarily to live-action (with recent exceptions such as Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi), Eckstein is here to stay in the Star Wars franchise.


Natasha Liu Bordizzo Has Sabine’s Charm And Wit

First Appeared In: Ahsoka

Sabine Wren

Created By

Dave Filoni


Natasha Liu Bordizzo
, Tiya Sircar

First Appearance

Star Wars Rebels


Mandalorians, Rebel Alliance, Jedi

Like the other Ahsoka actors, Natasha Liu Bordizzo perfectly took her character, Sabine Wren, from animation to live-action. This is particularly impressive, as Sabine went from a young Mandalorian to an older and shockingly somewhat Force-sensitive Jedi Padawan between Rebels and Ahsoka. However, in yet another perfect Star Wars casting, Bordizzo took on the role and executed it wonderfully, bringing Sabine’s wit and sense of humor to live-action.

Bordizzo is also surprisingly similar to Sabine, although not obstinate or sarcastic in the same way. Rather, Bordizzo brings Sabine’s charm in real life, and her subtle sense of humor in her panel with Ahsoka co-stars Eman Esfandi and Diana Lee Inosanto delighted audiences at FAN EXPO Philadelphia. In fact, Esfandi and Bordizzo had a dynamic that was very reminiscent of Sabine and Ezra’s in the show, playfully teasing each other but also sharing in jokes and egging one another on in the best way.


Diana Lee Inosanto Is Remarkably Humble Given Her Incredible Talent

First Appeared In: The Mandalorian

Morgan Elsbeth

Created By

Dave Filoni


Diana Lee Inosanto

First Appearance

The Mandalorian



Diana Lee Inosanto is the final Star Wars actor of the six I’ve met, and I was shocked to discover how humble she is. Inosanto truly acted as though she was lucky to be there, despite her significant acting chops. To that point, Inosanto described how she was genuinely surprised that Star Wars wanted her for the role of Morgan Elsbeth, and her joy and appreciation for her inclusion in the franchise was abundantly clear. Inosanto is, in that way, a perfect addition to the Star Wars universe.

Many Star Wars actors have expressed similar incredulity, although they have more than earned their place. However, this response is part of what makes the movies and TV shows so wonderful. That awe for their roles causes many Star Wars actors to bring their all to their performance, and it makes Star Wars seem like so much more than a job. Indeed, many actors fully embrace the Star Wars franchise, and it’s perhaps for that reason that so many of them perfectly fit the characters they play and the general perception audiences have of them.