WARNING: Potential Spoilers For The Boy Wonder #2!At this point, Red Hood and guns are nearly synonymous. However, Jason Todd’s latest and perhaps greatest blunder has proven why he should NEVER have used guns in the first place. Unfortunately, it’s Damian Wayne’s Robin who had to suffer for Red Hood to learn this lesson the hard way. The worst part, though, is that this is the second time Damian has been the victim of this specific Jason Todd mistake.

Juni Ba’s The Boy Wonder #2 sees Robin team up with Red Hood for his ongoing mission to hunt down the “demons” responsible for a series of abductions plaguing Gotham City. However, the duo doesn’t have to look far for one of these demons, as it finds them first.

During the confrontation, the demon, who introduces himself as Rok, seemingly doses Jason with a hallucinogenic that causes him to hallucinate the Joker. Given Jason’s history with the clown, he understandably reacts badly, shooting uncontrollably at both the Joker and Rok. Instead of slaying these demons, Red Hood accidentally shoots Robin.

Red Hood Proves He Shouldn’t Use Guns By Accidentally Shooting Robin During a Hallucination

Jason unintentionally shooting Damian exemplifies why Red Hood shouldn’t use guns—it’s too easy to make mistakes, and those mistakes can have deadly consequences. This scene highlights how quickly things can spiral if Jason is compromised. Given the unpredictable nature of the rogues the Bat-Family encounters regularly, these compromises happen too often for Red Hood to always take appropriate countermeasures. Therefore, the safest and most practical solution is to ditch the guns altogether and switch to a less inherently lethal weapon.

Luckily, Jason shooting Damian didn’t have lethal consequences. Red Hood managed to transport Robin to his safehouse and provide the necessary medical attention. However, Damian could have easily died from this mistake, something Jason would likely never forgive himself for. It would also potentially destroy his tentative bonds with the rest of the Bat-Family, further isolating him. It will be interesting to see if Ba follows up on this incident and whether it serves as a wake-up call for Red Hood, prompting him to give up his guns for good.

Red Hood standing in front of Red Hood using katana and wearing his hood


Red Hood’s New Title Proves He’s Better Than the Bat-Family at One Thing

Fans have long debated which Bat-Family members are better at what, and now Red Hood’s new title definitively ends the debate on one skillset.

Battle For the Cowl: Juni Ba’s The Boy Wonder Isn’t the First Time Jason Todd Has Shot Damian Wayne

red hood shoots damian wayne

Horrifically enough, the incident in Ba’s The Boy Wonder #2 isn’t the first time Jason has shot Damian. In Batman: Battle for the Cowl by Tony S. Daniel, Jason, as the gun-toting Batman, also shot Damian during a confrontation with him and Dick Grayson. The main difference between Ba’s and Daniel’s stories is that Jason intentionally shot Damian in Battle for the Cowl, while the incident in Ba’s story was completely unintentional. Despite these differences, it is still notable that Jason has now shot Damian Wayne’s Robin twice in the comics–maybe Batman has a point in insisting that Red Hood stop using guns).

The Boy Wonder #2 is available now from DC Comics!

THE BOY WONDER #2 (2024)

The Boy Wonder 2 Main Cover: Robin and Red Hood in a cartoonish style sit on a grimy roof.

  • Writer: Juni Ba
  • Artist: Juni Ba
  • Colorist: Chris O’Halloran
  • Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
  • Cover Artist: Juni Ba


Red Hood