The protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen, Itadori Yuji, differs from classic shonen protagonists who are singularly focused on their goals. While he shows determination when needed, he never loses his charm and fills those around him with love. One of the most lovable aspects of Yuji is his selflessness. Although this is a common trait among Shonen heroes, Yuji Itadori epitomizes it.

The young sorcerer has proven time and again that he is not your average shonen protagonist, sometimes leading viewers to question if Yuji fits the mold. His realistic reactions make him feel different from other protagonists and more relatable, even if comparisons are difficult. While most Shonen Jump protagonists strive to be the best and seek admiration, Yuji understands his role and is content to play his part, earning genuine love in the process. Among the many things Yuji embodies, Gege Akutami has crafted him as the most lovable character in Jujutsu Kaisen, and these moments prove it.


Yuji Remembers an Old Classmate After She Drastically Changes

Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, episode #6, “It’s Like That”

Although Jujutsu Kaisen is a darker series that doesn’t hesitate to kill characters left and right, it has moments that allow viewers to catch their breath and enjoy normal interactions. In Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, episode #6, the trio takes some time off after the Evening Festival incident. During this break, Nobara Kugisaki is approached by a girl named Yuko Ozawa, who turns out to be Yuji’s former classmate and has a crush on him.

In middle school, Yuko never confessed her feelings to Yuji because she was self-conscious about her appearance. Now, six months later and with a changed appearance, Yuko wants to see if Yuji can even recognize her and how he would feel about her now. When Yuji sees Yuko, he instantly recognizes her, showing that he values people for their personality rather than their appearance. Yuko comments that this is the part of Yuji that makes him most lovable.


Yuji Apologizes To Eso

Jujutsu Kaisen season 1, episode #24, “Accomplices”

Yuji feeling regret after killing Eso

Season 1 of Jujutsu Kaisen laid the groundwork for a series that thrives on intense battles with unpredictable twists. So, it’s no wonder that the season finale delivered one of the most gripping showdowns yet. Yuji and Nobara found themselves facing off against the cursed spirit siblings, Eso and Kechizu. But as the clash unfolded, it became apparent that Eso and Kechizu were no ordinary spirits, they possessed physical bodies akin to humans. This revelation left Yuji torn, grappling with the moral dilemma of fighting opponents who seemed closer to allies than adversaries.

After witnessing Kechizu’s defeat, Yuji observed Eso’s tears of anguish for his fallen brother and couldn’t help but empathize with his sorrow. Despite the turmoil within him, Yuji knew he had a duty to fulfill. With a heavy heart, he offered a heartfelt apology to Eso, acknowledging the complexity of their situation. In that moment, Yuji’s compassion and sense of responsibility shone through, highlighting his unique and lovable traits among the cast of Jujutsu Kaisen.


Yuji’s Motivation For Fulfilling His Role

Jujutsu Kaisen season 1, episode #21 “Jujutsu Koshien”

Noritoshi Kamo asking Yuji why he became a sorcerer

The moments that make Yuji a very lovable character aren’t due to his tragic childhood or his great ambitions. It is due to Itadori’s desire to be there for others and possibly achieve a similar output in return. In episode #21 of Jujutsu Kaisen, a particularly rare moment highlights Yuji’s motivation for becoming a sorcerer. When Noritoshi Kamo questions his choice, Yuji’s response differs significantly from what one might expect.

Yuji succinctly reflects on his abrupt introduction to the world of Jujutsu, acknowledging the feeling of being somewhat out of place. Yet, underlying his journey is a heartfelt desire to fulfill his grandfather’s wish, to be a source of aid and protection for others, fostering bonds of love and camaraderie around him. This moment stands out as a rarity, showcasing Yuji’s pure and endearing motivation in a landscape where other protagonists often possess grander ambitions.

Gojo, Toji and Yuta from Jujutsu Kaisen


10 Most Interesting Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Jujutsu Kaisen has a loaded ensemble cast of interesting and well-written characters, with a handful of them leaving a significant mark on the series.


Itadori’s Innocence Is One Of His Most Endearing Traits

Jujutsu Kaisen season 1, episode #15, “Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event – Team Battle, Part 1”

Yuji exclaiming how he could have become even more dumb

Yuji’s emotional depth is striking, yet his charismatic innocence often shines through, even prompting commentary from fellow characters. In a tense moment during the sister school competition, Aoi Todo’s aggressive approach catches Yuji off guard, resulting in repeated blows to his head and leaving him bleeding. While facing someone as formidable as Todo might instinctively trigger flight in most, Yuji’s response defies expectations.

Instead of backing down, Yuji Itadori surprises everyone by rising to his feet and delivering an unexpected response. He quips that Todo’s relentless assault on his head might actually make him even dumber. Todo, taken aback by this unexpected retort, counters with an unusual defense, citing his idol’s belief that men are at their best when they possess a hint of simplicity. This exchange highlights Itadori’s innate innocence and straightforward nature, further endearing him to the audience.


Yuji Instantly Attempts To Save His Classmates And Megumi

Jujutsu Kaisen season 1, episode 1, “Ryomen Sukuna”

A panel from Manga showcasing Yuji eating Sukuna's finger

While many shonen protagonists aspire to become heroes, Itadori’s natural heroic traits are evident in his unwavering desire to save others. In the very first episode of Jujutsu Kaisen, upon discovering from Megumi the danger posed by the cursed object held by his upperclassmen, Yuji immediately springs into action to assist them, despite Megumi’s cautionary words. As the situation intensifies, Yuji makes a bold and desperate move to protect Megumi, swallowing the cursed object in a daring bid to save someone he just met.

Though unaware of the consequences of ingesting the cursed energy, Yuji’s immediate instinct was to aid Megumi, even at the potential cost of his own life. While some might label his actions as reckless, Yuji’s unwavering determination to fulfill his grandfather’s wish and help others drove him to take drastic measures. Inadvertently, this bold act further underscores his heroism, demonstrating his willingness to sacrifice for the sake of others.


Yuji’s Hatred Towards Mahito

Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, episode #21, “Metamorphosis”

Yuji looking down on Mahito

Characters like Deku from My Hero Academia have become unrealistic due to their goals of saving people who are beyond saving and have caused trouble on a global scale. In contrast, Yuji from Jujutsu Kaisen isn’t like Midoriya in this regard. He realizes that it’s okay to hate someone, especially in the case of Mahito, the most annoying character in Jujutsu Kaisen. Mahito has been a constant thorn in the protagonist’s path, making Yuji understand that sometimes hatred is justified.

This realistic reaction to someone like Mahito is justified, and Yuji showcased his emotions as any sane person would. The never-ending battle between Mahito and Yuji culminates in episode #21 of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, where Yuji vows to keep killing Mahito every time he returns in any form. This moment highlights Itadori’s ability to adapt his feelings based on the situation and help those around him, even if it means breaking his rule against killing. It proves that he is a hero when needed.

Gojo holding Jogo by his head inside Unlimited Void with Yuji's head under his other arm in jujutsu kaisen


10 Reasons Jujutsu Kaisen is the Biggest Shonen Anime in Years

These ten reasons explain why Jujutsu Kaisen has quickly become the most popular and beloved shonen anime series of the modern day.


Yuji Can Become Anyone’s Friend

Jujutsu Kaisen season 1, episode #12, “To You, Someday”

Yuji and Junpei smiling in Jujutsu Kaisen's first opening

In his pursuit of Mahito, Yuji investigates Junpei to uncover their connection. Instead of approaching with caution, Yuji befriends Junpei, empathizing with the troubled teenager and wanting to support him. Despite Yuji’s good intentions, Mahito’s schemes prevail, leading Junpei to use cursed energy to seek retribution for his mother’s death at his school.

While other sorcerers saw Junpei as a curse user, Yuji extended his hand in friendship during a difficult time. If Mahito hadn’t interfered, Junpei might have become a sorcerer and contributed positively to society. This moment shows that Yuji’s kindness can inspire others to change for the better.


Yuji Helps Hiromi Gain His Humanity Back

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter #166, “Tokyo No. 1 Colony, Part 6”

Jujutsu Kaisen's Hiromi Higuruma standing in his domain with judgeman behind him as he declares a retrial against sukuna

Jujutsu Kaisen features many battles centered on intense hand-to-hand combat and supernatural powers. However, the fight between Hiromi Higuruma and Yuji during the Culling Game arc stands out as a battle of philosophies. Hiromi, a former lawyer, is on a killing spree due to his disillusionment with the justice system. Having faced numerous failures in his profession, he had completely given up on humanity. Yet, Yuji’s kindness and unwavering belief in people ultimately show Hiromi the right path, reminding him of the potential for goodness in others.

Yuji’s policy of never killing anyone, even cursed spirits, has had its ups and downs. The trauma he faced during the Shibuya incident deepened his compassion, allowing him to empathize with Hiromi’s situation. This battle reveals yet another heroic side of Yuji that no one expected, helping Hiromi regain his faith in humanity.


Carrying On Nanami’s Legacy

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter #127, “The Shibuya Incident, Part 44”

Nanami in the front with a smile with Yuji in the background seems determined.

After realizing that Sukuna had massacred hundreds of civilians in Shibuya, Yuji barely manages to continue his mission to find Gojo. His resolve is further tested when he witnesses the death of one of his valued mentors, Nanami, at the hands of his archnemesis, Mahito. Driven by a moment of intense hatred, Yuji leaps to avenge Nanami, only to witness Nobara’s death shortly after. This series of tragic events leaves Yuji overwhelmed with grief and guilt.

At this point, Yuji is ready to give up and run away from it all. However, his “brother” Todo pats his back and reminds him that he is not alone. This moment highlights Yuji’s realistic and relatable nature, as he shows vulnerability when things become overwhelming. With Todo’s support, Yuji realizes that he is loved and not alone, which gives him the strength to honor his mentor’s last wish of not giving up.


Itadori Yuji Cofronts Sukuna

Jujutsu Kaisen season 1, episode #6, “Rain”

Yuji looking disgusted with hand at his throat sticking his tongue out with Sukuna smilinbg and sticking his tongue out slightly in the background with his hand on a staff in jujutsu kaisen

One of the best traits of Shonen protagonists is their self-sacrificing virtue, and Jujutsu Kaisen‘s protagonist, Yuji Itadori, embodies this quality. After his apparent death at the hands of Sukuna, Yuji faces an inner conflict with the powerful curse. Despite the seemingly inevitable outcome, Yuji does not give up. Itadori fights valiantly against Sukuna before ultimately making the binding vow.

Sukuna promises to revive Yuji in exchange for taking control of his body when a special word is uttered. However, Yuji refuses to accept this fate without a fight, despite eventually losing the battle. This moment highlights Yuji’s heroism in the face of overwhelming odds and showcases his unwavering determination to resist even the most formidable adversaries. It’s these simple yet powerful moments that solidify Yuji as a beloved hero within the expansive cast of Jujutsu Kaisen characters.

Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Poster

Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen is a supernatural action anime that follows high school student Yuuji Itadori as he battles against magical curses. After Yuji selflessly saves a classmate by taking a curse into his own body, he is discovered and trained by a powerful sorcerer named Satoru Gojo. Gojo, who also happens to be a faculty member at a high school, enrolls Yuji there to help him and other students prepare themselves against the supernatural forces that plague humanity.