This article contains spoilers for The Acolyte episodes 1 and 2.

The first two episodes of The Acolyte raise massive questions for the future show – and the entire Star Wars franchise. The Acolyte explores a new part of the timeline, and it will reportedly tell the story of how the Sith infiltrated the Jedi Order and the Republic a century before Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. It has introduced Amandla Stenberg as the twins Osha and Mae – a former Jedi Padawan and a Sith assassin tracking and killing Jedi across the galaxy.

The Acolyte episodes 1 and 2 set the scene, establishing many characters and relationships. Despite the amazing introduction, there are still a lot of questions about where the show will go next, and it’s unclear if or when these questions will be answered. Here are te burning questions we want answered after The Acolyte’s two-episode premiere.


What Is A Sith Acolyte? New Star Wars TV Show Title Explained

Star Wars: The Acolyte has released its two-episode premiere, finally confirming what the show’s title means for Star Wars’ newest Sith.


Who is the Mysterious Sith Lord?

Not Even Mae Knows Who He Is

The Acolyte is presenting a Sith’s-eye view of the end of the High Republic Era. It’s unclear who this mystery Sith really is; it could potentially be Palpatine’s mentor Darth Plagueis, or even his master Darth Tenebrous. Darth Tenebrous was introduced in Legends, but has been subtly canonized in reference books. Whoever this Sith may be, Lucasfilm is keeping his identity secret; the actor who voices the Sith Lord isn’t even named in the credits. This suggests he could secretly be another character from the show.

Even the characters of The Acolyte don’t know who this Sith Lord is. When Mae duels with Master Sol in The Acolyte episode 2, he searches her mind to see who trained her and he learns that she does not even know the Sith’s name. This means that the possibilities are quite endless. While Star Wars may stick with a better-known name like Plagueis, they might also introduce an apprentice never heard of before who dies before the rise of Palpatine.


What Happened on Brendok?

Osha and Mae’s Backstory Needs to Be Revealed

From the first two episodes of The Acolyte, it’s obvious that something major happened on the planet Brendok, which led to a Jedi cover-up with Mae and Osha both thinking their twin was dead. While audiences got a hint of what happened in Osha’s dream sequence in the first episode, it’s still unclear how the fire started that killed Osha’s family. It’s also unknown why the Jedi covered this up, and how involved they were with the tragedy.

From trailer footage, it seems there will be flashback sequences, as younger versions of Carrie-Anne Moss’ Master Indara and Master Torbin (Dean Charles-Chapman) have been seen. There’s been no indication whether this will be a full flashback, or whether the information will be revealed in bits and pieces throughout the rest of the season. Hopefully, things will become clearer once Mother Aniseya’s (Jodie Turner-Smith) character finally appears and can shed light on past events.


Why Did Osha Leave the Jedi Order?

There Has To Be a Reason She Stopped Training

It’s known that when Osha was eight years old her mothers and twin sister were thought dead in a fire on her home world of Brendok. After the death of her family, Master Sol brought Osha into the Jedi Order and took her on as his padawan, despite her being a bit old to begin her training and the fact that she was mourning. Osha trained as a Jedi for ten years before leaving the Order without finishing her training.

When Osha was thought to have been the one to have murdered Master Indara, the argument was made that Osha sought retribution because Master Indara was one of the Jedi who suggested that her training be suspended. However, Osha maintained the fact that she chose to leave the Jedi and that she wasn’t pushed out. Despite this, it’s still unclear why she ultimately left the Jedi, and it’s certainly a question that hangs above the character’s head as audiences have already seen her struggle with using the Force.


Master Sol is a wise, highly respected, powerful Jedi Master, strong in the ways of the Force, who is going through emotional conflict.

Created By

Leslye Headland


Lee Jung-jae

First Appearance

The Acolyte

TV Shows

The Acolyte


Why Don’t The Jedi Hold Their Council Meetings Using Holo-Emitters?

So Their Agents Can Stay in the Field?

The end of The Acolyte episode 2 saw Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh recall Master Sol back to Coruscant for a Jedi Council meeting. It’s known from the prequels that the Jedi High Council was a prestigious appointment, and they were largely the individuals who made major decisions about the entire Jedi Order. However, during the Star Wars prequels and shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, there were often Jedi Council members missing and appearing via Holo-emitters. This allowed the Jedi to be located on different planets, but still be able to meet and make decisions.

This streamlined way of communicating and getting decisions made sense, but it doesn’t seem to be the way the Jedi Council operated during the High Republic Era. Instead of tracking Mae to the Jedi Wookiee Kelnacca, Sol, Yord, Jecki, and Osha are being forced to travel back to Coruscant. This may be a major lesson that comes out of these events, and it could mean a change in policy for the Jedi if this trip causes the death of another Jedi.


What is the Relationship Between Mae and Qimir?

Manny Jacinto’s Character Motivations Still Aren’t Clear

While Manny Jacinto’s Qimir has not had a lot of screen time yet, he is certainly a devious character who knows more than he lets on. Qimir obviously knows intimate details about Mae’s mission and even that the Sith Lord expects her to kill a Jedi without a weapon. Even though he helps to make the poison that ultimately kills Master Torbin, Qimir isn’t giving Mae assistance through the goodness of his heart.

There has to be a reason why Mae and Qimir are working together, and it’s unclear whether the pair were put together by circumstances or by the Sith Lord. There are even theories floating around that Qimir is the Sith Lord without the mask, though there is no evidence to prove or disprove that theory. As Mae and Qimir travel to Khofar to confront Master Kelnacca, audiences may see more of the dynamic between the two, which could reveal the true nature of their relationship.

Amandla Stenberg in her character poster for The Acolyte (2024) next to the Sith Lord raising his red lightsaber


The Acolyte’s Sith Lord Is Hiding In Plain Sight – I Am All In On This Perfect Star Wars Theory

A big theory about The Acolyte states that the mysterious Sith Lord is hiding in plain sight, a theory that I can see some evidence for.


Why Did Mae Think Osha Was Dead?

She Seemed Surprised to See Her Twin

There are multiple indications that after the events that unfolded on Brendok, the Jedi stationed there covered something up. While what that is still isn’t clear, it was clear that Osha thought her mothers and twin sister Mae had died in the fire. Additionally, Mae thought Osha to be dead as well. It seems possible that part of the Jedi cover-up meant that they knew Mae was still alive, but chose not to let the twins know about one another.

This may explain what drove Mae to seek out the dark side and come into contact with the Sith Lord. It’s also odd that Mae could not sense her sister’s presence through the Force, only believing Master Sol’s words when she physically saw her sister. If nothing else, Mae’s surprise could mean that she hasn’t totally lost herself to the dark side and that there may still be a way for her to walk away from it.


The former Padawan of Jedi Master Sol, Mae gets swept up into a sinister mystery—one that puts her into the center of a conflict in unexpected ways.

Created By

Leslye Headland


Amandla Stenberg

First Appearance

The Acolyte

TV Shows

The Acolyte


Is Star Wars Setting Up Another Force Dyad?

It Can Fix The Mistakes of the Sequel Trilogy’s Mishandling of the Force Ability

The concept of the Force Dyad was initially introduced in the Star Wars sequel trilogy with Rey Skywalker being linked to Kylo Ren. It’s known that a Force Dyad operates using both the light and dark sides of the Force and allows individuals in the dyad to have additional powers. This includes the ability to heal others through the Force, as well as see and feel what the other person was experiencing. This bond does need to be nurtured by the people in the dyad.

The sequel trilogy didn’t really spend much time developing the Force Dyad, which was a shame – but The Acolyte can change this. Mae and Osha are twins, each apparently devoted to different sides of the Force. This, combined with an intriguing line about the twins being always one but born as two, seems to support the idea of a dyad. Palpatine claimed the Force Dyad hadn’t been seen in generations, so this would fit.


Why Does No One Like Yord?

No One Wants to Work With the Jedi Knight

Charlie Barnett’s Jedi Knight Yord was introduced in The Acolyte episode 1, but it seems as though many Jedi are reluctant to work with him. While Osha was initially happy to see her former friend aboard the Trade Federation’s ship, she quickly got over that feeling. Later, Dafne Keen’s Jecki was frustrating about having to work with Yord, prompting a bemused reacton from Sol; “What’s wrong with Yord?

When Sol and Jecki board their ship, Yord is seen steaming his Jedi robes shirtless, and Jecki dryly tells him to put some clothes on. While the moment was funny, it raises the question of why certain Jedi don’t like Yord or don’t enjoy working with him. From what has been seen of the character so far, he is a loyal Jedi and is looking to constantly find balance within the Force, as indicated by his yellow lightsaber blade.

Jecki Lon, Sol, and Yord Fandar with his yellow lightsaber in The Acolyte.


10 New Jedi Introduced Into Star Wars Canon Today

The Acolyte series premiere has introduced plenty of new Jedi into Star Wars canon, from former Padawans to mysterious Masters with a dark secret.


Why Does Mae Have to Kill A Jedi Without Any Weapons?

It Seems To Be A Point of Tension For Her

Mae seeks to kill a Jedi either without a weapon, or with their own lightsaber. So far, the two Jedi she killed – Indara and Torbin – died because of blades or poison, meaning they do not count. This is likely connected to Star Wars lore involving the Rule of Two, in which an Acolyte must prove themselves by defeating a Jedi and stealing their lightsaber, bleeding it red. Presumably The Acolyte is amplifying this, adding more rules to the Sith Code.

This would fit with the Sith Lord’s comment at the end of The Acolyte episode 1: “If you attack a Jedi with a weapon you will fail. Steel or laser are no threat to them. But…an Acolyte kills without a weapon.” The interesting question is whether this is true, or whether the Sith Lord is manipulating Mae for another reason. Only time (and future episodes) will tell the truth.


What Was So Bad That Master Torbin Took The Barash Vow?

How Did He Fail Mae?

The Acolyte episode 2, it was revealed that Master Torbin had taken the Barash Vow. The Barash Vow is seen as a kind of penance within the Jedi Order; Jedi who take the vow remove themselves from the day-to-day activities of the Jedi so they can focus on the will of the Force itself. This helps them take the focus off of themselves and their motivations and desires, ultimately seeking the strongest possible connection to the Force.

It seems that Master Torbin had undertaken the Barash Vow years earlier, as it was said that he hadn’t spoken in over ten years. It poses the question of why Torbin took the Vow and what dark event led him to take on a life of near-constant meditation. This, coupled with Torbin willingly taking the poison from Mae, suggests he somehow failed her. Mae suggests he could take the poison, or tell the Jedi Council what he had done – whatever that may be. Future episodes of The Acolyte will surely reveal the truth.

New episodes of The Acolyte premiere every Tuesday at 9pm EST on Disney+.

The Acolyte Poster Showing Jedi Order, Mae, and a Sith Lord Holding Lightsabers

The Acolyte


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The Acolyte is a television series set in the Star Wars universe at the end of the High Republic Era, where both the Jedi and the Galactic Empire were at the height of their influence. This sci-fi thriller sees a former Padawan reunite with her former Jedi Master as they investigate several crimes – all leading to darkness erupting from beneath the surface and preparing to bring about the end of the High Republic.


Dafne Keen
, Lee Jung-jae
, Amandla Stenberg
, Jodie Turner-Smith
, Joonas Suotamo
, Carrie-Anne Moss
, Margarita Levieva
, Charlie Barnett
, Dean-Charles Chapman



Streaming Service(s)



Star Wars


Leslye Headland
, Charmaine De Grate
, Kor Adana


Leslye Headland
, Alex Garcia Lopez


Leslye Headland