Deadpool is considered one of the strongest characters in Marvel Comics, due in part to the fact that his healing factor essentially makes him immortal, and because he quite literally killed everyone in the Marvel Universe (more than once). Wade Wilson also has another, all but forgotten superpower that has come in handy from time to time, but never has he flexed this power in question quite like this, which effectively cements him as a god-tier character.

In Deadpool Corps #1-5 by Victor Gischler and Rob Liefeld, a multiversal team of Deadpools (which, of course, includes the main Wade Wilson of Earth-616) has been gathered by the Contemplator, an Elder of the Universe, to stop a cosmic threat: the Awareness. The Awareness is essentially a giant space-cloud that has existed since before the creation of the universe. It has the power to absorb consciousness, and its goal is to assimilate every mind in the cosmos.

When the Deadpool Corps battles the Awareness, this Galactus-like being tries to consume their minds as it has done countless times since the beginning of the universe. However, when the Awareness enters Deadpool’s psyche, it is shocked to find that nothing there makes sense. Deadpool’s mind is so fragmented and random, that even the cosmic intelligence of the Awareness can make no sense of it, which is how the Deadpool Corps is able to defeat the Awareness in the final battle that took place within their shared mindscape.


Deadpool’s New Nickname for Wolverine Is Perfect Fan Service 36 Years in the Making

Deadpool just coined a new nickname for Wolverine, which not only references a real-world fan debate, but also pays off a joke 36 years in the making.

Deadpool’s Immunity to Psychic Threats is Well-Established in Marvel (But Not At This Level)

Cable & Deadpool #8 by Fabian Nicieza and Patrick Zircher

Split image of Deadpool and Cable side-by-side.

Deadpool’s victory over the Awareness proves that he is immune to psychic threats even on a cosmic scale, which is a level of his underrated telepathic immunity power that’s never been reached before. However, just because Deadpool’s never fended off the unfathomable might of a cosmic being before, doesn’t mean he’s never used his telepathic immunity power to defeat an enemy, as that’s exactly what he did to beat Cable when the mutant seemingly became a villain.

When Cable wanted to reshape the world to eliminate prejudice (which would have eradicated individuality), Deadpool joined the X-Men to stop him. At this point, Cable was using the full strength of his immense telepathic abilities, yet even still, he could not penetrate Deadpool’s mind (as confirmed by Emma Frost). The reach of Cable’s telepathic power at full strength is global in scale, which makes Deadpool’s ability to fend off his psychic attacks undeniably impressive. However, Deadpool takes it to a whole new level with his victory over the Awareness.

Deadpool Can Even Weaponize a Telepath’s Own Powers Against Them

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe by Cullen Bunn and Dalibor Talajic

Deadpool making Professor X go brain-dead with his telepathic immunity power.

In Deadpool Corps, Deadpool didn’t just fend off the Awareness’ psychic attacks (like he did with Cable in Cable & Deadpool), but he weaponized those attacks against the Awareness itself. This is also something fans have seen before (again, on a much smaller scale) when Wade Wilson decided the entire Marvel Universe needed to die – including Professor X. Xavier tried to shut down Deadpool’s mind, but upon entering his mindscape, Professor X was rendered brain-dead – confirming the sheer strength of Deadpool’s psychic immunity.

On more than one occasion in Marvel Comics, fans have witnessed Deadpool fending off and even weaponizing psychic attacks launched against him, and he is able to do that with his underrated power of telepathic immunity. However, even after looking at previous examples, this power has never been as impressive as it is in Deadpool Corps, which proves this superpower puts Deadpool on the same tier as Marvel’s gods.

