Warning: contains spoilers for Birds of Prey #10!

There is a new and unexplored dimension in the DC Universe, called “The Wardrobe”–and this Narnia-esque realm is a serious reality-warping threat. In the current arc of Birds of Prey, the team is traveling through a mysterious dimension, one that rearranges reality according to those residing in it. While this may sound ideal, issue 10 shows the Wardrobe to be anything but peaceful.

Birds of Prey #10 is written by Kelly Thompson and drawn by Robbi Rodriguez and Gavin Guidry. The Birds of Prey have arrived in a dimension bearing a strong resemblance to 1950s America. The team learns that Barda shapes the dimension into this form. They come to learn their new friend Cela created this dimension when she was only nine years old. Skilled in magic even then, Cela and her sisters sought an escape from a bad home life.

Cela created the dimension so it would conform itself to the thoughts of the first person through the gate–in this case, Barda.

DC Comics Has Many Cool (and Dangerous) Pocket Realities and Dimensions

The Wardrobe Makes Them All Look Pathetic

Superman and Phantom Zone Projector DC

The DC Universe is full of pocket dimensions and alternate realities, in addition to the infinite Earths. Among the DC Universe’s extradimensional realms are Skartaris (home of Warlord), Gemworld, the home of Amethyst, and Superman’s the Phantom Zone. Skartaris and Gemworld are magical places where the known laws of science do not apply, whereas the Phantom Zone is torment for anyone banished to it. As a result, only the universe’s worst criminals are sent to the Phantom Zone. Each of these disparate realms and realities enhances the overall DC Universe.

Yet the Wardrobe makes them all pale in comparison. As described in Birds of Prey #10, the Wardrobe is artificial, and was created by a human. The creation of the Wardrobe alone is an impressive feat, especially for a nine-year-old. Yet what separates the Wardrobe from Gemworld and the Phantom Zone is its very nature. Gemworld, Skartaris and the rest are static and eternal, never changing their form. The Wardrobe, on the other hand, can make itself into whatever the person desires. In a previous issue, the Wardrobe turned itself into a skewed version of Gotham.

In the Wrong Hands, the Wardrobe Can Become a Terrifying Weapon

Someone Like the Joker Could Warp It To Evil Ends

Birds of Prey Wardrobe 2

The Wardrobe has great potential as a weapon. Its ability to transform itself into virtually any place or time would make it an ideal trap for anyone, and Birds of Prey #10 alludes to this happening to Cela. Furthermore, the Wardrobe’s ability to morph based on a person’s desires could lead to some horrific scenarios. If someone with fewer scruples, such as the Joker, used the Narnia-like Wardrobe, they could use it to create a prison that would stretch the sanity of anyone trapped in it. While seemingly harmless, the Wardrobe poses a grave threat to the DC Universe.

Birds of Prey #10 is on sale now from DC Comics!

Birds of Prey #10 (2024)

Birds of Prey 10 COVER

  • Writer: Kelly Thompson
  • Artist: Robbi Rodriguez & Gavin Guidry
  • Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Leonardo Romero & Jordie Bellaire