Warning: contains spoilers for Venom #34!

Unbeknownst to the world at large, Venom has anti-vampire powers, and he unleashes them for the first time. As Blood Hunt consumes the Marvel Universe, its heroes have their hands full with hordes of vampires. In Venom #34, one of their number has captured Dylan Brock, the current Venom, with the intent of turning him. Far from being a helpless prisoner, Venom debuts his anti-vampire abilities.

Venom #34 is written by Al Ewing and drawn by Juan Ferreyra. While former Venom host Eddie Price contends with a cosmic, symbiote vampire, Dylan has been kidnapped by a former priest who has been turned into a vampire. The vampire bites Dylan, but then recoils back. He screams that Venom’s blood is tainted, and he cannot drink it.

As he runs away, Dylan explains that the symbiote is in his blood, explaining why he could not be turned.

Dylan Brock, the New Venom, Is Unlike Other Symbiotes

Could Other Symbiotes Also Be Immune to Vampires?

Image of Dylan Brock bonding with a symbiote

Dylan Brock inherited the mantle of Venom from his father upon Eddie’s ascension to the role of King in Black. For many years, Eddie was not aware of Dylan’s existence. Learning about Dylan, and the subsequent bonding they underwent, helped Eddie heal from the scars of his past. Dylan possesses a unique physiology, one that is half-human and half-symbiote. Since Dylan’s debut, various creators have explored the advantages this gives Dylan over his father and other symbiotes. Now, as the Earth faces an all-out vampire invasion, Venom has been given another serious advantage.

Dylan’s half-symbiote heritage has made him immune to vampire bites. The vampire who tried to turn Venom was visibly disgusted by Dylan’s blood, and Dylan himself likened it to “drinking motor oil.” Dylan’s half-symbiote background has given him powers others do not have. It remains to be seen if others bonded to symbiotes are immune to vampires, but it is also possible that whatever makes Dylan immune could be isolated. Then, it could be used as a potential antidote to vampirism, or a way to stop its spread at the very least.

Venom surging with symbiote power in Marvel Comics


Venom’s Ultimate Form Officially Returns, With Marvel’s Wildest Powers of All Time

Venom has had many insanely powerful forms in Marvel, but arguably none can match one in particular, which is making its return in Venomverse Reborn.

What Other Powers Is Venom Hiding?

Venom Truly Is Marvel’s Most Powerful Symbiote

Dylan Brock

Venom’s new anti-vampire power also raises another intriguing possibility, namely that he may have other abilities that he does not know about, or has not shown to the world yet. Dylan is the first half-symbiote to appear in the Marvel Universe, meaning much about his abilities remains unknown. As future creators chronicle Venom’s adventures, Dylan may exhibit new abilities, one that will put him in a league ahead of his father and other symbiotes. First, however, Venom must survive Blood Hunt, but with his new anti-vampire powers, it almost guarantees this will happen.

Venom #34 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

Venom #34 (2024)

Venom 34 Cover

  • Writer: Al Ewing
  • Artist: Juan Ferreyra
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Cafu