Godzilla Minus One has already been dethroned as the #1 movie streaming on Netflix – and by another monster movie of all things: the shark-infested French thriller Under Paris. Months after its critical acclaim, blockbuster box office run, and historic Oscar win, Godzilla Minus One finally arrived on Netflix last week and promptly took the top spot on Netflix’s streaming chart. It’s one of the best monster movies in years, expertly blending its terrifying kaiju spectacle with poignant social commentary on nuclear warfare and survivor’s guilt.

But just a few days after its Netflix reign began, Godzilla Minus One has been removed from its throne and replaced by another #1 movie. Netflix has released a lot of original movies throughout 2024 that have struck a chord with audiences around the world: Society of the Snow, Good Grief, Badland Hunters, Orion and the Dark, Spaceman, Damsel, Irish Wish, Unfrosted, and Mother of the Bride (to name a few). But only one of them has managed to defeat God-freaking-zilla.

Netflix’s New Shark Movie Bumped Godzilla Minus One From The #1 Trending Spot

Under Paris is Netflix’s new #1 movie

Netflix’s new French-language shark thriller Under Paris has already bumped Godzilla Minus One from the top spot on the streaming chart. Under Paris rips off everything from Jaws, from the late-night inspection of a sunken boat to the crooked mayor who doesn’t want to keep swimmers out of the water. It’s not a great movie by any means – it sets itself up as a heavy-handed metaphor for climate change – but it delivers the goods with plenty of shark attack sequences, which is enough for a few million passive Netflix viewings.

Why It’s Surprising Godzilla Minus One Was Dethroned By Under Paris

Frankly, Godzilla Minus One is a much better movie

Godzilla roaring in the ruins of a city in Godzilla Minus One

It’s quite surprising that Godzilla Minus One has been dethroned by Under Paris. It’s surprising that Godzilla Minus One has been dethroned at all, given that it’s one of the most acclaimed movies of the past year. Godzilla Minus One is an Oscar winner hailing from a beloved household franchise, and millions of people around the world have been waiting for months for it to hit streaming. And Under Paris was a relatively unknown movie that seemingly had no anticipation for its release at all.

The days when a movie could dominate the zeitgeist for months appear to be long gone. Anyone who has been waiting for months for Godzilla Minus One to hit streaming has watched it in the first few days of its release and quickly moved on. Streamers like Netflix have turned movies into fast food. As soon as Godzilla Minus One ended, viewers went looking for their next thrill and found a by-the-numbers but reasonably exciting shark-infested horror movie called Under Paris to fill the void.

Under Paris Film Poster

Under Paris (2024)

Beneath the bustling streets of Paris lies a hidden world filled with ancient secrets and dark mysteries. A group of daring urban explorers sets out to uncover the truth buried within the city’s catacombs, only to find themselves facing a series of terrifying challenges. As they unravel the enigmatic past of Paris, they must confront their deepest fears to survive.


Xavier Gens


Berenice Bejo
, Nassim Lyes
, Léa Léviant
, Anaïs Parello
, Iñaki Lartigue