Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Darth Maul: Black, White, and Red #2

Star Wars just gave Darth Maul a brand-new hallway scene, one that arguably tops Darth Vader’s from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Set before the events of The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul was still training under his master Darth Sidious when he was tasked with claiming a remote Republic colony on the outskirts of the galaxy. To that end, the mercenaries tasked with protecting the colony certainly tested Maul and the full extent of his power in the dark side.

As seen in the new Darth Maul: Black, White, and Red #2 by Mark Russell and Carlos Nieto, Maul arrives at Moonbender Colony, his mission being to overtake the force of former mercenaries and soldiers known as the Remainders who are holed up within a veritable fortress on the remote world. This includes the facility’s long tunnel specifically built to trap intruders. However, Maul proves himself to be more than a match for this epic close-quarters confrontation, making his way through the tunnel even as countless blaster bolts ricochet around him.

Seeing how the Remainders had the walls magnetically sealed just like the trash compactor in A New Hope, every shot fired at Maul bounced multiple times, forcing Maul to use all of his agility and skill with his double-bladed lightsaber to block and deflect the incredibly deadly hail of incoming fire.

Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars The Phantom Menace, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars A New Hope, Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars The Force Awakens


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Darth Maul’s New Hallway Scene Is A Brutal Display Of His Power

Upping The Ante From Rogue One (And Clone Wars)

Darth Maul New Hallway Scene Black, White, Red #2

As Maul gets further and further through the tunnel, he eventually gets close enough to mow down several of the soldiers while also cutting through the blast doors with his lightsabers, using the cutout hunk of metal to decimate even more mercenaries using the Force. As such, it certainly brings to mind Darth Vader’s hallway scene from Rogue One where he similarly made his way through several Rebel troopers to reclaim the Death Star plans.

Maul’s own hallway scene from The Clone Wars season 7 also comes to mind, having been released from his cell by Ahsoka Tano during Order 66 to create chaos and keep troopers occupied. Despite not having a weapon, Maul used the dark side of the Force and metal wall panels to make his way through entire squadrons of clones before escaping to the underworld as his old master’s Empire rose to power. However, it’s hard to deny that this new action sequence with its additional dangers is just as epic and particularly brutal, especially considering what comes after.

Maul’s New Hallway Scene Was Just The Beginning

An Entire Fortress of Mercenaries Was Massacred

Darth Maul vs Remainder In Black, White, Red #2

Once Maul makes it through the tunnel, he systematically executes nearly every member of the Remainders in quick succession, showing no mercy with his deadly twin crimson blades. As the dust settles, Maul speaks with his master over holo where Sidious reveals there was no grander reason behind killing all the Remainders and taking their colony. It was merely a Sith trial to test Maul against various forms of combat. As such, the sheer cruelty behind the massacre combined with Maul’s epic display of power in the dark side certainly makes this new hallway scene one of Star Wars’ best.

Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #1 (2024)

Darth Maul- Black, White, Red #2 Cover Art

  • Writer: Mark Russell
  • Artist: Carlos Nieto
  • Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Tyler Kirkham