Considering that One Piece is a long-running franchise made up of several components, including manga, anime, and a live-action series, it may seem like a difficult project to get into, however, Netflix has recently confirmed the best way for audiences to start enjoying One Piece, and it’s not that surprising. In 2023, Netflix released a live-action adaptation of the iconic manga and anime, One Piece. The story follows Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate who gathers up a pirate crew in order to find a great treasure that will make him the next Pirate King. Season 2 is confirmed.

One Piece is a unique property because it is both wildly popular yet incredibly obscure. Manga and anime are both forms of media that have massive followings, however, they are not necessarily considered mainstream at this point. Not all general audience members are familiar with the best anime series or manga books. However, One Piece is a series that is helping turn the tables on this situation. Although One Piece already had a significant fan community, Netflix helped bring it into the limelight, and now they are the best way for newcomers to get into the franchise.


All 8 Ways One Piece Season 2 Will Be Different From Season 1

Netflix’s One Piece adaptation is entering its second season, which is expected to differ from the show’s first season in eight massive ways.

One Piece Live-Action Was Bigger For Netflix In 2023 Than The Anime Ever Was

Netflix’s One Piece earned 72 million streaming hours

The biggest piece of proof that Netflix’s One Piece changed the franchise is the amount of streaming hours One Piece garnered. In Netflix’s viewership report for July to December 2023, they revealed that One Piece had 72 million streaming hours. In other words, Netflix subscribers watched 72 million hours of One Piece. Netflix said their live-action One Piece, more than doubled viewing of the anime film and series.” This is a very telling fact. What Netflix is saying is that their live-action One Piece pushed viewers to watch past iterations of One Piece, doubling their original viewership.

Furthermore, Netflix’s One Piece turned the tables simply by being successful. The live-action series’ 72 million streaming hours is no small feat. In fact, these hours made One Piece season 1 the most watched property on Netflix from July to December 2023, above The Witcher and The Crown. Notably, One Piece didn’t even premiere until the end of August. In this way, Netflix help put One Piece on the map. It earned an amount of watch hours that the anime never would have dreamed of getting, and in turn, it has made all aspects of One Piece more successful.

One Piece Live-Action Introduced People To One Piece Anime

One Piece allows viewers to work backwards


What is likely the most significant accomplishment made by Netflix’s live-action One Piece is its ability to get audiences interested in previous entries in the franchise. By releasing season 1 of One Piece, Netflix was able to garner interest in the One Piece anime and movie. Once again, this is proven by the Netflix viewership report, which noted that viewership for the anime and movie had doubled since the release of the live-action One Piece.

It may seem arbitrary whether audiences are interested in the One Piece anime, but it actually plays an important role in the franchise, especially considering how One Piece has been released over the years. If a viewer watches the live-action One Piece, then watches the One Piece anime, they will then be even more excited to see how Netflix adapts the next seasons. The same effect occurs for the manga. And furthermore, getting audiences interested in anime and manga helps make these forms more popular and mainstream, as they should be.

Netflix’s One Piece Live-Action Is A Great Way To Get Into One Piece

Netflix’s One Piece is a gateway to the anime

Inaki Godoy as Monkey D Luffy looking confused on the deck in One Piece

Overall, Netflix’s One Piece series is the perfect way to get into One Piece. For viewers that have never seen anime before, the live-action series is actually integral. It allows newcomers to understand the series without getting lost or discouraged because they are unfamiliar with the format. In this way, an audience member can watch and enjoy Netflix’s One Piece before dipping their toes into the anime or the manga. Once again, this is a good thing because it allows anime and manga to become more popular, which helps diversify watching and reading overall.

In this way, things are looking up for One Piece. One Piece season 2 has been confirmed and is apparently set to begin filming in June 2024. Therefore, the joys and successes of Netflix’s One Piece are sure to continue with each new season, giving the franchise some much deserved attention. Hopefully, One Piece can continue breaking records and setting trends for the next few years.

One Piece Netflix Teaser Poster

One Piece (Live-Action)



Iñaki Godoy
, Mackenyu
, Emily Rudd
, Jacob Romero Gibson
, Taz Skylar

Release Date

August 31, 2023



Streaming Service(s)



One Piece


Matt Owens
, Steven Maeda
, Tom Hyndman


Matt Owens