Warning: contains potential spoilers for What If? Venom #5!

Venom has had different hosts since his debut, and now he has explained why Moon Knight might be the best of them all. Marvel’s new What If? Venom miniseries has explored what happens when some of Marvel’s biggest heroes, such as Doctor Strange and She-Hulk, are possessed by the Venom symbiote. In a preview for issue 5, Venom sets course for the Midnight Mission, finding his ultimate host.

What If? Venom #5 is written by Jeremy Holt and drawn by Jesus Hervas and Geraldo Borges. Moon Knight, in his Jake Lockley persona, has brought She-Hulk to the Midnight Mission. Unbeknownst to Jake, she is possessed by the Venom symbiote. After entering the Mission, She-Hulk/Venom attacks.

Venom then reveals why he seeks Moon Knight: if he possesses him, then not only will he gain four distinct hosts, but also have ties to a primordial force like Khonshu.

Marvel’s What If? Venom Is a Symbiote Fan’s Dream Come True

A Venom-ized Moon Knight Would Be Venom’s Best Host

Since his first appearance over 35 years ago, Venom has had a variety of hosts, such as Eddie Brock and Flash Thompson. In addition, Marvel has played around with Venom-izing other heroes as well. However, in the past, these were limited to variant covers and toys. Marvel has embraced it full on with the new What If? Venom miniseries The book follows the Venom symbiote as it skips from hero to hero, trying to find the perfect (and most powerful) host. While She-Hulk might seem the most logical candidate so far, Moon Knight actually offers a great deal to Venom.

Venom tells She-Hulk that he wishes to build an “unstoppable force.” The super-strong She-Hulk might seem to be the cornerstone of Venom’s army, but in fact it is Moon Knight. She-Hulk is just one person, but due to his Dissociative Identity Disorder, he has four different personas. Each persona brings something different to the table that Venom could use. He could take advantage of Jake’s many underworld connections or Steven Grant’s vast wealth. Then there is the Mister Knight persona. Arguably Moon Knight’s most unhinged persona, his power and over the top nature would make him the perfect host.


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Venom Would Get a God-Level Power Boost Using Moon Knight As a Host

Khonshu’s Power Would Compliment Venom’s

Venom showing his teeth in Venom

Yet what is truly appealing to Venom is possessing Moon Knight gives him access to Khonshu. Moon Knight’s patron deity, Khonshu, is also an Elder God. These entities are some of the most powerful in the Marvel Universe, and if Venom was to get his hands on their power, he would be unstoppable. The powers of a god at Venom’s disposal is a scary prospect. Each issue of What If? Venom sees him possess increasingly more powerful hosts, and with Moon Knight, he might have hit the jackpot.

What If? Venom #5 is on sale June 5 from Marvel Comics!

What If? Venom #5 (2024)

What If Venom 5 Preview COVER

  • Writer: Jeremy Holt
  • Artist: Jesus Hervas & Geraldo Borges
  • Colorist: Ceci De La Cruz
  • Letterer: Ariana Maher
  • Cover Artist: Leinil Francis Yu & Romulo Fajardo Jr.