While no one can beach like Barbie’s Ken, the Peanuts gang try their best in some fun-in-the-sun, beach-bound comic strips that stretch over numerous decades. Whether they are getting up to some hijinks or enjoying their day at the beach, the Peanuts gang makes these beach comics endlessly enjoyable. As well as being incredibly fun and interesting, the beach-set comic strips have also been important in establishing new characters. For instance, there was the introduction of the Beach Beagle character. More importantly, it was a beach-set comic that introduced the world to Franklin, one of the most popular Peanuts characters.

Many Peanuts comics took place in the neighborhood. However, there were the few that broke away from the typical settings of the strip and brought the characters to the beach. As a result, readers got to see the Peanuts gang in new ways and learn new things about them, like seeing that Snoopy could surf, or that Linus was a talented sandcastle maker.


“Dog Paddle”

July 1966

Snoopy has many pastimes, being a jack of all trades and usually a master of none, despite bestowing a “World’s Greatest” moniker onto his many alter ego titles. Adding surfing to his long list of hobbies during the summer months, Snoopy hangs ten on some gnarly waves. However, he does not escape unscathed, as seen when he wipes out in the water. The worst part for the surfing beagle is not the wipeout itself, but the need for him to dog paddle when he falls off his surfboard.

Finding huge embarrassment when he has to dog paddle, Snoopy dreads the feelings of mortification that come with his swimming style. Despite Snoopy knowing how to play a multitude of sports and even writing his own short stories (which aren’t usually very good, but that’s beside the point), he surprisingly never learned other methods of swimming beside the dog paddle.

Snoopy as the World War 1 Flying Ace


Snoopy’s Red Baron Rivalry Actually Has a Surprising Historical Origin

The World War 1 Flying Ace is Snoopy’s most famous persona and actually has some real-world historical ties, not counting the Red Baron.


“Throw Stones”

August 1969

Sally and Charlie Brown at the beach.

Most would not ever consider the beach a boring place. It’s even rarer for a kid to be bored to tears at the beach, yet Sally has her moments where she is a very unique individual. When she complains to her big brother Charlie Brown that she is bored and can’t find anything to do at the beach, he suggests throwing stones into the water. Much like for her brother, things do not end up going well when she throws rocks into the water.

Instead of it being a peaceful way to pass the time, it ends in Sally engaging in violence against fish, hitting one on the head accidentally. Even those who have never skipped rocks before could guess that hitting a fish on the head is not the desired outcome. Sally (and the injured fish) would have been better off if she just stayed bored.

Peanuts Gang sitting at a brick wall


10 Funniest Peanuts Comics Will Instantly Make Any Adult Feel Nostalgic

From pop culture references to capturing common childhood experiences that many can look back on fondly, Peanuts was a treasure trove of nostalgia.


A Real Nasty Looking Bunch

August 1997

Lucy, Rerun, and Snoopy with his pirate gang of birds at the beach.

Snoopy has a treasure trove of fascinating alter egos. There are those that most are familiar with, like his Joe Cool persona. Another alter ego, that didn’t appear until the late ’90s, is the nautical-themed pirate character, Blackbeagle, a canine spin on the notorious Blackbeard. Snoopy aka Blackbeagle is no lone pirate, however, with his bird friends comprising Blackbeagle’s Scurvy Band.

When Rerun is watching the water, on the lookout for pirates, he gets what he has been waiting for. In contrast to looking for buried treasure, like Rerun wonders, the merry band of pirates has instead come to shore for some delicious ice cream. Rerun jumped the gun just a tad when he thought that the pirate gang looked like a nasty looking bunch, who would rather eat some cold treats at the beach than do any plundering and stealing.

Peanuts kids sitting at a wooden table with food on plates in front of them.


10 Funniest Peanuts Strips About Food

From junk food to dog food, Peanuts covers all the culinary bases, giving its one of a kind characters many hearty meals over the years.


“Doing Things Right”

July 1968

Charlie Brown and Franklin with a sandcastle in Peanuts.

Marking Franklin’s first-ever appearance in Peanuts, this late ’60s comic is incredibly important to Peanuts history. The comic sees Charlie Brown meet Franklin for the first time while introducing readers to the new character as well. Where else could such a momentous occasion happen other than at the beach? The meeting of the pair lets Franklin know everything he needs to about Charlie Brown. Showing his new friend the crooked sandcastle he’s built, Charlie Brown explains to Franklin that he’s not famous for doing things right.

Franklin will soon find out all on his own about Charlie Brown’s foibles and misfortunes, but for now, he becomes fast friends with his new buddy who has less than stellar sandcastle building skills. Franklin’s introduction appeared like it was just a comic about Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang having a fun day at the beach while making a new friend. However, the comic was so much more. The debut of Franklin marked the series’ first Black character. This comic strip brings in a character who would be present for the rest of the comic’s duration and would be a major character of Peanuts moving forward in all Peanuts media, including TV specials and movies.

Franklin from the Peanuts playing the drums


Peanuts: How Franklin’s Introduction Fixed a Glaring Mistake in the Series

Today, Franklin is an iconic member of the Peanuts gang, and his introduction in 1968 fixed a glaring mistake present in the strip from day one.



August 1965

Snoopy surfing at the beach.

Snoopy lives an eventful life. Therefore, it’s not all that surprising that he has had some past loves that affect him even after the relationships have come and gone. One such important person to Snoopy is an ex-girlfriend who is referred to as the “Beach-Beagle.” Some Peanuts lore is that Snoopy and the Beach Beagle dated until her father disapproved of the relationship, breaking them up. However, this comic and the storyline it is a part of shows that Snoopy still pines for her.

Seeing her at the beach, Snoopy first hides from her, but then he gets the bright idea to show off his surfing skills, causing Linus and Charlie Brown to question his sanity. Ultimately, the poor pup ends up wiping out. On top of embarrassing himself from his wipeout, he gets scolded by Charlie Brown and, even worse, he finds out that Beach Beagle is at the beach with her golden retriever boyfriend; a major bummer for Snoopy.

Side by side images of Snoopy mad from Peanuts.


10 Funniest Peanuts Comics Where Snoopy Loses His Cool

In most Peanuts comic strips, Snoopy is usually calm and collected, but the normally laid-back beagle does not always maintain his cool demeanor.


“Where Is It Going?”

August 1970

Charlie Brown and Sally at the beach in Peanuts.

Younger siblings can be annoying at times, as Charlie Brown can vouch for based on this comic strip. When Sally lets her brother’s beach ball float away, she can’t help but imagine where the ball will end up. She names a bunch of different places until Charlie Brown has had enough and yells at her. Sally, rather than seeing how her constant talking about where the beach ball could go is adding insult to injury, prefers to point out Charlie Brown’s crabbiness.

It was actually a running gag of the beach-set Peanuts comics for Charlie Brown’s beach ball to float away or get away from him somehow, with Sally and Snoopy being the usual reasons for the ball escaping Charlie Brown’s grasp. This comic sees Sally as the sole reason this time. Charlie Brown showing a moment of temper towards his little sister is pretty unlike him, highlighting how frustrated he truly is.

Charlie Brown looked defeated from Charles Schulz' Peanuts


10 Funniest Peanuts Comics Where People Hate Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown isn’t the most popular member of the Peanuts gang, and that’s never more true than in these comics where kids hate on the blockhead.


“Woodstock At The Beach”

Woodstock sitting under an umbrella in a nest at the beach.

Woodstock is usually stuck to the hip with Snoopy, rarely leaving his side. Yet, he takes a beach day for himself, bringing his shades, an umbrella, and, of course, his comfy nest. It wouldn’t be a relaxing day at the beach without his nest, would it? Woodstock takes a page from Joe Cool’s book, being a laid back beach bum with no worries or cares.

As tiny as Woodstock is, he likes to be comfortable wherever he is, necessitating his nest be with him, even in unlikely places like the beach. While this comic would not be the first or last time Woodstock would be seen at the beach, it is a rare comic of Woodstock not only alone, but alone at the beach. As a result, this comic is a unique find in Peanuts history, especially for fans of Woodstock.

woodstock and snoopy feature image


10 Funniest Peanuts Comics Starring Woodstock

Woodstock may be best known as Snoopy’s sidekick, but these hilarious comic strips feature the tiny, yellow bird as the star of the show.


“French Fry Pagoda”

July 1976

Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Linus building sandcastles and french fries pagoda at the beach.

Linus and Lucy have their talents, being a pair of very creative siblings. Letting their creativity shine on a day at the beach, Linus builds a showstopping sandcastle that draws viewers to his creation. The Peanuts gang deem Linus’s sandcastle so special that Sally actually finds Charlie Brown and brings him to the spot to see it. Yet, Lucy is not about to let Linus get the spotlight, dragging Charlie Brown to see her own artwork.

At first, Charlie Brown is impressed with the sight of Lucy’s towering pagoda. However, his face falls when he finds out that Lucy made her pagoda out of a very unlikely building material: french fries. While sandcastles are a familiar childhood pastime to many people, building towers out of french fries is definitely less common. It’s quite a strange choice when there’s literally sand completely surrounding Lucy to make a sandcastle of her own.

Lucy Peanuts


10 Funniest Peanuts Comics Starring Lucy

Lucy is one of Peanuts’ most recognizable characters; over the years, she provided readers with some of the comic strip’s most hilarious moments.


“A Hot Parking Lot”

August 1973

Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown walking over a hot parking lot.

Summer is a fun time to have a day at the beach, swimming in the cool water. An unfortunate end to the fun time in the water is a barefoot trek across a steaming hot parking lot. A wholly unpleasant experience, walking barefoot on hot pavement is a dreaded experience that many have had while trying to get back to their cars after time at the beach. It’s something that Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown, or Chuck as she affectionately calls him, have first-hand experience of.

Actually, they deem the scorching hot walk across the parking lot as the worst thing about swimming. Many would have trouble finding fault with Peppermint Patty’s statement. The look on their faces when they are playing in the water, compared to when they are seated on the grass after crossing the hot parking lot, is markedly different, with their smiles turning to expressions of pure agony.

Featured Image: Peanuts, Patty angry in the background, with Peppermint Patty putting a finger to her lips in front of Charlie Brown


Peppermint Patty Stole This Character’s Place in the Peanuts Gang

Peppermint Patty first appeared in Charles Schulz Peanuts in the 1960s; before that, another character named Patty walked so she could run.


“Stupid Can”

August 1971

Snoopy as Joe Cool trying to crush a can at the beach.

Joe Cool, the lackadaisical persona of Snoopy is right at home at the beach. Embracing his cool college student persona, Snoopy as Joe Cool spends his time at the beach drinking his beloved root beer and “eyeing chicks.” Much like how Snoopy tried to impress his Beach Beagle ex, he can’t help himself from trying to impress others by crushing an empty can with one hand. Yet again, Snoopy’s efforts to impress fail miserably.

Crushing the can one-handed is harder than imagined, requiring top physical strength and effort from Joe Cool. Even trying to crush the can with all his strength is not enough, understandably annoying Snoopy until he gives up and just kicks the can away. Between wiping out while surfing to being wholly unable to crush a soda can, Snoopy should just avoid resorting to tricks to try to impress others. Next time he and the Peanuts gang find themselves at the beach, Snoopy should just be himself…or one of his numerous personas like Joe Cool.

Peanuts Franchise Poster


Created by Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts is a multimedia franchise that began as a comic strip in the 1950s and eventually expanded to include films and a television series. Peanuts follows the daily adventures of the Peanuts gang, with Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy at the center of them. Aside from the film released in 2015, the franchise also has several Holiday specials that air regularly on U.S. Television during their appropriate seasons.

Created by

Charles M. Schulz

First Film

The Peanuts Movie


Christopher Shea
, Kathy Steinberg
, Bill Melendez
, Sally Dryer
, Peter Robbins
, Noah Schnapp
, Hadley Belle Miller
, Mariel Sheets
, Lisa DeFaria
, Venus Omega Schultheis

TV Show(s)

The Snoopy Show
, Peanuts by Schulz


Charlie Brown
, Snoopy
, Lucy van Pelt
, Linus van Pelt
, Sally Brown
, Pig-Pen
, Marcie (Peanuts)
, Peppermint Patty
, Woodstock