Dune’s incredible success in theaters has led to the series expanding with a prequel TV show, Dune: Prophecy, but there are several other prequels that would also build on that success. Dune was originally a novel, which then expanded into an entire series beginning in 1965 and written by legendary author Frank Herbert. As the novel’s popularity grew, and the book became a definitive great within the sci-fi genre, studios began to show interest in developing the story for the big screen. This led to the creation of a Dune film directed by David Lynch in 1984.

While the 1984 film received middling reviews, with a disappointing box office return, the project was laid to rest. Then decades later, sci-fi director Denis Villeneuve expressed interest in adapting the novel, and using multiple films to explore the incredible sci-fi epic rather than cramming everything in one film. Due to his 2021 Dune film becoming a hit success, the sequel was approved, and now the franchise has a future. With the first spin-off series being a prequel show set 10,000 years earlier, it’s worth considering what other projects could help to build the franchise.


House Atreides

Dune: Prophecy is the first official spin-off series, and it appears to follow the Bene Gesserit as they planted rumors and legends across the galaxy 10,000 years ahead of Paul Atreides appearing. What is interesting about this idea is the fact that it appears to be based on one of the prequel novels written by Frank Herbert’s son, Brian, and his friend Kevin J. Anderson. With that in mind, it makes sense for the franchise to take a closer look at some of the other works by Herbert and Anderson in order to find further inspiration.

A strong contender for who could lead a spin-off and reveal an interesting background to the films would be a film focused on the royal House of Atreides, which is interestingly, one of the first prequel books by Brian and Anderson. Both in the novel and the hypothetical film, the story could follow familiar characters at a younger age, such as a promised heir, Leto Atreides, and his faithful companions, like Duncan Idaho. This would provide vital background info on Leto’s public relations, and the connection between House Atreides and the other great houses.




Every House & Faction In Dune Explained

After the first two installments of Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, six major houses and factions primarily influence all the overarching story elements.


House Harkonnen

Stellan Skarsgard as Baron Harkonnen reclining and looking curious in Dune.

The second novel in the prequel trilogy by Brian and Anderson shifts focus to the rival House of Harkonnen. Where Leto and House Atreides shine as beacons of hope, kindness, and honesty within the realm, House Harkonnen is in many ways the opposite to Leto and his beliefs. The family rely on treachery, deceit, and blackmail to take and maintain power. A prequel story that either explores their rise to power, or the dynamics of the complex and unnerving family as they rule over Arrakis with an iron fist would be incredibly interesting.

Not only would this make for a rich and relevant prequel series, but it could further develop the villains of the series without eating up valuable screen time in the movies. The Harkonnen’s are vile, and they embrace dark and seedy criminal behavior. Going back to see what made the current head of the Harkonnen family, and how the royal family would have dealt with the conflicts and struggles that they faced both from the other houses, and as a precursor in the story, which would build up a more clear insight into Jason’s imagination..


Arrakis & The Fremen

The Fremen confront the Sardaukar at the Battle of Arakken in Dune 2.

Moving on from adapting more of the novels in the franchise, there are also several other figures that deserve more attention. The most popular of which is the Fremen people of Arrakis. A prequel story designed around the Fremen would be an incredible way to build up the lore of the series and reveal more about one of the most mysterious peoples in the galaxy. While Paul Atreides has become an official part of the Fremen, a closer look at these peoples, their customs and how they became established on Arrakis would be incredible.

The Fremen have incredible and unique technologies, rituals, faith systems, and modes of transport. They also largely exist in hidden underground cities where they remain concealed and hidden from the outside world. Exploring any aspect of these unique qualities could make for a great series, from their learning to tame and utilize sandworms, harvesting and ingesting spice, and choosing to hide from any individuals who lived on the surface of the planet would all make for a great prequel series.


Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides holding knife in Dune 2


Dune 2 Ending Explained: Paul Atreides’ Fate & What It Sets Up

Dune 2’s ending delivers an epic conclusion to this chapter of Paul Atreides’ story, as the sequel also teases what is next for the sci-fi franchise.



Austin Butler as Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen in Dune Part Two

In Dune: Part Two, the audience is introduced to another pivotal character who is revealed to be another possible chosen one of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. Feyd-Rautha’s time in the film is brief, and his character is only partially explored, with much of his history and purpose being explained elsewhere rather than shown. While Feyd-Rautha is a brutal fighter, it is highly likely there is more to him, and growing up as a Harkonnen could not have been easy.

A prequel series dedicated to exploring the character of Feyd-Rautha could be the perfect way to explore who he is, and the links that connect him to Paul Atreides. From exploring his terrible upbringing, his relationship with his family, and his grueling training to become one of the best fighters of all time. As another potential chosen one, his life is likely worth exploring, even if only briefly in a limited series format. This would also likely provide the only other opportunity to explore what could have been with another chosen heir gaining power and becoming the subject of long-standing prophecies.



Javier Bardem as Stilgar looking over shoulder in Dune Part Two

Another iconic character that could lead to their own spin-off is Stilgar. Stilgar recently became the center of attention in a series of viral memes with his face began popping up after Dune: Part Two. This surge in popularity was for good reason, as Stilgar is consistently one of the most entertaining and interesting characters of the franchise. From his deep-rooted faith, to his desire to see Paul become the Lisan al Gaib, Stilgar is relentless and endlessly interesting. Expanding his storytelling would be a great way to take a popular character and give him more flexibility.

A prequel series starring Stilgar could explore his youth on Arrakis, including his less obedient or rebellious moments. This could also lead to Stilgar having a faith crisis that helps him to reestablish a connection to his religion. It can also follow Stilgar’s journey to becoming a trusted and respected member of society who will help to protect his people. Whatever the case, Stilgar makes for an excellent candidate to star and expand on the incredibly popular character ahead of shooting for another project.

Javier Bardem as Stilgar and Timothee Chalamet as Paul


Why Stilgar Believes Paul Is Lisan Al Gaib: 6 Signs & Reasons In Dune 2

Although it’s due to the Bene Gesserit that Paul cultivated power and influence on Arrakis, Stilgar was one of the Fremen who believed in the signs.


Leto & Lady Jessica

Duke Leto and Lady Jessica staring at the distance

Returning to Leto Atreides briefly, but shifting the focus from his military efforts, the story of how this nobleman from the House Atreides ended up creating an intense bond with a Bene Gesserit woman, and even ended up having a child together, seems to be one that is in desperate need of explanation. Jessica’s role in the courtship was clearly planned and prepared by her and her sisterhood, but Leto is simply a man, who appears to have genuinely fallen into a loving and passionate relationship with the woman who would then give birth to his only heir.

What other factors could have resulted in a potential problem for Leto and Jessica’s courtship remain underdeveloped, but a prequel series could change this. From navigating Leto’s public and personal life, between his responsibilities and his heart, it is immediately an interesting and worthwhile story that has the potential to be another strong prequel series. There were also significant challenges that arose from Leto and Jessica’s courtship, needing to remain as unofficial, due to her position as a Bene Gesserit. The pair have one of the most interesting love stories of the franchise, but it’s yet to be properly explored.


Princess Irulan

Florence Pugh as Irulan with a scroll in Dune Part Two

Princess Irulan played a pivotal role in Dune: Part Two with her narration, but the character remains shrouded in mystery. In the film, she remains largely absent from the story, except in a few scenes. In this time, however, it is made clear that she is a character that needs to be protected and is set to play a much larger role as the films progress. Aside from her royal heritage, and being the daughter of the Emperor himself, Irulan is largely unknown in Dune: Part Two, but she is set up for a larger role in the future.

However, spending time looking back at the earlier life of the character could prove to be more insightful than looking ahead. Irulan is also a Bene Gesserit woman, whose rank is within the special hidden class of the order. Exploring her youth, her recruitment into the Bene Gesserit, which was likely carried out by her mother, who was also a Bene Gesserit, and her relationship with her father could all make for a compelling prequel. As far as expanding the lore and canon of the Dune franchise, a prequel with Irulan would make for a great addition.