The Star Wars franchise is well-known for its highly memorable quotes, and many of the best lines are to be found in The Empire Strikes Back. Widely regarded as the best film in the franchise, The Empire Strikes Back excels in every way imaginable thanks to superb direction, fantastic performances, outstanding visual effects, brilliant story structure, and bold choices. It’s also an extremely well-written film, with dialogue that flows naturally across every scene and perfectly fits each character.

It’s truly impressive how almost every scene is memorable and not a second feels wasted. However, some quotes stand out more than others through emotional impact, effective delivery, or prevalence in pop culture. 10 key quotes are the most memorable in The Empire Strikes Back and some of the best that the Star Wars movies have to offer.


Every Star Wars Movie, Ranked Worst To Best

Looking at all nine Skywalker Saga entries and three spinoffs, we crown the best Star Wars movie in our full ranking of the galaxy far, far away.


“I’d Just As Soon Kiss A Wookiee!”

Princess Leia

Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa both have some of the best lines in The Empire Strikes Back, yet none are as memorable as when they argue. One of Leia’s most memorable quotes comes at the end of their first fight, responding to Han’s suggestion that she wanted a goodbye kiss with “I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee!” As good as that line was, Leia walked right into Han’s comeback when he offered to arrange it, creating one of the most hilarious exchanges in Star Wars and foreshadowing their kiss at the end of the film.


“Ah! I Thought They Smelled Bad On The Outside!”

Han Solo

Only Han Solo could make a wisecrack after saving his best friend from freezing to death by shoving him into the guts of a dead tauntaun. It perfectly complements Han’s exhaustion yet also lifts a bit of tension after such a serious sequence. It quickly became one of Han’s most quotable lines and has been referenced in multiple projects, from parodies to LEGO Star Wars specials.


“Why, You Stuck-Up, Half-Witted, Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder!”

Princess Leia

Another hilarious example of Han and Leia’s banter, this line is probably the most well-known Star Wars insult. It’s especially funny how Leia emphasizes “nerf herder,” thinking it’ll hurt Han’s pride the most, but he instead takes offense at being called “scruffy-looking.” Han’s first meeting with Lando Calrissian later in the movie calls back to this scene when Lando calls him a “slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler.”


“Good. Our First Catch Of The Day.”

Captain Lennox

This is one instance of a Star Wars quote being memorable purely because of the actor’s performance. Despite having only one line, John Dicks is perfect as Captain Lennox, striking just the right balance between Imperial stiffness and fun hammy delivery. It’s interesting to consider how memorable this quote would be if it was read differently or done by a different actor.


“Never Tell Me The Odds!”

Han Solo

Han Solo always seems to do the impossible when piloting the Millennium Falcon, and his response to C-3PO’s calculations perfectly sums up this aspect of his character. He may not be Force-sensitive, but Han trusts his instincts and never doubts his abilities, something a Jedi would approve of. This attitude is remarkably similar to Ben Kenobi telling Luke Skywalker to rely on his feelings instead of the targeting computer during his run on the Death Star.


“You’re Lucky You Don’t Taste Very Good.”

Luke Skywalker (Theatrical Version)

Luke Skywalker’s line to R2-D2 about not tasting very good is memorable despite not being in the official version of The Empire Strikes Back. This is what Luke said to R2-D2 in the 1980 theatrical cut of the film, but for the Special Edition, George Lucas changed the line to “You were lucky to get out of there.” Perhaps Lucas thought Luke shouldn’t joke about R2-D2’s near-death experience, but the original line is more memorable and makes sense after the droid was spat out.


“Asteroids Do Not Concern Me, Admiral. I Want That Ship, Not Excuses.”

Darth Vader

Like Han and Leia, Darth Vader has more than his fair share of memorable quotes throughout The Empire Strikes Back. He makes clear in every scene that those beneath him should obey, not question, and his line about asteroids conveys how Imperial lives ultimately mean nothing to him. It sets the tone for Vader’s actions throughout the rest of the film and affirms his commanding presence.


“A Great Warrior. Ha Ha Ha! Wars Not Make One Great.”


The next candidate for the greatest number of memorable quotes in The Empire Strikes Back is none other than Jedi Master Yoda. Even though he introduces himself to Luke as a silly hermit curious about a new arrival, Yoda hints at his true identity by commenting on the nature of war. Yoda’s line is surprising at first, saying that in a franchise called Star Wars, war doesn’t make one great. However, it aligns perfectly with what he plans to teach Luke about what it means to be a Jedi.

Yoda Holding his Cane in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back


The aged Jedi Master had trained Jedi for 800 years by the time he met Luke Skywalker on the planet Dagobah. One of the most famed and revered Jedi, Yoda served as Grand Master of the Jedi Order for centuries; he was powerful enough to duel Darth Sidious himself, although he was defeated. Yoda exiled himself to Dagobah, where he learned how to become a Force Ghost and offered guidance to Luke Skywalker.

Created By

George Lucas


Frank Oz
, Tom Kane

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back


Star Wars: Episode VI – Return Of The Jedi




Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
, Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

TV Shows

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
, Star Wars Rebels


“All His Life Has He Looked Away… To The Future, To The Horizon. Never His Mind On Where He Was, Hmm? What He Was Doing.”


Once Yoda reveals his true identity as a Jedi Master, he becomes serious and bluntly shares his opinion of Luke. Like his previous comments on war, Yoda’s criticism of Luke chides him for looking to the horizon, arguably the most iconic shot in all of Star Wars. Even so, Yoda is completely right about the dangers of worrying about the future instead of paying attention to the present, something that will cost Luke when he rushes to save his friends at Cloud City.


“Bounty Hunters. We Don’t Need Their Scum.”

Admiral Piett

Admiral Piett would never voice criticism to Darth Vader, but he has no reservations about sharing his disdain for bounty hunters with his subordinates. As an introduction to bounty hunters in Star Wars, this quote is simple yet effective, immediately making them synonymous with scum. Every time a Star Wars fan sees a new bounty hunter in any medium, they’re likely to think of this line.


“Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.”


Yoda’s most famous quote likely made many viewers cautious about using the word “try,” lest Star Wars fans throw this line at them. Like much of Yoda’s wisdom, the idea of not trying is difficult to grasp at first, but it encourages Luke to succeed by fully committing to his task. In Star Wars Rebels, Ezra Bridger asked how he could do something without trying to do it, and his master, Kanan Jarrus, admitted that Yoda’s line always confused him too.


“We Would Be Honored If You Would Join Us.”

Darth Vader

Never accuse Darth Vader of not having good manners, as he politely invites the Rebels to join him for dinner after Han Solo tries to shoot him several times. Of course, Sith Lords who have complete control of the situation are free to mock their prey with false flattery and pleasantries. This quote was so memorable that it has been used as a tagline for Star Wars Celebrations, trailers, and online fan events.


“I Love You.” / “I Know.”

Princess Leia & Han Solo

Leia confessing her feelings for Han may be short, but the now iconic “I know” makes it one of the most memorable scenes in film history. It’s also a good lesson in quality screenwriting, using an unpredictable response that fits the character’s personality instead of a bland “I love you too.” The scene is a perfect blend of drama and comedy, as Han’s line is completely sincere yet unintentionally hilarious.


“I Am Altering The Deal. Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further.”

Darth Vader

Another fantastic line showcasing Darth Vader’s control over every situation and the backstabbing nature of a Dark Lord of the Sith. Vader not only confirms that Lando never had a say in what happened to the Rebels but also implies that it can still get worse if he doesn’t cooperate. As threatening as this line is, it’s also become a running gag among Star Wars fans, used to reference George Lucas’ countless alterations to the original trilogy.


“No. I Am Your Father.”

Darth Vader

The most memorable line in The Empire Strikes Back, the most quotable line in Star Wars, and perhaps the most iconic line in film history. In five simple words, Darth Vader reveals the biggest plot twist in cinema and changes the direction of the entire saga. Even if someone has never seen Star Wars, they have no doubt heard this line through constant pop culture references. For all these reasons, “I am your father” is easily the most memorable Star Wars quote from The Empire Strikes Back.