JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most beloved franchises of all time, created by the immensely talented mangaka, Hirohiko Araki. The series is renowned for its humor, uniquely recognizable art style, focus on fashionable and memorable character designs, and jaw-dropping fight scenes. Each new arc or “part” of JoJo’s focuses on a new protagonist, but they all originate from the same Joestar bloodline.

Members of the Joestar family all possess incredible strength, intelligence, and sheer power, as well as a star-shaped tattoo on their shoulder to indicate their lineage. Aside from the Joestars themselves, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure contains a host of other intriguing and well-written characters, both heroes and villains. Throughout the history of the series, many of these one of a kind personalities have uttered memorable quotes that remain in viewers’ minds and hearts years later. These ten quotes prove JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has achieved legendary status, with a variety of different remarks that range from memeworthy to utterly profound and thought-provoking.

“I Reject My Humanity, Jojo! I’ll Transcend Humanity!”

Spoken by Dio Brando

There are few anime villains as menacing or infamous as Dio Brando. However, some casual fans of the series don’t realize the origin story of the powerful evildoer. In Part One of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, entitled Phantom Blood, the very first Joestar, Jonathan, was introduced. Dio Brando was mercifully adopted into Jonathan Joestar’s family, but quickly began to wreak havoc.

Throughout the course of the season, he killed Jonathan’s dog, kissed his girlfriend, Erina, and killed Jonathan’s father. He eventually even turned himself into a vampire, thus, “rejecting” his humanity, as this remark explains. This quote showcases just how cruel and twisted Dio really is, as he was willing to completely give up his entire identity just to gain power and become immortal. After destroying his life, he even took over Jonathan’s body in Part Three of the series, proving his status as the series’ most heartless villain.

“Oh, You’re Approaching Me?”

Spoken by Dio Brando

In JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part Three, Stardust Crusaders, Dio returned to life even stronger than before. By taking over Jonathan Joestar’s corpse and using it as a vessel, the crooked villain was able to continue his tyranny, attempting to conquer the entire world through violence. Jotaro Kujo, Joseph Joestar, and a group of friends set off on a quest to Egypt, hoping to stop the criminal in his tracks.

This line was uttered during a confrontation between Jotaro and Dio, and perfectly depicts Dio’s shock at the situation. At this point, he had achieved sky-high levels of power and even figured out how to pause time for a few seconds with his Stand, The World, making him virtually undefeatable. The fact anyone could muster up the courage to even enter the same physical space as him stunned the vampiric villain, and his arrogance becomes crystal clear through this quote. This quote, like others from Dio, has risen to meme status and is recognized even outside of the series’ fandom.

“Even In This Rotten World, I Still Want To Walk Down A Path I Can Believe In!”

Spoken by Bruno Bucciarati

Although he is not a Joestar, Bruno Bucciarati is one of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s most humble and courageous heroes. The level-headed Passione gang leader had a lofty dream: he hoped to break down the illegal drug trade from the inside by taking down Italy’s most dangerous and powerful gangs. This was certainly not an easily obtainable goal, and Bucciarati had to sacrifice many of his men and eventually his own life in pursuit of it.

This impassioned quote reveals Bucciarati’s steadfast dedication to always making the right decision and living by his moral code, even when it is very difficult. Pushing back against a villain like Diavolo and the country’s biggest gangs caused Bucciarati and Passione a great deal of problems, but the mobster felt that being true to his own morality was more important than taking the easy path. The idea of listening to one’s sense of right and wrong as an internal guide is a valuable lesson for any viewer of the series. Buccarati’s hard work did result in Passione’s triumph over evil in the end, even if he was unfortunately not there to witness it.

“I, Giorno Giovanna, Have A Dream That I Know Is Just.”

Spoken by Giorno Giovanna

Giorno Giovanna is the hero of Golden Wind, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s fifth arc, and a member of the Joestar family. He possesses one of the series’ most unique Stands with an ability to create new life out of inanimate objects. The incredible Stand is named Golden Experience and makes for some of the season’s most stunning and surprising battle scenes, as Giorno transforms everyday objects into weapons effortlessly.

Giorno is a passionate and driven individual, which can be seen clearly in this quote in which he affirms his commitment to achieving his dream. The young Joestar’s dream aligns with Bruno Bucciarati’s: he also wants to destroy the drug trade and defeat evil boss Diavolo himself. This line is proof that Giorno will never give up on his ambitions, making him arguably the series’ most tenacious and determined Joestar.

“Impossible? This Journey Has Been Full Of Impossible Things… I’m Tired Of Hearing About What’s Impossible Or Useless.”

Spoken by Jotaro Kujo

In the Stardust Crusaders arc, Jotaro Kujo and friends traveled to Egypt to fight Dio Brando, who planned to destroy the world and achieve a new godlike status. Many aspects of their mission seemed absolutely unobtainable in the face of a tyrannical villain like Dio, but Jotaro’s quote proves that with determination, nothing is impossible. This theme comes up again and again in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

Throughout the series, there are countless instances of underdog characters prevailing and those who began as weak individuals becoming strong and conquering new challenges in order to ensure that good triumphs over evil in the end. Part Three is another instance of this occurring. Jotaro’s words in this moment prove that anything can be accomplished through teamwork and persistence. The Stardust Crusaders were even able to eventually take down the world’s most evil vampire, a goal that seemed insurmountable at many previous points throughout the season.


All of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures’ Jojos Ranked By Power

The Joestar lineage is filled with grandiose powers that grew with Hirohiko Araki’s imagination, each more elaborate than the last.

“Jotaro Kujo, Your Daughter Is Your Weakness.”

Spoken by Enrico Pucci

Part Six of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure revealed one of the series’ most shocking secrets: Jotaro Kujo has a daughter. His daughter Jolyne was unfortunately framed for a crime her ex-boyfriend committed and spent time in prison, where she became aware that a previous friend of Dio’s, Enrico Pucci, was scheming to reset the world and rebuild it anew. She contacted Jotaro, who joined her mission to take down Pucci.

However, towards the end of the story, Pucci succeeded in resetting the universe, and some of his victory can be attributed to Jotaro’s choice to save Jolyne rather than immediately strike at Pucci. The priest reprimanded Jotaro for being so “weak” as to value his daughter’s life instead of taking a chance at fighting back, but this moment is touching, not a sign of Jotaro’s failing. Even though he hadn’t been in contact with Jolyne for most of her life, Jotaro still loved her dearly enough to risk everything for her safety, and this quote proves his remarkably selfless nature and his respectable devotion to his daughter.

“To Complete My Mission And Protect My Men. Having To Do Both At Once Is What Makes Being A Capo So Tough.”

Spoken by Bruno Bucciarati

Bruno Bucciarati, the esteemed leader of the Passione gang, is a model example of how any good boss should behave. He is stern but loving and always looks out for his men in every situation, even throwing himself in harm’s way to protect them. However, the job of capo isn’t always as glamorous as it may seem.

Throughtout Part Five, Bucciarati lost many men who he had grown very close to in the search for Diavolo. Even though he did the best he could in the dangerous circumstances, he continually beat himself up for not protecting them well enough. This quote summarizes Bucciarati’s personality and mindset perfectly and sheds light on the reality of being a leader. The line properly recognizes how, although a powerful role may seem enticing, being in charge of a team like this one can be difficult, emotionally taxing, and at times, even heartbreaking.

“My Name Is Emporio.”

Spoken by Emporio Alniño

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s most recent anime season, Stone Ocean, ended in a shocking way that no fan of the series could have ever predicted. Enrico Pucci, a friend of Dio’s who was desperate to reach Heaven, restarted the entire world as it existed before and essentially started it over as a blank slate. Using Weather Reporter’s Stand, Emporio was thankfully able to defeat Pucci, but not before the world reset.

In this new world, Emporio encountered people who looked almost exactly like his friends, but had different names and no recollection of who he was. When they asked for his identity, he stated his infamous line, “My name is Emporio,” introducing himself to his old friends who no longer had any idea who he was. The quote is heartbreaking because although he saved his friends from death or ceasing to exist at all, their lives are not the same after the world reset. They will never remember Emporio, and they will have to rebuild their friendships with him from scratch, with all previous memories lost forever, since in this timeline they never existed at all.

“Maybe We Really Are Two As One… I Even Feel A Bizarre Friendship Between Us. And Now, Our Fates Have Truly Become One And The Same.”

Spoken by Jonathan Joestar

Dio and Jonathan Joestar have quite a tumultuous relationship in the Phantom Blood arc of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, as Dio ruined Jonathan’s life for essentially no reason. Jonathan is known as the most merciful and kind to a fault Joestar, even somewhat forgiving Dio’s abhorrent actions in the end, even though the cruel villain doesn’t deserve this kind of mercy. As Dio and Jonathan died side by side on the ship, sharing their final moments with one another, Jonathan uttered this profound quote about their relationship.

Although the pair can certainly be considered enemies, this line recognizes an odd and unlikely bond between the two rivals. Although they lived very different lives, one as a noble hero and one as a horrific villain, they both suffered the same ending, bringing them together in death. It is quite surprising how Jonathan and Dio could not be any more different, but their lives both concluded in the exact same way. Through this quote, Jonathan calls attention to this sobering similarity, making one shocking connection between himself and his biggest enemy.

“How Many More Times Will I Die?!”

Spoken by Diavolo

The punishment Giorno gave Diavolo at the end of the Golden Wind arc is perhaps the most gruesome and petrifying fate any villain has ever experienced in the entire JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure universe. Giorno trapped Diavolo in a terrorizing time loop, where he will continue to die over and over again for eternity. Each time, he will perish differently, and the situations that kill him are scary in themselves.

One of the worst aspects of this existence is that Diavolo never knows who will be his next murderer and is unable to avoid his destiny of continual death. Although he harmed and murdered countless people, contributed to Italy’s rampant drug problem, and arguably deserves an awful punishment, some JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans felt that this miserable retribution went a little too far. Diavolo would certainly agree, expressing his utter shock, horror and dismay through this quote. The villain’s weakness and fear are revealed through these words, as he realizes he is destined to exist in a cycle of terror forever.

Jojos Bizzare Adventure Franchise Poster

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Created by

Hirohiko Araki

TV Show(s)

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


Will A. Zeppeli
, Jonathan Joestar
, Giorno Giovanna
, Jotaro Kujo
, Joseph Joestar
, Jolyne Cujoh
, Johnny Joestar
, Josuke Higashikata
, Gyro Zeppeli

Video Game(s)

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R