While I’m excited for Star Wars’ upcoming New Jedi Order movie, there are some key elements I believe need to be added for the movie to be a success. It’s no secret that The Rise of Skywalker was divisive. However, I’m firmly of the belief that it did provide an exciting foundation for future stories, and Lucasfilm seems to think so too.

Coming from director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Rey’s upcoming New Jedi Order movie is currently in development. While Daisy Ridley is set to reprise her role as Jedi Knight in a brand-new Star Wars era beyond the sequel trilogy, very little is known beyond the general idea that she’ll be working to rebuild the Jedi Order in the galaxy far, far away. To that end, here are 10 things I believe absolutely need to be featured in Rey’s upcoming New Jedi Order movie.


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Rey Needs To Be A Different Kind of Jedi

Prepared To Protect A New Galaxy

Operating in a very different galaxy than when the sequel trilogy first began, Rey Skywalker will need to be a different kind of Jedi than those who have been seen before. Likewise, the galaxy post-sequels can largely be considered to be a blank slate, one that offers Lucasfilm more creativity for new narratives and stories. As such, it’s also an opportunity for Rey to adapt and begin writing the next chapter of the Jedi Order.

This may mean introducing new concepts and/or tents to the New Jedi Order that hadn’t been considered before. I’m certainly hoping that Rey’s version of the Jedi Order will have evolved beyond the pitfalls and pride of the Jedi from the prequel era. As such, the chance to see Rey as a “Neo-Jedi” with new techniques and a refined method of training new students would be fascinating.


I Need Finn To Be In Rey’s New Jedi Order Movie

Finn Needs Some Major Redemption

When it comes to Finn, I was completely devastated following the end of The Rise of Skywalker and the entire sequel trilogy at large. I still remember sitting in the theater thinking, “That’s it? What about Finn?!”. Unfortunately, it’s become quite clear that so much of Finn’s journey had either been altered and/or cut altogether, resulting in an unfulfilling and very disappointing character arc. While canon materials have helped confirm that Finn was indeed Force-sensitive, the actual Rise of Skywalker movie barely teased Finn’s untrained abilities.

Keeping that in mind, I’m desperately hoping that John Boyega will return as Finn in Rey’s New Jedi Order movie. With any luck, Finn will have either been trained by Rey to use his Force abilities as a Jedi, or at the very least he’ll be featured supporting her efforts to rebuild the Jedi from the ground up. Either way, the New Jedi Order movie is the best way to redeem both Finn and Boyega for the journey they were denied in the sequel trilogy.


The Balance Of The Force Needs To Be A Core Theme

Maintaining Both The Light and the Dark

Balance should also be a core theme for Rey’s New Jedi Order movie. After all, Rise of Skywalker culminated by showing just how powerful a dyad of both light and dark in the Force was with Rey and Ben Solo. To that end, the true mission of the Chosen One was to bring balance to the Force, something Rey also achieved at the end of the sequel trilogy. Now, the trick is going to be maintaining said balance going forward.

Balance in the Force essentially means neither the dark nor the light is allowed to overpower each other. It’s a constant back and forth, though one I’m hoping Rey’s Jedi Order can help maintain at a much higher level by adopting new lessons, such as a greater acceptance of healthy emotions and attachments. Perhaps this could allow for greater connections and new strength in the Force that has yet to be tapped by previous generations of the Jedi Order.


Rey’s Jedi Order Has To Have Learned From The Past

No Longer Deifying The Jedi Of The Prequels

In that same vein, Rey can’t fall into the same trap that Luke Skywalker did. Luke deified the Jedi Order of the past from the prequel era, learning all he could from their time, collecting relics and artifacts to perfectly replicate the Jedi Order that once was. However, the Jedi Academy Luke built on Ossus ultimately failed following the corruption of his own nephew Ben Solo.

As a result, Rey’s New Jedi Order movie needs to show Rey having learned from Luke’s mistakes. Luke’s primary problem was that he himself didn’t learn from the mistakes and failings of the Jedi that came before him. As such, I’d be really excited to see Rey break the cycle, searching for new ways to train Force sensitives with a Jedi Order that can truly last.


Rey’s New Jedi Order Movie Needs Brand-New Villains

No More Empire Or First Order

While the First Order made sense as the next iteration of villains born from the Galactic Empire that came before it, I don’t think I’d be able to stand another oppressive regime that once more echoes the one that came before it. I really don’t want to see another planet-killing battle station either. The Death Stars, Starkiller Base, and Final Order Fleet were enough.

Instead, it would be fascinating to see Rey and her New Jedi Order face new villains who could somehow endanger the Force itself. Operating outside the power of the Force, villains like Legends’ Yuuzhan Vong who were Force-resistant would be quite unique compared to what’s been seen in the official canon. At any rate, villains who stand apart and feel distinct from the Empire and First Order would feel like a major win for the New Jedi Order movie.


I Need To Know What’s Going On With The Rest of the Star Wars Galaxy

How Is The Galaxy Being Run?

It’s worth remembering that The Force Awakens featured the end of the New Republic government thanks to the power of Starkiller Base and the destruction of multiple worlds, including Hosnian Prime which had been the home of the New Republic Senate. While the Resistance survived, the First Order quickly took over the galaxy as a new oppressive regime, at last until the Resistance unified several ships from across the galaxy to battle the Final Order Fleet over the Sith world of Exegol.

That being said, Rise of Skywalker didn’t reveal what became of the galaxy with no New Republic or First Order to run things. To that end, I would like to potentially see a new status quo where there is no overarching galactic government. Instead, the various planets can self-govern and trade among themselves. However, I would also imagine such a transition could lead to whole new kinds of problems and issues galaxy-wide. This would provide a perfect purpose for Rey’s New Jedi Order to serve as peacekeepers, while also not being tied to any one government like the prequel Jedi were.


Rey’s Conflicting Legacies Should Play A Key Role In Her Journey

Skywalker vs Palpatine

Rey’s New Jedi Order movie will supposedly debut a new era and chapter for the galaxy far, far away. However, I’d still like to see some connection to Rey’s past, potentially including some residual inner conflict between the Palpatine legacy she was born into and the Skywalker legacy she chose. It would certainly be a dynamic way to maintain ties to the preceding Skywalker saga, while still keeping an eye on the future with what’s still to come.


I Would Love Poe To Be The New Face Of The New Republic

Technically, The New New Republic

If there is a new version of the New Republic established by the Resistance in Rey’s New Jedi Order movie, I would love to see Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron stepping up to become its dynamic new leader. After all, Poe was mentored by none other than Leia Organa herself in the sequel trilogy. Becoming the leader of the free galaxy feels like it would be a logical next step for Poe, even if it’s likely a job he wasn’t actively wanting or looking for.

Poe Dameron could be the perfect vehicle to show the current state of the galaxy while Rey is working to bring back the Jedi Order in this brand-new era. That said, I’m not sure Isaac would be very interested in returning to the Star Wars franchise after Rise of Skywalker. The same goes for Boyega, as much as I would love to see them both receive more dynamic stories in the upcoming New Jedi Order movie.


I Need To Know If Jannah And Her Stormtroopers Are Force-Sensitive

It Would Explain How They Broke Their First Order Brainwashing

It’s essentially been confirmed that Finn broke his First Order brainwashing as a stormtrooper due to his inherent Force-sensitivity. As such, I’ve always wondered if the same is true for Jannah and her group of rogue stormtroopers who broke free of their brainwashing as well. If that’s the case, one would hope that Jannah and more would get connected with Rey who’s seeking to train new Jedi.

I’d also really like to know what happened with Jannah and Lando Calrissian who were set to find where Jannah came from in the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol. Lando also has a daughter named Kadara who was kidnapped, and it’s been teased that she became a stormtrooper as well. Keeping that in mind, I’d really love to see some resolution for both Jannah and Lando if it can be organically incorporated into Rey’s New Jedi Order movie.


I Need To Know What’s Happened To The Other New Republic Heroes

Does Rey Have Help With The New Jedi Order?

As it stands, the fates of several New Republic Era Jedi/Force-sensitives who were active before the events of the sequel trilogy have yet to be revealed. This includes Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Din Grogu. While there are upcoming New Republic-set projects that will likely explain their fates, perhaps some will live beyond the sequels to be featured in Rey’s New Jedi Order movie. I’d certainly love to see an older Ahsoka helping Rey train new Jedi, having had an unorthodox Jedi journey that has certainly helped her grow beyond what the Jedi Order was when she was Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan.

Star Wars 10 Poster

Star Wars: New Jedi Order

Not Yet Rated

The tenth mainline installment in the Star Wars franchise is the first movie to follow the sequel trilogy, where Mark Hamill’s Luke, Carrie Fisher’s Leia, and Harrison Ford’s Han Solo gave their final farewell. After the release of The Rise of Skywalker, development on a direct sequel had become dormant as Disney shifted focus on other parts of the galaxy, namely, Disney+ shows such as The Mandalorian, Andor, and Ahsoka. However, a movie starring Daisy Ridley as Rey Skywalker was officially announced at Star Wars Celebration 2023.


Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy






Steven Knight


Daisy Ridley


Star Wars


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
, Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
, Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens
, Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of Skywalker