The following contains spoilers for In A Violent Nature, now playing in theaters

As befitting any horror movie in the slasher sub-genre, In A Violent Nature features some grisly and gory death scenes. Written and directed by Chris Nash, the film is a slow and deliberate take on the style of film often associated with franchises like Friday the 13th and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A throwback to the horror style of previous generations of filmmaking, the movie follows Johnny, a modern take on the horror movie slasher killer who crawls back to life to hunt down a locket stolen from his grave site. Much of the film is focused on Johnny and his hunt for the teenagers who took it.

Much of the film forgoes the score and character beats that are usually used to break up the classic horror movie beats and rules that often define the genre. Instead, In A Violent Nature uses a naturalistic approach that highlights the serene and unfeeling natural world around Johnny. That doesn’t mean the movie is without gore, however. In fact, that purposefully quiet aspect of the modern slasher movie makes the bigger moments pop with even more visceral horror, especially the more brutal deaths. Here’s every death from In A Violent Nature, ranked by how gory they are.


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Evan Is Played By Alexander Oliver

Evan’s death from In A Violent Nature highlights how efficient of a slasher movie villain Johnny really is, with the killer capable of dispatching targets in sudden or prolonged ways. Evan is one of the teenagers who unknowingly disturb Johnny’s grave, prompting the undead killer to rise and start slaughtering them. Of all the teens, Evan actually gets the jump on Johnny and uses a gun to briefly stun the killer while he’s attacking Troy. However, this turns out to only be a brief repreive from Johnny.

While trying to get Troy to safety, Evan is hit in the back of the head by an axe thrown by Johnny. This seems to instantly kill Evan, as Troy is left scrambling to flee, desperately calling out for his friend. Compared to the other deaths in the film, Evan got off pretty lightly all things considered. More than anything, Evan’s efforts to fight Johnny prove how guns do little to slow Johnny down, and that Johnny is more than capable of killing quickly — making his more brutal murders all the more unsettling and frightening.



Brodie Is Played By Lea Rose Sebastianis

Brodie is one of the other teens who ends up targeted by Johnny, and but is one of the only characters whose death isn’t shown in full. A snarky teenager with a clear romantic interest in Aurora, Brodie is out swimming alone when Johnny moves through the lake to sneak up on her. Brodie is pulled under the water and gets a few brief chances to call for help, but no one is close enough to hear before she is eventually killed by Johnny.

Brodie’s death is scary not because of what Johnny does to her, but because of the questions remaining about her fate. After Johnny dispatches her, Brodie’s body bobs to the surface of the lake and floats there. There’s no clear blood or indication of what happened to her, raising questions about exactly what Johnny did to her. While she at least seems to still be in one piece, her struggles to escape Johnny make it clear her death was more prolonged and frightening than what happened to Evan.



Chuck Is Played By Timothy Paul McCa

Chuck is the first death that occurs in In A Violent Nature, and is the first clear clue of how dangerous Johnny really is in the film. Chuck is a solitary and slovenly man who Johnny encounters early in the film. Fleeing the undead killer into the nearby woods, Chuck ends up falling prey to his own bear traps. This allows Johnny to catch up to him. Similar to Brodie, Chuck’s death occurs off-screen. However, Brodie was seemingly left largely in-tact after her death.

Chuck isn’t so lucky, with the film implying his demise was far bloodier and longer. Johnny eventually walks deeper into the woods past Chuck’s body, which has been seemingly ripped apart. It’s also implied that Johnny gouged out Chuck’s eyes. The aftermath of the slaughter is grisly, but it’s largely out of focus. This further solidifies just how dangerous Johnny is, and sets up his more vicious killings later in the film.



Troy Is Played By Liam Leone

Troy sets off the events of In A Violent Nature by taking the locket from Johnny’s grave, awakening the killer. This makes Troy’s brutal fate somewhat fitting, especially after he dismisses the deaths of his friends and ignores pleas to contact the police for help. Johnny is able to stab Troy in the leg, but is held back by a gunshot. However, after he dispatches Evan, Johnny turns his attention back to Troy and slowly stalks after him.

Despite his pleas for mercy and cries for help, no one else comes to help Troy before Johnny picks up a rock and crushes his head with it. It’s a sudden and graphic demise, but one that at least spares Troy some of the suffering that Johnny ended up inflicting on the other people he encountered. Ultimately though, Troy had given the locket to his girlfriend Kris (who ends up becoming one of the film’s only survivors), meaning his death is for nothing.

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Colt Is Played By Cameron Love

Colt is the last of the teenagers to be killed in In A Violent Nature, and his demise is the final one in the film. A friend of Kris whose presence on the trip sets Troy off repeatedly in the film, Colt is implied to have been going through personal tragedies in his personal life before the events of the film. Along with Kris, he learns the key to defeating and restraining Johnny, and tries to set up a plan to defeat the killer.

However, part of this plan requires distracting Johnny from Kris. Getting to close to the killer, Colt barely has time to draw Johnny’s attention before the killer cuts into his head with an ax. While it’s unclear if Colt was instantly killed, Johnny continues to cut at Colt for an extended beat. While this does give Kris the opening she needs to escape Johnny, it’s a pretty brutal ending for Colt — especially considering his efforts to save Kris implied a certain nobility that the other victims in the film lacked.



Ehren Is Played By Sam Roulston

Ehren is the first of the teenagers to die in In A Violent Nature, as his decision to go outside alone leaves him open to Johnny. After serving as a storyteller who recounts a local legend (that is heavily implied to be Johnny’s true origin) around the camp fire, Ehren is distracted when Johnny gets behind him. Using a handheld saw, Johnny uses it to cut into Ehren’s mouth and pin him to a tree.

Continuing to pull back with the saw, Johnny ultimately cuts Ehren’s head in half. It’s a brutal demise that Ehren had enough time to recognize just as it was happening, and the time it takes for the saw to actually cut through his head makes it all the more harrowing. Johnny notably treats Ehren’s body with a greater sense of disrespect than he does to his other victims, dragging the body to the local ranger station and using his corpse as a battering ram to break in. This suggests Johnny had a particular dislike for hearing his story told, adding a bit of implied personality and malice to the character.


The Ranger

The Ranger Is Played By Reece Presley

The Ranger has one of the most prolonged deaths in In A Violent Nature, and is quietly one of the most horrifying ones in the film. The Ranger implies that he’s actually survived a previous rampage carried out by Johnny, and reveals his father was the one who figured out how to contain him in the ground. Despite his efforts to repeat the process, Johnny ends up getting the better of the Ranger and paralyzes him with his bare hands.

This leaves the Ranger awake and aware as Johnny drags him into a nearby shed and uses a wood splitter to cut off an arm and then the Ranger’s head. It’s a brutal death that may actually be the scariest demise in the film, as it highlights the visceral horror of being aware of one’s fate and being unable to do anything about it. However, it’s not so much a gory death as it is a frightening one, and is thus not as viscerally grisly as some of the other demises in the film.



Aurora Is Played By Charlotte Creaghan

Aurora has the most gruesome deaths from In A Violent Nature, as well as the one that feels most indebted to the over-the-top slasher movies that inspired it. After playfully teasing Brodie and going off to do yoga alone, Aurora finds herself cornered by Johnny at the edge of a cliffside. Before she can make a move, Johnny stabs her in the gut. He then proceeds to dig his hook into her head before pulling the chain through the hole in her, snapping her spine and dragging her head through her stomach.

It’s arguably the most gratuitous death in the film, and is easily the most over-the-top nature of the demise. Aurora’s death is the most reminiscent of something like the Friday the 13th series, where similar ridiculous gory deaths are carried out against unsuspecting teenagers. While other deaths like that of the Ranger are horrifying and grisly in their own right, the horrifyingly creative nature of Aurora’s death helps it stand out. Aurora has the most memorable and grisly death in In A Violent Nature, and helps solidify the film as a worthy successor to past entries in the slasher sub-genre.

In a Violent Nature 2024 Movie Poster

In a Violent Nature

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In a Violent Nature is a 2024 horror-slasher film written and directed by Chris Nash that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2024. A group of campers in the middle of the wilderness stumble across a fire watchtower and discover a locket buried beneath its charred ruins. However, by unearthing the locket, they’ve invited the wrath of its prior owner and now must survive the rampage of a supernatural killer looking to retrieve his possession.


Chris Nash

Release Date

January 22, 2024




Chris Nash


Lauren-Marie Taylor
, Andrea Pavlovic
, Ry Barrett
, Reece Presley