Warning: Contains SPOILERS for X-Men Forever #3

Like many of his fellow X-Men, Cyclops’ life – and that of his family – has been far from easy. From Scott’s soul-shattering choice to send his son, Cable, to the future for his own safety to the many, many times that Jean Grey has been killed, the Summers family tree is consistently losing branches. And with the Fall of X taking yet another Summers off the board, the X-Men’s hopes may be dashed.

X-Men Forever #3 by Kieron Gillen, Luca Maresca, Federico Blee, and VC’s Clayton Cowles catches up with Hope Summers in the White Hot Room after the Phoenix’s resurrection. Sending an SOS to her teammates on Earth, the Mutant Messiah makes it clear that her mission to aid the Phoenix will be a one-way trip.

After giving her disciple Exodus a final message to deliver to her father, Cable, Hope isn’t stunned to see her dad appear through a nearby portal just to bid her farewell. And with one final salute, Nathan and Hope Summers manage to break every X-Fan’s heart.

The original five X-Men in Marvel comics


X-Men Is Finally Unleashing the Ultimate Form of a Founding Hero

The X-Men are some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes, but one mutant icon has finally achieved ultimate power – and the world isn’t ready.

Cyclops’ Granddaughter Is The Ultimate Mutant Hero

And Cable and Hope Are The X-Men’s Ultimate Familial Duo

Cable and Hope haven’t always had the most traditional father/daughter dynamic, but it’s still far and away one of the healthiest familial relationships in all X-Men lore. Rescuing Hope from certain death as a newborn baby, Cable raised her in the future, traveling the timestream to keep the Mutant Messiah safe from her enemies. Before returning to join the X-Men, Hope truly grew to be her adopted father’s daughter – an ultimate soldier for mutant prosperity and a hero in her own right.

Cable’s final goodbye to his daughter totally tracks with their unorthodox but loving relationship. After all, Cable trusts Hope arguably more than any of their fellow X-Men, and he knows exactly what greatness she’s capable of because he’s seen it all her life. He respects Hope not just as an X-Man or as the Mutant Messiah, but as his daughter and a fellow soldier. And with so simple a final goodbye, Cable is putting all of that love, respect, and support into a small gesture that means the world to Hope – and to the fans.

Hope Summers Is Her Father’s Daughter

Cable Taught Her To Finish The Mission, No Matter The Cost

Hope Summers and Cable

Cyclops’ granddaughter is more than just another X-Man, she’s also a Summers, and a major part of being a Summers is sacrificing yourself for the good of mutants everywhere. With the Phoenix in dire straits, Hope is truly the only one who can help. But as the Mutant Messiah moving to seemingly prove her divinity once and for all, both Cable and Cyclops are going to have to reckon with what the loss of Hope Summers means, not just for the X-Men, but for the Summers family as a whole.