Warning! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics #1065!Superman and his Kryptonian family are gaining a worthy rival in Lobo’s newfound family. The Man of Steel teamed up with the Main Man to recover Clark’s loved ones after a devastating attack. But is Lobo throwing that new partnership away for a brutal alliance with his fellow Czarnians?

In Action Comics #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, and Miguel Mendonca, Superman and Lobo get caught up in a fight with Brainiac’s Czarnian army and retreat to a nearby interstellar station. The duo gets information about Brainiac and the Czarnians from Space Cabbie before being interrupted by the army’s leader, General Chacal.

Chacal reveals that he’s looking for a replacement and that Lobo has the potential to be Chacal’s successor. The general agrees to forge a “House of Lobo” and let the Main Man take Chacal’s place, but only if Lobo proves himself by defeating Superman in a fight.

Lobo Finally Has the Army to Make Him a Serious Threat

Lobo Spears Variant Feature DC

Lobo might have thought he was the last Czarnian in the DC Universe (save for his daughter Crush), but that was proven untrue. Brainiac’s had a bottled Czarnian city in his collection ever since he struck a deal to take Chacal and his underlings of Czarnia’s hands. While the army was trapped in Brainiac’s collection for years, the villain finally began letting them out as part of Brainiac’s latest quest for knowledge. Chacal and his soldiers were an instrumental part of Brainiac’s attack on Earth, and the Czarnian forces laid waste to Metropolis, kidnapping every metahuman they could find.

Lobo has always been a loner (he even helped usher in Czarnia’s destruction with a genetically engineered virus). But even he’s not about the desire for bonds. With their tendency for fighting and destruction, Chacal’s crew seems to be everything Lobo is all about. If Lobo is seriously taking Chacal up on his offer of leading the Czarnian army, then that is extremely bad news for the DC Universe. One Lobo is enough to be a Superman-level threat. But an army of regenerating fighters with a love of brutality? That’s something the entire Superman Family might not be able to handle.

The House of Lobo is Powerful Enough to Threaten the Super-Family

Comic book panel: Czarnians like Lobo crash through a window.

Lobo is strong, resilient, and able to come back from a drop of blood. Superman has struggled in the past with Lobo alone, so what is Clark going to do when Lobo is suddenly in control of dozens of other brutal Czarnians? The first chapter of “House of Brainiac” showed just how devastating Czarnians can be and chances are they’d be even worse under a bastich as cold as Lobo. Sure, Clark’s got his family, but they fell to the Czarnians the first time they came to Metropolis. Lobo’s new ‘family’ could ultimately prove to be the Superman Family’s undoing.

Action Comics #1065 is available now from DC Comics.

Action Comics #1065 (2024)

Supergirl and Superboy vs Brainiacs Action Comics 1065 Cover

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artists: Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, and Mirko Colak
  • Colorists: Alejandro Sánchez and Mike Spicer
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Rafa Sandoval