When it comes to hero vs hero speculation, Shazam vs Superman is a debate that will never die. Starting off with two different publishers (Shazam was a Fawcett Comics character before being purchased by DC), the two Justice League icons are the definition of superhero aesthetic, with bright costumes, billowing capes, and the ability to shrug off a tank shell like it’s nothing. However, one fascinating aspect of Shazam’s powers does set them apart, and even make Batson the more durable hero.

In JLA #112 – from Kurt Busiek, Ron Garney, Dan Green, David Baron and Jared K. Fletcher – the Justice League are forced to call in reinforcements against an awe-inspiring weapon. The threat in question is a weapon known as the Void Hound – a spacecraft created by the Weaponers of Qward, who imprisoned a dark god’s mind within a gigantic war machine. As the Justice League face off against the Void Hound, the ship launches a series of “tesseract bombs.” These explosives turn their targets inside out to destroy them completely, whether fired at a mountain range or – in one horrific moment – Shazam himself.

The comic doesn’t pull any punches, as Shazam is shredded by the weapon. However, he then instantly bounces back, warning the other heroes that he doesn’t believe any of them could survive a similar direct hit. Shazam only makes it because his invulnerability is magic in nature, allowing his body to reset back to normal despite the intense damage.

superman vs shazam fight winner stronger


“My Only True Rival”: Superman vs Shazam Is Still the Darkest Hero Fight in DC History

Superman and Shazam’s most bitter fight revealed their long-standing grudge, killed a major hero, and permanently damaged the planet Earth.

Shazam Was Literally Turned Inside Out

But Shazam’s Magic Invulnerability Let Him Recover Immediately

Shazam and Superman Punching Each Other

JLA #112 offers a fascinating look into Shazam’s invincibility, which is an aspect of the ‘Stamina of Atlas’ – one of several powers donated by ancient gods to create ‘the World’s Mightiest Mortal.’ On most occasions, Shazam’s invincibility works similar to Superman’s – he is simply so dense and durable that normal blows (and even those of Kryptonians) bounce off him with no ill effect. However, Shazam’s invincibility also has a secondary effect – when Shazam is injured by a force that his body isn’t physically strong enough to fight off, he can instantly heal back to his former state.

Shazam’s Magic Has Different Rules to Superman’s Biology

When Superman Is Injured, He Needs Help as Much as Anyone Else

Lois Lane holding Superman's dead body in the Death of Superman

Because of their connection to magic, Shazam’s powers aren’t limited by the natural world or what’s physically possible. Shazam is invulnerable essentially because a group of gods decided it, and it takes an equal force to do him damage. In contrast, Superman is immune to almost all forms of harm, but his invulnerability doesn’t offer him any easy way to recover once he does receive injury. If Superman is badly hurt, he usually has to bathe in solar radiation to heal – something fans saw in the recent Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong and the iconic aftermath of ‘Death of Superman.’ It takes a lot to harm Superman, but if he was turned inside-out like Shazam in JLA #112, he’d likely die there and then.

superman badly injured

Of course, even with this advantage, Shazam isn’t immortal. The DC Universe is full of beings who can take on the gods and come out victorious. His magic powers also come with their own downsides. Mark Waid and Dan Mora’s Shazam! has recently seen Billy corrupted by the gods who gave him his powers, using their connection to Shazam to alter his behavior. The rules of magic can also be bent in surprising ways – for example, when Shazam fought Thor in 1996’s Marvel vs. DC, Marvel’s Thunder God was able to harness Shazam’s magic lightning and use it to force him back to his human form.

Ultimately, neither hero is inherently superior – part of the challenge of writing superhero comics is making sure that there are always unique threats which can menace such powerful characters. However, when it comes to invulnerability, Shazam certainly seems to have the advantage over Superman, not just being able to withstand immense attacks without injury, but magically healing whenever his physical durability isn’t enough.