Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #11!The DC Universe is about to change forever as an unexpected Green Lantern associate is on the precipice of becoming the first evil White Lantern. Things have changed for the Green Lantern Corps since it was taken over by the United Planets, but none for the better.

For some time now, there have been attacks on the Emotional Spectrum, with Central Power Batteries being destroyed left and right. At the center of this conspiracy is the cruel Lord Premier Thaaros. But why is he destroying such a fragile system and what does he stand to gain by overhauling the Green Lantern Corps?

Lord Premier Thaaros Admits He’s Seizing the Emotional Spectrum For Himself

In Green Lantern #11 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Aancay Nahuelpan, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe, the resistance group of Green Lanterns reassess their dire situation. Hal suggests going straight to the United Planets and telling them that their leader, Lord Premier Thaaros, is blowing up Central Power Batteries. While some express doubt aboutt the plan, Jordan believes that the United Planet’s tenuous alliance could work in their favor if they expose Thaaros’ treachery. A United Planets’ Lantern agrees to provide all the evidence against Thaaros needed, so the Green Lanterns head out.

The United Planets meets at the Great Hall on Oa when the Green Lanterns blast their way into the private sanctum. Wasting no time, Green Lantern Hal Jordan accuses Lord Premier Thaaros of abusing his power and destroying the Central Power Batteries. The United Planets Lantern backs up Jordan’s claim saying that not only did Thaaros order his Lanterns to take out the Central Power Batteries, but to torture and kill anyone who was a threat, leaving the United Planets in charge of the Emotional Spectrum’s power.

​​​​​​Thaaros gleefully admits that he is indeed trying to take control of the Emotional Spectrum. To make matters worse, Thaaros reveals he’s set a trap that the resistance Green Lanterns have walked straight into. As the Green Lanterns are taken captive, Simon Baz calls to the United Planets’ council, asking if they’ll stand for this takeover. Unfortunately, Thaaros reveals that the United Plantets’ highest authorities have all been replaced by Durlans, fellow members of Thaaros’ shape-shifting race.

Who is Lord Premier Thaaros and How Did He Rise to Power?

Lord Premier Thaaros is the current head of the United Planets who first appeared during the “Warworld Saga” in Action Comics. Though seen by many as a noble and just individual, he’s a corrupt politician who made secret deals with the despot Mongul. Thaaros betrayed the Phaelosian people as a means of getting on Mongul’s good side and as he rose to power, he continued making secret deals with the Warworld ruler. Thaaros even prevented the United Planets from assisting Superman’s liberation of Warworld as a means of covering up his illicit deals.

Thaaros returned, still in charge of the United Planets, shortly after the Guardians of the Universe mysteriously disappeared in the wake of Dark Crisis on Infinite Universe. The Guardians entrusted the Corps to the United Planets, so to the displeasure of the Corps’ veterans, Thaaros and his council were now the organization’s new leaders. Unfortunately, things only got worse when the Council made radical changes such as quarantining sector 2814 and reassigning Earth’s officers to new duties. Some quit, but other Green Lanterns went along with Thaaros’ changes.

Many veteran Green Lanterns were sent away while Thaaros conducted his secret operation with his new ‘United Planets Lanterns’. One by one, the host planets of various Corps were attacked and their Central Power Batteries were destroyed. With each fallen Corps, Thaaros’ Lanterns became able to tap into a new part of the Emotional Spectrum. As Hal and the resistance Green Lanterns discovered, Thaaros was using his soldiers to try and access the Source Lantern’s power, sacrificing them one after another in a mad bid to unlock the relic’s secrets.

Thaaros Wants the White Lantern’s Power to Rule the DC Universe


Like so many Green Lantern villains in the past, Thaaros is a fascist who wants complete and utter control of the DC Universe. But unlike foes like Mongul or Darkseid, Thaaros had a far more insidious way of getting what he wants. Rather than fight the Green Lanterns, Thaaros positioned himself into one of the most powerful authoritative bodies in the DC Universe and jumped at the first chance to use the Corps for his own twisted goals.

Thaaros has eliminated nearly every organization tied to the Emotional Spectrum, from the Red Lanterns to the Star Sapphires. As such, his United Planets Lanterns are the only ring-wielders in the DC Universe who can channel the other lights, making them an incredibly mighty force. Thaaros doesn’t seem as interested in becoming a Lantern himself, so much as he is controlling those he decrees worthy of being a United Planets Lantern. With the Emotional Spectrum all but fractured completely, there’s a chance Thaaros could be close to attaining the most powerful light of all.

The White Light of Creation is the strangest, yet most powerful light in the DC Universe. Kyle Rayner once gained its power by mastering the Emotional Spectrum. But Thaaros has gone the easy route and had the Central Power Batteries destroyed so his Lanterns could steal the other lights. But now that the United Planets Lanterns have seemingly mastered the seven lights, Thaaros could potentially have an army of White Lanterns ready to establish his rule across the universe. With the United Planets having been replaced by his sycophants, Thaaros might just get his way.

Can the Green Lanterns Stop Thaaros Before It’s Too Late?

Thaaros Scheming with Jessica Cruz DC

With a council of Durlans and an army of Lanterns able to tap into any part of the Emotional Spectrum, Thaaros has all the cards. The Green Lanterns have faced difficult odds before, but if Thaaros is about to crack the secrets behind the White Lantern, Hal and his friends are in serious danger. As powerful as the Green Lanterns are, even they can’t stop an army of White Lanterns, whose powers are virtually limitless and contain the strengths of every other light. The Green Lanterns could be on the verge of losing everything as Thaaros’ plans come to fruition.

Green Lantern #11 is available now from DC Comics.

Green Lantern #11 (2024)

Green Lantern FIghting Alien

  • Writer: Jeremy Adams
  • Artists: Xermanico, Amancay Nahuelpan, and Kevin Maguire
  • Colorists: Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Rosemary Cheetham
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Xermanico


Green Lantern

Green Lantern is the name given to several characters in the D.C. Comics canon, centering on individuals who dispense intergalactic justice. Green Lanterns can harness the power of willpower and can create unique spectral objects to face off against their enemies. Though some Green Lanterns have assisted with the Justice League, they primarily belong to the Green Lantern Corps.