Warning: The following contains spoilers for Vampire Dormitory episode #6!

Although every installment has had its own moments, the sixth and latest episode of Vampire Dormitory‘s anime adaptation goes above and beyond by delivering more than one massive scene. Each one either creates an incredibly rich metaphor that enhances the series’ already highly contextual vampire mythos or changes an understood episodes-long plot trajectory to delve into a direction that promises more innovative romantic tropes and possibly even less conflict, which is relatively unheard of. Viewers were undoubtedly left especially shocked since both scenes occurred at the end of the episode in quick succession for an even larger emotional effect.

The first scene serves as a wonderful reinterpretation of a pervasive vampiric trope by exploring the human-vampire relationship as more symbiotic rather than one-sided through a stunning juxtaposition between how a vampire and a human receive sustenance. Although it doesn’t follow past precedent by adding to or innovating the vampire mythos, the imagery is symbolically strong enough to make a lasting impression.

The second scene happens mere seconds later when the human Mito and vampire Ruka agree to go on a date together, one that promises to be especially steamy and very possibly particularly innovative.

Vampire Dormitory Portrays Blood Sucking As Therapeutic For The Human

Original series created by Ema Toyama; anime adaptation produced by Studio Blanc

Ruka feeds Mito a strawberry in Vampire Dormitory

The first symbolic scene is especially powerful, based on the fact that both Mito and Ruka had just experienced a massive falling out that was effectively pushing each of them into the arms of other characters. Moreover, Mito finds Ruka in bed with a human girl moments earlier. On one level, the fact that Ruka hadn’t drunk anyone’s blood in a week since he started fighting with Mito is important since he immediately starts the process once they reconnect. Their fight was literally having a detrimental effect on his physical state, so by finally getting to feed once they reconcile, his physical improvement becomes symbolic.

So even though he is slowly killing her in theory, the act of bloodsucking is emotionally therapeutic for her, since she was at risk of losing that and, in turn, love.

On another level, Mito benefits greatly as well despite getting her blood sucked, since Mito’s blood secures her position as Ruka’s thrall, which requires him to give her what she has never received before and what she desires more than anything – love. So even though he is slowly killing her in theory, the act of bloodsucking is emotionally therapeutic for her, since she was at risk of losing that and, in turn, love. And yet, all of this is even compounded further by Ruka literally feeding her human food during this time as well. Not only does this create a stunning juxtaposition of and completely subverts how feeding usually occurs between a vampire and a human, but the fact that the cake he feeds her was actually something he made to her as an apology augments this image. This is even further compounded on a literal level since the actual message on the desert reads, “For Mito, Sorry.”

The Second Scene Promises a Conflict-Free Episode

As Vampire Dormitory continues, the romance scenes seem to be moving in a steamier direction

It’s hard to imagine that such an incredible scene could actually be one-upped by anything else, but the implications of what Ruka and Mito agree to soon afterward accomplish just that. This is especially the case when taking into consideration some of the actions they took moments earlier; Ruka and Mito actually agree to go on an official date. This is incredible, especially when the anime has dedicated so much time to their falling out and been laying the groundwork to escalate their situation even further for the worse. In other words, it’s so shocking to see such a positive development after so much negativity.

The fact that Ruka performed an act that can essentially be interpreted as just one step down from a kiss, which is already a rarity in romance series, leaves very little left to escalate to.

The fact that Ruka performed an act that can essentially be interpreted as just one step down from a kiss, which is already a rarity in romance series, leaves very little left to escalate to. This almost promises an even more sensual date than their earlier acts of reconciliation. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the next episode will be void of any conflict. In fact, there’s still a major misunderstanding standing in between them that’s enhanced further by a higher-ranked vampire’s obvious opinion of Mito. It doesn’t help that he has had obvious sway over Ruka before. So, it’s very possible that this upcoming date could end in disaster if this vampire gets involved or if the truth comes out – that Mito is a girl, not a boy, as Ruka believes.

Of course, the situation itself is highly ironic, since the truth would actually allow them to be together with no complications, but Ruka will undoubtedly see this as a betrayal for the sake of conflict. This doesn’t even account for the wild card that has yet to be accounted for – Ren – who can also provide what Mito needs without any complications. Suffice it to say, Vampire Dormitory is a drama-filled vampire romance that continues to deliver incredible metaphors that enhance vampiric mythos while providing shocking twists that promise some exciting prospects.