Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7!The MonsterVerse may have given Kong the B.E.A.S.T. Glove, but his new upgrade makes the gauntlet look like nothing. Like several other Titans, Kong has been brought to the DC Universe and has been roped into one of the biggest fights of his life.

Fans everywhere were delighted to see the Eighth Wonder of the World get the B.E.A.S.T. Glove in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. But while the brace helped him out considerably, it pales in comparison to the mighty weapon Kong gains in the Titan’s final stand in Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong.

Kong Gets a Green Lantern Power Ring in Epic Final Fight

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Tom Derenick, Luis Guerrero, Richard Starkings, and Tyler Smith, a battle rages in Metropolis. Lex uses Mechagodzilla to fight Batman’s new Bat-mech. The Justice League is trying to subdue powerful Titans such as Scylla, Behemoth, and Tiamat. And Kong leads the charge against his nemesis from Skull Island, the revived Skull Devil. Amid the chaos, Hal Jordan mourns for his fallen comrade Guy Gardner and notices that his Green Lantern Power Ring has already begun searching for a new candidate.

The Skull Devil, now more powerful than ever after its dip in the Lazarus Pits, proves to be more challenging than Kong or the Justice League expects. Even with Beast Boy, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and even Behemoth’s help, Skull Devil and his Skullcrawlers are too much for the good guys to handle. Kong is eventually overwhelmed by the Skull Devil, who prepares to kill Kong by choking him out. But just as all looks hopeless, Guy’s Green Lantern Power Ring goes and places itself on Kong’s finger.

Using the Power Ring, Kong summons up a hard-light version of his trusty battle axe and uses it to slice through the Skull Devil’s tail. Things quickly begin to turn in the Justice League’s favor, especially as Superman arrives with Godzilla in tow. The Man of Steel and King of the Monsters use their combined powers to severely weaken the Skull Crawler. But it’s Green Lantern Kong who finishes the Skull Devil off. Kong drives his construct through the Skull Devil’s head, ending the Titans’ threat once and for all.

Kong’s Journey to Gaining a Green Lantern Power Ring

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong began with the Legion of Doom embarking on a mission to stop the Justice League once and for all. Lex Luthor led the team on an expedition to the Fortress of Solitude to steal a Mother Box and Orion’s Astro-Harness from Superman’s private collection. However, Toyman stole the Dreamstone, alerting the League to the burglary. During the ensuing battle between the heroes and villains, the Legion was transported to the MonsterVerse where they came face-to-face with Kong and other Titans.

Seeing the potential in the Titans, Toyman used the Dreamstone to wish the Titans to the DC Universe, where they all began terrorizing iconic DCU locations like Gotham and Themyscira. While most Titans ventured out, Kong largely remained on Skull Island, which had also been transported from the MonsterVerse. Kong met several heroes who visited the island like Green Arrow and Supergirl, even helping the former dispatch several League of Assassins members. However, the telepathic ape Gorilla Grodd used his psychic powers to bring Kong over to the Legion of Doom’s side.

Having reassembled Mechagodzilla, Lex lured the Titans to Metropolis for a final showdown with the Justice League. The League was prepared with both Batman and the Green Lantern Corps creating mechs to fight the bigger kaiju. Unfortunately, even the combined might of the Green Lantern Corps couldn’t stand up to the mind-controlled Kong. Kong ripped off one of the Green Lantern Robo’s arms, allowing Grodd the chance to kill Guy Gardner by stomping on him. However, the Bat-Family helped break Grodd’s hold on Kong, bringing him over to the Justice League’s side.

A Power Ring Has Infinite Uses Compared to the B.E.A.S.T. Glove

Kong wearing the BEAST glove in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

MonsterVerse fans who have seen Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire no doubt recall the moment when an injured Kong is given the B.E.A.S.T. (or Bio Enhanced Anatomech Seismic Thunder) Glove. The gauntlet not only served to help Kong deal with the damage to his arm brought on by Shimo’s powerful Frost Bite Blast, but it also augmented Kong’s strength and could even generate electricity. The B.E.A.S.T. Glove was a vital asset to Kong after his battle axe was stolen by the Skar King.

While there’s no doubt that the B.E.A.S.T. Glove was the upgrade Kong needed to defeat his enemies in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, there’s no argument that it’s nothing compared to a Green Lantern Power Ring. A Power Ring has virtually no limits and can be anything its user desires, whether they need a weapon, a shield, or even a vehicle. Not to mention, there are so many other features beyond mere construct generation such as flight, translation, and protective force fields.

The only real bummer about Kong’s time with a Power Ring is that he doesn’t get to use it long enough to explore any other features. But even though his time with it is brief, the Titan has so much willpower that Kong was able to manifest his battle axe almost as soon as he got the Power Ring. Not every rookie Green Lantern can do that and many require extensive training to master it. But for Kong, using a Green Lantern’s Power Ring was as natural to him as any other weapon.

Kong Using a Power Ring Needs to Happen Again

Kong Superman and Batman DC

Not only does Kong lose his new Power Ring after all is said and done, but he’s sent back with the rest of the Titans to the MonsterVerse. But the idea of Kong using a Power Ring is too good to leave on the table after just one use. Perhaps a sequel could see him gaining another Power Ring and really putting it to use. While the B.E.A.S.T. Glove was entertaining, the Power Ring is something that opens up an entirely new world for Kong, especially if the MonsterVerse and DC Universe ever collide again.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7 is available now from DC Comics.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7 (2024)

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong 7 Cover DC

  • Writer: Brian Buccellato
  • Artists: Christian Duce and Tom Derenick
  • Colorist: Luis Guerrero
  • Letterers: Tyler Smith and Richard Starkings
  • Cover Artist: Drew Johnson

Godzilla and Kong in Monsterverse Franchise Poster


The Monsterverse is a giant kaiju franchise that began in 2014 with Legendary’s Godzilla starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bryan Cranston, and Elizabeth Olsen. The film was followed up by Kong: Skull Island, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Godzilla vs Kong, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.