As evidenced by the show’s title, Blood of Zeus features several characters that are the children of the king of the gods. Oftentimes, storylines of projects that center on Greek mythology have extensive family trees. This is also the case with Blood of Zeus’ mythological characters and gods, who all tend to be related in one way or another. Naturally, the involvement of the Greek pantheon brings complicated family histories, with Blood of Zeus‘ Greek gods being related by blood, marriage, or in some cases, both.

The crux of Blood of Zeus‘ story is easy to discern given the show’s title. In a reimagined world of gods, monsters, and heroes, Blood of Zeus chronicles the journeys of several characters who share a familial connection to the god of the heavens. Played by Blood of Zeus‘ stellar voice cast, the struggles of the Greek pantheon are showcased across the two seasons of the show thus far. Leading the way at the center of Blood of Zeus‘ story are characters who are not just related to Zeus, but the direct children of the leader of Mount Olympus.


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The Demigod Son Of Zeus

First Appearance

“A Call to Arms”

Connection to Zeus




Although Blood of Zeus includes several children of the titular god, Heron is undoubtedly the show’s primary character. Heron is introduced as a bastard son of a woman named Electra, whose appearance in a small poli in Greece causes clouds to surround the townsfolk permanently. This leads the citizens of the poli to blame Electra and her son, stating they are cursed. However, it is revealed that Electra sired Heron with Zeus, with the dark clouds around the poli being a spell of protection from the king of the gods.

Blood of Zeus season 1 sees Heron uncovering his true heritage as a son of Zeus while coming to terms with his demigod powers. Unbeknownst to Heron at first, his birth is taken as a slight against Hera, the queen of the gods, who deplores Zeus’ disloyalty. This kickstarts Heron’s journey to fight against Hera and the giants she unleashed to take revenge against Zeus. In Blood of Zeus season 2, Heron attempts to continue his father’s legacy by gaining Blood of Zeus‘ Eleusinian Stone to rule Olympus and stop infighting among the cutthroat gods.



The Greek God Of Travelers, Thieves, Roads, & Messengers

Blood of Zeus Eleusinian Stone 3

First Appearance

“A Call to Arms”

Connection to Zeus




As of Blood of Zeus season 2’s ending, Heron is the only known demigod son of Zeus. That said, the show is made up of several full gods of the Greek pantheon who are Zeus’ children, beginning with Hermes. Hermes has arguably the biggest role of all of Zeus’ godly children in Blood of Zeus, shown throughout seasons 1 and 2 to be a stalwart defender of his father’s honor. Like Heron, Hermes is degraded as a bastard by Hera, due to Zeus’ further disloyalty to the queen of the gods.

In Blood of Zeus, Hermes’ mother is Maia. Maia was a Pleiades, one of the seven daughters of the Titan Atlas. Zeus fathered Hermes with Maia, imbuing the child with the powers necessary for him to become a Greek god of Olympus. Throughout most of Blood of Zeus, Hermes is shown doing his father’s bidding on Earth. From defending Heron, sending messages for Zeus, and capturing the souls of the dead to transport them to the Underworld, Hermes’ support of Zeus is unwavering, leading him to be more friendly to his half-brother Heron than many other gods.



The Greek God Of The Sun

Athena, Apollo, and Artemis in Blood of Zeus season 2

Image via Netflix

First Appearance

“A Call to Arms”

Connection to Zeus




One of the other more benevolent gods concerning their treatment of Heron is Apollo, another son of Zeus. In Greek mythology, and Blood of Zeus, Apollo’s mother is Leto, another of the Titans. Like Hermes, Apollo is treated poorly by Hera due to his heritage, leading the god of the sun to be more friendly towards Heron, who is treated similarly by the queen of Olympus.

Apollo has a somewhat smaller role in Blood of Zeus compared to Hermes and Heron, though is depicted similarly to the former. Apollo is shown often defending his father’s ideals, siding with him in the battle against Hera and the giants in Blood of Zeus season 1. In Blood of Zeus season 2, Apollo – alongside Hermes – fought for the Eleusinian Stone after Zeus’ death in order to rule Olympus alongside his siblings, allowing them to continue Zeus’ legacy and reinstall his regime over Olympus in the wake of the gods’ infighting.



The Greek Goddess Of The Moon & The Hunt

Artemis looking concerned in Blood of Zeus

First Appearance

“The Raid”

Connection to Zeus




Artemis is another child of Zeus in Blood of Zeus and is linked heavily to Apollo. This is because Artemis and Apollo are twins, both born to Zeus and the Titan Leto. Artemis plays a much smaller role than her brother in Blood of Zeus, rarely appearing in season 1. However, Artemis’ role increases in Blood of Zeus season 2, despite not being quite as big as some of the other Olympians.

Artemis is shown to side with Zeus and her siblings against Hera in season 1, though her presence in Blood of Zeus season 2 is slightly greater. She has a more active role in the grapple for the Eleusinian Stone, due to her desire to continue her father’s bidding all while stopping the re-emergence of Blood of Zeus‘ dreaded Typhon. Artemis is shown fighting alongside her siblings in Blood of Zeus season 2’s climactic finale, and will likely have a bigger role going into season 3.

Blood Of Zeus Typhon Return 8


Who Is Typhon? Blood Of Zeus’ New Monster Explained

Blood of Zeus season 2 reveals Typhon was the greatest challenge the Greek Gods ever confronted and teases his true power.



The Greek God Of War

Hera and Ares in Blood of Zeus season 2

Image via Netflix

First Appearance

“A Call to Arms”

Connection to Zeus




Conversely to Hermes, Apollo, and Artemis, Ares is a more villainous presence in Blood of Zeus seasons 1 and 2. The reason for this stems from his parentage, as the god of war is the son of Zeus and Hera. As such, he is treated much more fairly and justly by Hera than his half-siblings as he is deemed a “true-blooded” Olympian. When Hera goes against Zeus in Blood of Zeus season 1, Ares is quick to take his mother’s side due to his father’s disloyalty and infidelity.

In Blood of Zeus season 2, Ares takes on a much more power-hungry role. His continued antagonism towards Heron remains, due to the latter’s mother being of Earth. Furthermore, Ares makes a power play for the Eleusinian Stone alongside his wife, Aphrodite. Ares believes that a true son of Zeus and Hera should take on the mantle of ruling the pantheon, spurring Blood of Zeus season 2’s story of infighting among the Olympian family.



The Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Military Victory

First Appearance

“A Call to Arms”

Connection to Zeus




Going back to the more benevolent gods, Athena is another child of the titular god in Blood of Zeus. Like Artemis, Athena plays a small role in Blood of Zeus season 1 but is shown siding with Zeus and her half-siblings in the civil war against Hera. This stems from Athena’s mother; Zeus sired the goddess of wisdom with a nymph named Metis. As such, Athena is treated unfairly by Hera, leading to the former going against the latter alongside Zeus.

Immediately in Blood of Zeus season 2, however, Athena receives greater focus. Alongside her aunt, Hestia, Athena is tasked with securing the Eleusinian Stone during Hera’s assault on Olympus. Athena defends Hestia from agents of Hades and flees with the Eleusinian Stone, allowing Hestia to eventually reach Gaia. In Blood of Zeus season 2’s subsequent episodes, Athena is depicted similarly to Apollo, Artemis, and Hermes; she supports her father’s right to rule and fights for this while aiding Heron and treating him more kindly than the likes of Ares and Hera.



The Greek God Of Fire & Smithing

Hephaestus talking to Zeus on a balcony in Blood of Zeus

First Appearance

“A Call to Arms”

Connection to Zeus




The final son of Zeus among the Olympian gods to appear in Blood of Zeus is Hephaestus. Hephaestus is depicted in a similar vein to Hermes in Blood of Zeus season 1, often supporting his father and helping him with many needs, such as training Heron on Olympus. Despite siding with Zeus, Hephaestus is a “pure-blood” god as his mother is Hera. In Greek myth, Hera was disgusted with Hephaestus after he was born with several deformities, with the queen of Olympus treating her son with revulsion from that point on.

While this relationship is not overly depicted in Blood of Zeus season 1, it likely explains Hephaestus’ loyalty to his father over his mother. In Blood of Zeus season 2, Hephaestus’ loyalty to Zeus continues. The god of fire aids Heron in his quest to find Zeus’ sword and thus, the Eleusinian Stone, and is also shown fighting alongside his half-siblings Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, and his aunt Hestia, to restore Zeus’ status quo on Olympus.

The poster for Blood of Zeus season 2 (2024) next to Heron looking over his shoulder


Blood Of Zeus Season 2 Ending Explained: What Happens To Heron

Blood of Zeus season 2 concludes in an epic finale that teases a dark future for Heron, Seraphim, and the many powerful Gods of Olympus.


King Minos, King Radamanthus, & King Aecus

The Three Kings Who Judge The Souls Of The Dead

The Three Judges of the Underworld in Blood of Zeus

First Appearance

“Back to Olympus”

Connection to Zeus



Europa and Aegina

In Blood of Zeus, three judges are shown to discern what becomes of the souls of the dead. These judges exist in Greek mythology too, and all three are sons of Zeus. King Minos and King Radamanthus were born to Zeus and Europa, while King Aecus’ mother was Aegina. While Hades rules the Underworld in Blood of Zeus, the three kings aid the god of the dead in deciding which souls travel to Elysium or are condemned to Tartarus to suffer eternal torment.

The three judges are briefly seen in Blood of Zeus season 1, though return in a bigger way in season 2. In Blood of Zeus season 2, the three judges are forced to adjudge their father’s fate after Zeus’ death in the finale of season 1. They eventually decide to condemn Zeus to Tartarus due to his infidelity and treatment of Seraphim, Electra’s other son and Heron’s half-brother. It is unclear whether the three kings are demigods, though it can be assumed they are given that they share blood with Zeus as Heron does.


Other Potential Children Of Zeus In Blood Of Zeus

Some Other Characters’ Parentage Is Unclear In Blood Of Zeus

Aphrodite scowling in Blood of Zeus

Given the many interpretations of Greek mythology, the parentage of some characters in Blood of Zeus is unclear, to say the least. One such character is the aforementioned Aphrodite. The goddess of love is known to be the daughter of Zeus in some interpretations of Greek myth, while others say she formed from the primordial god Ouranous. Blood of Zeus does not confirm this, either way, leaving Aprhodite’s parentage unclear.

Another character whose connection to Zeus in Blood of Zeus is unclear is Persephone. Persephone is introduced as Hades’ wife in Blood of Zeus season 2 and plays an integral role in the sophomore outing. In Greek myth, Persephone is known as the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, though her connection to the latter is not outlined in Blood of Zeus season 2. Finally, the god Dionysus is another son of Zeus in Greek mythology and, while he appears briefly in Blood of Zeus, he is never named.

blood of zeus

Blood of Zeus


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Blood of Zeus is a Netflix animated series that follows Heron, a demigod who discovers his true identity and confronts the Olympic gods to save the world from destruction. The show draws inspiration from Greek mythology and serves as an addition to the real-life Hellenic myths.


Jason O’Mara

Release Date

October 27, 2020
