The world-famous hero Ultraman is set to enter the Marvel Universe in a new crossover with the Avengers. Five years ago, Marvel obtained the license to produce new Ultraman comics, and now, after years of hints and speculation, Japan’s most popular hero will join forces with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Together, the heroes must work to stop a kaiju invasion the likes of which the Marvel Universe has never seen.

Marvel unveiled more information about the book, titled Ultraman x Avengers, on their website. The book will reunite Marvel’s Ultraman creative team of writers Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom and artist Francesco Manna. The series will run for four issues. Marvel’s description for Ultraman x Avengers reads as follows:

Spider-Man has disappeared from New York, an intergalactic invader has arrived on Ultraman’s doorstep, and the Kaiju of Earth are acting even more mysteriously than usual. This can only mean one thing: It’s time for Ultraman to meet the Avengers! But what cosmic threat is great enough to require a team-up of Marvel’s mightiest champions and Japan’s greatest hero? Find out as Shin meets Sam, Spacium Ray meets Repulsor Ray, and “THWIP!” meets “SHUWATCH!” in the epic crossover event.

Marvel offered no further information on whom the invader is, or what is causing the kaiju to act up.

Dike Ruan’s cover, shared here, features the team leaping into action alongside Ultraman.

Ultraman’s Meeting with the Avengers Was Teased Years Ago

It Is Past Time Ultraman and the Avengers Meet

Ultraman in Ultraman rising

Ultraman is one of the most popular superheroes to come out of Japan. Across multiple series stretching back to the 1960s, Ultraman has kept Earth safe from horrifying kaiju that would seek to destroy the planet. In 2019, Marvel secured the rights to produce Ultraman comics in America. After a trio of well-received miniseries, the character will now cross over with some of Marvel’s biggest icons. The crossover was alluded to by writer Groom over two years ago, and now it is finally coming to fruition.

Ultraman x Avengers is a historic event, as it marks the first time the two have met. Writers Higgins and Groom acknowledge this, noting that both Ultraman and the Avengers were products of the 1960s. The writing duo was excited to be a part of history, calling working on the book a ‘tremendous privilege.” Fans are no doubt excited to see how Ultraman and the Avengers get along and how well they work together. Both Higgins and Groom were excited about this too, calling it one of the best parts of working on Ultraman x Avengers.

Ultraman fights Godzilla in a manga illustration.


Ultraman vs. Godzilla: Who Would Win in a Fight

Godzilla and Ultraman are two of Japan’s most iconic exports, but just who would win in this very literal clash of titans?

What Will Bring the Avengers and Ultraman Together?

Will Ultraman Fight Marvel’s Kaiju?

Netflix Ultraman beats down an opponent

So far, Marvel is remaining mum on details of Ultraman x Avengers, leading to speculation on the book’s premise. Normally, Ultraman does not interfere in Earth’s affairs–he only fights kaiju. This would keep him largely out of the Avengers’ way, but Marvel has mentioned kaiju will be involved, forcing Ultraman to leap into the fray. The Marvel Universe is full of creatures that could pass as kaiju, and it is a possibility Ultraman could fight them too. These kaiju are extremely powerful, and it will take the combined efforts of Ultraman and the Avengers to bring them down.

Source: Marvel

Ultraman x Avengers #1 is on sale August 14 from Marvel Comics!

Ultraman x Avengers #1 (2024)

  • Writer: Kyle Higgins & Mat Groom
  • Artist: Francesco Manna
  • Cover Artist: Dike Ruan