Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7!For all the strength at his disposal, Superman is conceding to one surprising foe. The Man of Steel has faced losses before, but he’s always come back for round two. But when the MonsterVerse’s Titans endanger the world, Superman puts his beef aside and lets one shocking rival walk away the victor.

In Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, and Tom Derenick, Superman has finally recovered from Godzilla’s attack. He’s brought up to speed by Lois Lane and prepares to aid the Justice League’s battle against the Titans and Lex Luthor’s Mechagodzilla.

However, before Superman joins the fray, he heads to the bottom of the ocean where Godzilla has been imprisoned. Superman tells Godzilla that he hasn’t come for a rematch, but rather, to bait the King of the Monsters so he’ll follow Clark to Metropolis and hopefully help the Justice League defeat the Titans.

Superman Turns Down an Opportunity to Get Even with Godzilla

Superman Talks with Godzilla DC

After the Toyman discovered the mighty power of the Titans, he used the Dreamstone to bring them all to the DC Universe in a bold attempt to destroy the Justice League. Ever concerned with preserving the natural order, Godzilla made a beeline for the biggest aberration he detected: Superman. Godzilla attacked Metropolis, forcing Superman and several Leaguers to fight the Titan. Unfortunately, during the battle, Shazam briefly turned back into the vulnerable Billy Batson right as Godzilla attacked with his atomic breath. Superman shielded Billy from the blast, but the intense radiation left Superman defeated and in critical care.

Fans were shocked when Godzilla eked out a victory over Superman in their first match-up. But as is the case in many crossovers, some may have assumed that the two were set for an eventual rematch that would have left it an even tie between Godzilla and Clark. Unfortunately, Superman had much bigger concerns on his mind other than getting even with Godzilla. Luthor and the Titans were wrecking Metropolis and they needed to be dealt with promptly. Maybe it’s a tad disappointing, but it’s a good reminder of where Superman’s priorities lie in situations like this.

Superman is Fine Letting Godzilla Have the Win as Long as Everyone is Safe

Superman Leads Godzilla to Battle DC

Is it disappointing not seeing Superman get a solid victory over Godzilla? Perhaps. But Clark isn’t the kind of person to worry about that kind of thing. He’s far more concerned with making sure the world is stable. He’s not just gonna go pick a fight with Godzilla because of some slight. Superman would rather put his time and energy into making sure the King of the Monsters gets back to his home safely. Maybe it’s not the spectacle Superman fans wanted to see, but it’s exactly the way the Man of Steel would handle it.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7 is available now from DC Comics.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #7 (2024)

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong 7 Cover DC

  • Writer: Brian Buccellato
  • Artists: Christian Duce and Tom Derenick
  • Colorist: Luis Guerrero
  • Letterers: Jimmy Betancourt and Richard Starkings
  • Cover Artist: Drew Johnson

Superman Deflecting Bullets in Comic Art by Jorge Jimenez


The icon who launched the entire world of superheroes, the last son of Krypton escaped his dying world to crash land on Earth and be raised as Clark Kent. The world knows him better as Superman, the Man of Steel, the leader of the Justice League, and the most well-known hero in the DC Comics Universe. Blessed with the powers of a demigod, Kal-El of Krypton fights enemies both small and cosmic in his endless pursuit of truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.