Warning! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics #1065!The year isn’t even halfway over yet, but Superman has already had one of the best comic book fights of 2024. The Man of Steel has been through a lot this year, but he’s not slowing down as an evil cadre threatens everything Clark holds dear.

The “House of Brainiac” crossover has seen Superman lose nearly all his loved ones after the Coluan villain descended upon Metropolis and snatched the Super-Family away. So Superman and Lobo are out to find the Big Blue Boy Scout’s kind, only to run afoul of space bikers that lead to one of the coolest donnybrooks in comic books this year.

Superman and Lobo Face Off with Gnarly Czarnian Space Bikers

In Action Comics #1065 by Joshua Williamson, Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, Alejandro Sánchez, and Dave Sharpe, Superman and Lobo’s journey to find Brainiac and rescue Metropolis’ heroes hits a major snag. Clark and Lobo are confronted by Brainiac’s army of Czarnians, led by the fearsome General Chacal. The squad has caught up to the duo thanks to their impressive space bikes and they surround the heroic duo. Lobo stresses that they need to get to solid ground immediately, but Superman’s flight gives him a major advantage in space.

Superman immediately gets to work and glides through space, using his heat vision on the Czarnians’ bikes. One by one, the bikes explode, and Chacal orders his soldiers to swarm the Man of Steel and neutralize his powers. But Clark is one step ahead of Chacal. Superman grabs several bikes and throws them into one another, causing explosions to break out and distract the Czarnian leader’s forces. Superman asks Lobo if he can steal a space-hog, which the Main Man is more than happy to do.

Lobo boots one of the Czarnians in the face and steals his interstellar ride. Clark breaks away from the fight to discuss strategy with Lobo, saying they need to get distance from Chacal’s forces and find Brainiac. Lobo refuses to run away, but Superman is able to convince his ally to change his mind by telling Lobo that they’re just changing the playing field. Lobo agrees, and the two head to a nearby station to gather info about Brainiac and what he’s planning.

General Chacal and His Army are True Superman-Level Threats

Superman has faced off with Lobo dozens of times, but nothing could have prepared him for General Chacal, one of the most brutal fighters ever to come out of Czarnia. Chacal was a weight around the Czarnians’ necks, but he and his band of hyper-violent marauders were taken care of by Lobo’s old teacher Miss Tribb. Tribb made a deal with Brainiac to have him take a city conquered by Chacal (along with Chacal and his army) so the Coluan could study the Czarnians’ powerful regenerative healing factors.

Brainiac held onto the Czarnian city for years, silently observing and studying them as he did any other lifeforms in his collection. However, it wasn’t until Brainiac became curious about Earth’s high concentration of superpowers that he turned to Chacal for assistance. Brainiac needed forces that were strong enough to take on powerful superhumans, so he freed Chacal and his soldiers from their bottle prison and began preparing them for war. After watching the Czarnians savagely slaughter the inhabitants of a planet called Braal, Brainiac was ready to invade Earth.

Brainiac came to Earth and unleashed his Czarnian forces onto an unsuspecting Metropolis. Chacal and his soldiers were aided by Brainiac drones and the army tore through the city looking for any metahuman. The Super-Family came to Metropolis’ defense, only to find themselves overwhelmed by the Czarnians and drones. One by one, Chacal’s army kidnapped and bottled every metahuman in Metropolis, save for the Man of Tomorrow, who escaped their clutches. Superman immediately sought out Lobo and dragged him along to confront Chacal and Brainiac and get Clark’s family back.

Superman’s Latest Fight is So Much More Awesome Than Other DC Fights

Superman and Lobo Facing Off with Czarnians DC

There have been a lot of epic fights in DC Comics titles this year. 2024 started with the tail end of the “Beast World” crossover that saw DC’s heroes facing off against a powerful version of Beast Boy known as Garro. Batman also had his hands full with his doppelganger Zur-En-Arrh and had a nail-biting, issue-long battle with him in Batman #141. The recent Birds of Prey run, on the other hand, featured an epic battle scene between the titular team and Wonder Woman (which nearly saw Big Barda beat the DC Comics icon).

While those battles were all impressive in their own way, none of them can really compare to the outrageous nature of Superman’s latest cosmic dust-up. It’s not that Clark has never fought villains in outer space. He’s done that plenty of times. What makes this battle so fun and unique is Chacal and his Czarnian forces. Sending an army to pursue Superman in space has been done to death. But how many times has Superman fought a group of aliens riding space-hogs?

Aside from the comical nature of the battle, it’s a good fight because it shows Superman thinking strategically. Superman uses his natural ability to fly to effortlessly maneuver through the zero-gravity environment. Then he uses his freedom to cut through the bikes with his heat vision or smash the bikes into one another. Though the fight only lasts for a few pages, it’s a highly-gripping battle that shows off Superman’s best asset. His mighty powers may give him an advantage over his opponents, but it’s Superman’s mind that really aids him in the middle of battle.

Can Superman Top This Awesome Fight Before 2024 is Up?

Superman vs Lobo, the Man of Steel grappling with the

The “House of Brainiac” crossover isn’t over yet so there’s plenty of time for more epic battles with Chacal and his forces. Not to mention, with Absolute Power on the way, there are plenty of outlandish battle scenarios on the way. But for right now, Superman and Lobo’s battle with these Czarnian bikers is quite fun to watch. These kinds of fights are what comics are all about and hopefully as the year goes on, there will be more over-the-top fights Superman gets into.

Action Comics #1065 is available now from DC Comics.

Action Comics #1065 (2024)

Supergirl and Superboy vs Brainiacs Action Comics 1065 Cover

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artists: Rafa Sandoval, Miguel Mendonca, and Mirko Colak
  • Colorists: Alejandro Sánchez and Mike Spicer
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Rafa Sandoval

Superman Deflecting Bullets in Comic Art by Jorge Jimenez


The icon who launched the entire world of superheroes, the last son of Krypton escaped his dying world to crash land on Earth and be raised as Clark Kent. The world knows him better as Superman, the Man of Steel, the leader of the Justice League, and the most well-known hero in the DC Comics Universe. Blessed with the powers of a demigod, Kal-El of Krypton fights enemies both small and cosmic in his endless pursuit of truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.